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Do you believe in psychics?

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Active Ink Slinger
I had my future told yesterday and it semi freaked me out. She knew things I hadn't told anyone!!!
I'll admit, she could have guessed or simply put 2 and 2 together, but it still freaked me out.

Do you believe in psychics? Can they know the future?
Active Ink Slinger
You make your own future through the decisions and actions you take. I believe in them but I can count one hand that's of any good. Don't look to others, learn from your pass, what is in the present and take the direction you want for the future
Active Ink Slinger
i do, and i do it also!
2 cents via south park..

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Of course not.

If it worked, someone would have been able to claim the $1,0000,000 offered by the James Randi Foundation (One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge). The challenge is open since 1964, only then it was $1000.


Raised on Blackroot
While always possible, not so much. Most, I think, just tend to be really good at reading people. I mean FBI reading people. Sherlock Holmes reading people.
Active Ink Slinger
To me it is summed up in a pic I saw...a sign on a conference room door said 'psychic convention cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances'. Oops.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Highwayman
2 cents via south park..

Ok, I really like this!!!
Wild at Heart
How come all these psychics are poor n shit? Can't they ever predict something useful for themselves? I mean what person with the ability to see the future chooses to make pennies by reading strangers palms rather than benefitting themselves from their psychic ability. It's bullshit.

You don't see the writers of Jean Grey and professor X writing them as palm readers or ghost hunters do you? That would be stupid... They write them in an amazing fashion much like real psychics would be if it actually existed.
Active Ink Slinger
I get a reading for entertainment.

I got a reading via eBay, the "psychic" said I was going to get engaged in Dec. Well no I didn't get engaged that month. My ex and I broke up.

Recently went to one in regards to a love reading. All she talked about was my career and how I was going to get another paid position. How I was close to my 2 year old niece. Because we were kindred spirits.

My favourite bit was picking cards with pictures on it. Out of 80 cards I picked one randomly which had "Cleaning to start afresh." Now that was odd. Other then that I felt I wasted an extubrant amount of money for an hour reading only to be told that I need to learn to love myself and that I will get another higher paid postion.

I already love myself and as for the higher paid position no I have not been offered any and it has been about four months since I had that reading.
I believe in the idea of clairvoyance to a point. I'd like to think that when someone is "psychic" they're just a victim of lucid dreaming too often, in which case their dreams start coming true because their subconscious already put it together. But in the case of knowing things about others, etc. I feel like people who are like that are generally just good at reading body language, taking information and assuming, as well as making people "accidentally" give information to point them in the right direction. But, you never know. I believe in supernatural, so why wouldn't clairvoyance be real too?
Me too mentalcase, I think Trey and Matt owe a little thanks to guys like James Randi for that elucidation.

And yes, we do know. But we are eternal dreamers wishing that there was something else, and something more.
Active Ink Slinger
There is people that do get excellent readings but take things with a grain of salt. In past readings I have been told I would have four kids by such a year. Five years later and I don't have kids nor do I plan on having any.

Again I look at it for maybe advice and light entertainment. I have had some good readings and there have been some bad readings.
Story Verifier
Bet no one saw this coming!
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
Any thing is possible I guess but personally no I do not
Active Ink Slinger
NO, they are fakes, but good at reading your facial and body language as they talk to you. if they could see and fortell the future, they would all be billionaires playing the market...
"When its too kinky for everybody else, its just gettin' good for me."
(Kinky Freedman)
Active Ink Slinger
mixed emotions about the tv ones for if they could tell you were going to call you they should call you first
Active Ink Slinger
There are really good ones out there and there are charlatans too. funny thing is the amount of effort for the Charlatans to do for little reward.
I study Yoga (Not just the exercises , they are only about 10% of the lifestyle).

In meditation you can see past present and future events. you can predict the future for yourself. over time clarification seems to clear the way and you can see future events for others, but here's the crux, Choices changes events, and not only the choices made by the person you are reading for but also the choice people around them make, so why would you give a reading with out the explanation that choice makes changes . ok so if choice makes change then how can one person charge another a fee when the reading that sits today could be nothing more tomorrow. I read tarot cards for family and friends. i speak to spirits. it is part of who i am. but i see several outcomes and i write or record them. I am quite actuate.

but I wouldn't charge a person for this information because like i say it could have several outcomes and who in the public wants to be told oh yes you are going to get married on the 21st of June in Piccadilly circle at the hour of noon, hmmm unless that girl in the wet t-shirt at the pub he is going too tonight decides to break up with her current boyfriend and is out to achieve revenge sex and your man is her target oh wait her boyfriend will appear because he still wants her and his choice to stop her is up in the air?

As vague as some readers are, it is due to be thrown into a bowl filled of little pieces of paper, all of them choices made around or by the person, you have to go through them and pick and choose what is the strongest feeling.

We know little of our Minds abilities, and the more i study the yoga meditations and spiritual awakenings within,the more i would never say never to any possibility.

Scientist have been studying this for years, they are now in a race to try and force kundalini experiences because these not only hold the future but also can heal people beyond medical help (they are researching a severed spinal cord that has fully mended under yoga meditation and healing, all recorded in MRI's, xrays and many doctors viewing them. There are people in India who don't eat, their own bodies supply the nourishment required from the gland in the brain, they do not eat and they do not defecate but their organs are in high functioning order).

Ok so I got off subject. so answer Yes i believe and i also believe we haven't even scratched the surface of abilities.
Active Ink Slinger
Quite simply, psychics are all charlatans. No-one can know the future. Some can make guesses and appear to predict, but they never talk about the guesses that turn out wrong. Same about the past and the spirit world. Tosh all of it, no matter how much one might like to believe that it does exist, and I do understand that.

But, do I believe that the mind has hidden powers that we don't yet understand? Yes. Properly supervised scientific studies, especially with identical twins, have shown to a very limited extent that there can be communication. How? What? no-one yet knows. Is it a brain function that has not been trained? Maybe....

Sadly probably not for my lifetime.

Maybe one day the I-psych will replace the I-phone.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix
How come all these psychics are poor n shit? Can't they ever predict something useful for themselves? I mean what person with the ability to see the future chooses to make pennies by reading strangers palms rather than benefitting themselves from their psychic ability. It's bullshit.

You don't see the writers of Jean Grey and professor X writing them as palm readers or ghost hunters do you? That would be stupid... They write them in an amazing fashion much like real psychics would be if it actually existed.

I dunno about where you live but psychics around here are pretty pricey.

That said, I think it's a giant load personally.
Advanced Wordsmith
I believe there people who call themselves psychics. The interesting question is why they say they possess remarkable gifts? It's always good to look at who wins and who loses when people spin stories about themselves.
The MOST intelligent among us have only used ABOUT 10% of their brain. It's impossible to say what tremendous power and abilities might lay untapped in the OTHER 90% (90% PLUS for most of us!) Short answer, YES. I believe that we ALL have some level of psychic ability but it's scattered and imprecise for the most part and is only rarely clear and on track. There are ALSO those who are EXCELLENT fakes who have honed their NORMAL perceptions to a high degree (some aided by photographic minds and who are also possessed of excellent ability in regards to deduction.) THOSE people can do a remarkable job of FAKING psychic ability.
Like knowing wrestling is fake but for a moment you allow yourself to believe in the illusion? The other 90%, I believe, is stifled by continuing interest in crap like psychics, ora, and all forms of prognostication, and higher beings. If we believe ourselves to be capable of higher understanding and brain usage, we'd probably break the constant.

We are our own limitation.

It's like that friend who's beautiful but was never told they were and now feel ugly no matter how beautiful they really are. It's hard to believe.
Story Verifier
No I don't.

A friend of mine made a living as a telephone psychic. He taught me a couple of things and when we'd hang out at night I could listen to him and his client.

If there's a real one why haven't they called me? I really want to talk to them.
I am always a gentleman.
Active Ink Slinger
No I don't, just another way to con money out of people.
absolutely ! There is SO MUCH about the brain and the body that is yet to be discovered. Frustrates me to no end that most dismiss psychic abilities as hog wash just because their mind is too shallow to comprehend the endless possibility of the mind!
I believe in intuition...and the ability to read a person

which I think is partly the talent of some people

however I have never consulted one

really interesting question...