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Coffee or Energy drink for morning fix.

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Double cafe solo please
coffee always - tea in a pinch - best coffee ever, campfire coffee outdoors -
Quote by summerjones
We all have our morning fix we need when we roll out of bed. Mine is coffee, I can't function without it.

What she said..
Definatlly Coffee strong black and one sugar (not quite sweet enough)
Always coffee. Always, always, always.
Gotta be coffee!

Although I've gotta say that Krystal opened my eyes right up too!
Quote by EllenJames
coffee always - tea in a pinch - best coffee ever, campfire coffee outdoors -

Ah, yes! Campfire coffee IS best!! Especially when made right. No damn perked crap, just plain ol'e "cowboy coffee"
Neither Coke with a shot of Bourbon gets me going every morning
or my favorite Morning SEX
I'm a coffee lover.
Coffee. But I would not call it a fix..more like a routine. If you're putting booze in your morning heart starter, you have a problem. There, I said it..
Neither, I just refer my mountain dew
Cold OJ
Coffee always. My fav is Seattles Best #5 dark roast. 2 equals and a dash of cinnamon vanilla cream
Tim hortans coffee, my Triple triple would be great
Both. one of each
coffee with French vanilla creamer! ooh la la! yes please
Energy drink. Morning sex is glorious.
3 cups of coffee in the am
Coffee: without a doubt.
Coffee (with Layla would be fun too)
There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable."

C'è un fascino per il proibito che lo rende indicibilmente desiderabile.

— Mark Twain
coffee for sure

never energy drinks, at anytime of day