please make up full thread titles that say what the threads are about? Titles like "Do you", "Age...", "How often doe you drop" or "Isn't it time" don't say much when seen in the list of threads, nor when one enters those threads on page 2 or up.
I am afraid I do. Some people are under such Psychological pressure not to sin that can never accept the joy most of us know .
Unknown User
Some people dogmatically deny themselves pleasure for no reason. I’ve even read of some Christians that never plan to kiss until marriage. Some are well into their 40s now
A teacher in a high school psychology class said that 65% of people say that they masturbate, and the other 35% are liars.
Never, as in ever, no-- provided that you aren't physically disabled. Even those who perversely feel it's perverse probably have at least once-- or once weekly, followed by feeling guilty about it.
I haven't really, at least not to orgasm in years. But that is because waiting just a few hours and letting someone who loves me bring me off is just so... So very much better... It is wonderful to be able to, but not need to, because some other beautiful soul wants me to feel that way.