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Coffee or Energy drink for morning fix.

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Just a nice shower, that always wakes me up!
It all depends on what I'm doing the next day. But its mostly coffee
I don't do caffeine much. My body doesn't deal with it well. I drink decaf sometimes because I like the taste of coffee. But I don't even do that every morning. And I never have energy drinks.
Coffee for me in the mornings I don't drink energy drinks
Coffee, just love it
An energy drink first thing in the morning is pretty harsh on the stomach. I save those for the occasional afternoon boost if I need it or for evening just before going out or mixed with vodka.

Lately I've been having a coffee at some point during the morning but not always first-thing. I prefer a protein shake or smoothie to start. If I'm super tired though or didn't sleep well, I'll turn the keurig on while I'm in the shower and go for the bold dark roast or a double-espresso.

All in all, it's still healthier than some of my stay-awake habits of years past.
Neither, caffine triggers my migraines
If we are what we eat, then I'm a big walking coffee bean smile ;)
I got to have my coffee.
Neither, I never had an Energy drink and I stopped drinking coffee.
I am a hopeless coffee lover. I've had one 5hr something or other but it didn't taste so good. Coffee Just smells.....good.

A lot of energy drinks smell like sweat from a gym towel to me, but some people love them. Who am I to judge?
I'd never be able to stomach an energy drink in the morning. I love coffee though.
~*~*~* Only the one that hurts you can make you feel better ~*~*~*
~*~*~* Only the one that inflicts pain can take it away~*~*~*

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Dunkin Donuts Coffee all the way!!!!!!!!
My preferred wake me up is sex but I guess that Red Bull or vanilla Latte will do in a pinch.
I like coffee in the morning and but I switch to energy drinks at night....Monster!!!!
Chai for morning
Coffee, I have yet to meet an energy drink that I liked.
I try to stay away from both because my body isn't a fan of either and I get filled with nervous energy and I can't sit still. But I can't resist drinking it when I'm with my mother, and she always has the best creamers... butternut toffee with the dunkin donuts grounds.. so good.
omgoshhhhh most people know that i love coffee and tea, not too much of energy is a great wake up too XD
my newest :)
Quote by BabydollSlave
omgoshhhhh most people know that i love coffee and tea, not too much of energy is a great wake up too XD

Hell yes, been far too long since I've had this. ^-^ Wicked awesome way to wake up. Better than coffee and Energy drink mixed!
Cinnamon dolce latte from Starbucks. Or a vanilla latte with a double shot of espresso from Panera on days that I know I will be needing a boost. But most days I'm fine with regular coffee. Well a little coffee with my vanilla creamer please. smile
Energy drink. I have never liked coffee.
Coffee...and I admit, I like donut shop coffee. Night, energy drink with some Grey Goose.
Coffee, but not until 10am. My early morning walk gives me a lift first thing.
I am a coffee addict. I don't need that morning buzz at all. I just love coffee. Give me a coffee americano with an extra shot and a splash of cream at any time of the day. Preferably from my local coffee shop, Perks.
I can't stand the taste of either. I've also noticed that the crash just makes it not worth it. You get all worked up, emotionally and physically. Then you go down, and you don't feel like doing anything.
yes black coffee, no sugar
Strong sex and morning coffee - no wait.... ??