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The Engineer
I am still a virgin and I like reading the entire page on a people's bio including the pics posted by other people
Find Simar on:
1. Skype: Simar Singh
2. Kik: simar2308
1. I am not completely bisexual tho I do have those tendancies.
2. Being transexual I love making love to Men.
3. Being transexual I also do enjoy being a lesbian lover to other gurls or women.
4. I wish I did do the full operation when I was younger, I would be a female nympho today.
5. I really would love to be in a gangbang or butkake.

Quote by Verbal

Fair is fair. They are pretty small infractions.

1 -In college two friends and I climbed to the roof of the bar we had been drinking at, and were waving at girls across the street and generally being goofy. Arrested for trespassing. My favorite professor bailed us out of jail. He still brings it up at reunions.

2 - Smoking weed in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Thousands of other people were too, but we got arrested. Arrested essentially for being there. That was a long stay, maybe 36 hours. It was fun. Really.

3 - Driving through Hemphill, Texas with two cousins. We all had long hair. We were pulled over for "driving funny," and they searched the car (having long hair in Texas = probable cause). My cousin had a shotgun in the trunk, sawed off to the point it was illegal. That was actually an afternoon in jail, and my uncle bailed us out the same day.

Damn !! that sucks.

when i 1st read ur post i had thought you had been sentenced to serve jail time 3 times.

You just got busted 3 times becasue you have shitty luck.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Rings
I 've started liking Lush, not because of stories but due to the presence of some wonderful people here smile

So true
I've never been with a male after 8th grade.
I've been masturbating more than 10 times a day.
I tune out during boring conversations.
I'm by nature optimistic and see the bright side of life.
I'm a born American with British and Turkish parents.
Five confessions. Hmmm, ok, here goes.

1. I don't "fit in" out here among all you civilians. I'm retired military, having served 20+ years in the Air Force, and I fuckin' hate being stuck in this overly-sensitive, "politically correct" bullshit society.
2. I don't do well with women. A lot of my stories are fantasies of how I wish a certain event in my life would have turned out instead of how it really did.
3. I had the hots for my 16 year old stepdaughter something awful.
4. I'm the best friend you could ever have; however, cross me and betray my friendship and I'll slit your throat without hesitation and sleep well that night.
5. In 1982 I fucked my best friend's wife and got caught by him. He was murdered 2 years later before I had a chance to apologize.

living dead girl
1. My oldest memory is my mom and me outside at night looking the sky and I asked her to get me the moon ( I was around 2)
2. I suffer from PTSD do to getting nearly beaten to death by a group of people at age 17
3. I got married at 18
4. I fall asleep watching Horror movies
5. I can never make decisions example if I want a drink at a fast food place or any where I end up ordering
two or three
6. I probably watch to much porn
7. Anywhere I go if I run into a cat I end up talking to it for like an hour or more
8. Though I am married to a man I can count on one hand how many times I have actually been attracted
9. I couldn't even begin counting women I have been attracted to
10. Almost all my stories/poems were/are inspired by one person
There are some seriously deep things being confessed here.

1. It might surprise you but I'm a bleeding heart... conservative, but all the women I care for are liberal.

2. I like chick flicks and cry at the end... sometimes.

3. Came from an abusive family situation and still harbor hate.

4. Although I'm a pilot, I am terrified of heights. I'm talking about paralyzing fear looking over a cliff.

5. When I'm sick, I'm a big baby. (Carol nods her head.)
I am a sex addict. I masturbate way too much... but what the hell I love it and no plans to stop.
dearest Marie don't be despondent. You cannot be responsible for anything outside your control. I,m sure there are hundreds, nay thousands, who would give their right arm to walk down the street with you never mind anything else
Active Ink Slinger
1-i guess you could say i have mommy issues,didn't get the love i needed
2-i never put myself first,always thinking about the people around me first
3-i have demons inside of me,that will never see the light of day
4-have a lot of trouble dealing with rejection
5-i never thought coming on lush would help me with some of my issues
6-i know no one will see this,but anyone with mental health issues,talk to someone about it
I like the dark side in writing.
I am a basketball freak.
I love progressive jazz and raw blues.
I live in a marsh.
I have no time for fools.
I spent one year as a psychologist.
Active Ink Slinger
Wow, so many things I could put here.

1 - I never realized 10 years ago before getting into the lifestyle how much I would enjoy swinging and the variety
2 - I have love the touch of another woman
3 - I had to fight to control urges and desires to be with some of my daughter's friends when she was in high school
4 - Despite having permission to "play" I have given my number to men who have joined us at a sex club and met with some of them and privately without hubby knowing
5 - I nearly fell in love with one of Mike's co-workers after he shared me with him.
6 - My husband's boss has been at my house while Mike "covered" for him in the office
Rookie Scribe
1.Virgin at 42 mostly lesbian porn,but only want to be with a man
3.Never used any illegal drugs
4.At 12ish I masturbated in a movie theater
5.I hide behind my weight, so that people ignore me.
Active Ink Slinger
I had seen naked mature women quite a few times before. Even before I joined the gym, but this lady I saw today at the gym, just made me want her for some reason.

When I see a girl naked, I usually get excited. Then I think, wow.
Hope Breaking taboos around my sexuality.
I can understand you might be a little apprehensive to chat with me because of my age.
It is difficult for ladies to want to chat with me, because there is a huge stigma and a certain level of taboo connected to my age.

What is it exactly that makes mature woman attractive to me?
Have you ever really looked deeply at and felt a mature woman?

For me…
There is a sense of something rich, mature and possibly deep that can emanate through her body, a quality that is attractive in and of itself.
She usually offers an image of the aging gracefully, sexy mature woman as something that is desirable, something that aspire me to and look forward to being one day – beautiful mature women. They still so radiant because what’s inside always shines outward. They teach me to love myself, and love my life, and I will attract others.
My Personal Vids and pics updated Sep. 22, 2018 HAVE A GREAT DAY!! Meow!!!