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Can you feel it when she orgasms?

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Guys, can you feel it when she orgasms?

A similar poll to the one for the girls.
Hihi Roc, you are evil! Putting a "I don't care" instead of "I'm not sure." ;)
its tempting to say but i'm not that brave
Nope, I have never have been able to tell. I guess my penis is not sensitive in that regard.

Now, I typically try to ensure I bring her to orgasm with my tongue or my finders before I "go for it" inside her. But after I cum I'll offer to to "lend her a hand" if she wants to climax again.
I'm trying to stir the pot, Cat, and have people start discussing how women can fake one.

Quote by roccotool
I'm trying to stir the pot, Cat, and have people start discussing how women can fake one.

Rocco my friend, you might not like the smell that comes out of that pot! Just a freindly warning
Ahhh Roccolicious you sure you really want to bring up that question up because then that means we also may need to talk about why women have to fake it..........

heh heh
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Quote by Zafia
Ahhh Roccolicious you sure you really want to bring up that question because then that means we also may need to talk about why women have to fake it..........

heh heh

We would, wouldn't we?!
Quote by ali2teaseu
Quote by Zafia
Ahhh Roccolicious you sure you really want to bring up that question because then that means we also may need to talk about why women have to fake it..........

heh heh

We would, wouldn't we?!

"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Go ahead, because it's one of the reasons I put it there. We've already talked about men faking it.
I faked it for two years.
It became pretty much of a habbit.
I faked it so that I almost believed it myself.
After 1½ year I started crying after we had had sex.
Curled up on my side of the bed, hoping he didn't notice but wished he would hold me and comfort me.
He never did.
None of us talked about things like that. Nor about emotions.
Not even my lovers noticed that I faked it. (Oh my, she's one of thoose cheaters!)

I don't fake anymore.
At times I wish I did, there is nothing more irritating than a guy who's trying so hard to make you cum, that he turns you off by his fixation on the orgasm.
(Not Completely true, there are worse things.)
I only faked with one lover and only a few times. I did it only to make him stop his endless incompetent quest to give me an orgasm. He was sweet but a total bafoon in bed, and just didn't get it no matter hard he and I tried. For all women's sake, I hope he's now gay.
Haha, Lets just shove em all to the boys to take care of xD
I voted yes...Maybe women just pay more attention or something.
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
If you are so consummed by what your body is doing that you can't participate/feel the joy you are bringing your lover, not only are you missing out on the fun of must be a youngster!
Quote by Jason9035
If you are so consummed by what your body is doing that you can't participate/feel the joy you are bringing your lover, not only are you missing out on the fun of must be a youngster!

Hm, I don't think you need to be a youngster.
There are plenty of people with different settings.
And if you don't know how an orgasm feels, how will you know you felt she had one.
Some ladies out there are really good at faking it.
Quote by Catnip
Quote by Jason9035
If you are so consummed by what your body is doing that you can't participate/feel the joy you are bringing your lover, not only are you missing out on the fun of must be a youngster!

Hm, I don't think you need to be a youngster.
There are plenty of people with different settings.
And if you don't know how an orgasm feels, how will you know you felt she had one.
Some ladies out there are really good at faking it.

I think you are right...but to me the contraction is most noticable.

I don't know, just look for the legs tremblin' and if that happens you know you did something right. God, you have to love when they get that leg tremble. Mmmm...nirvana! Best time that ever happened was once when I was fucking her in the ass and she had her legs up high holding onto her ankles and then she came and the legs trembled and the body shook and those cute little stomach muscles tighten and release. Hell, if a girl goes to that much effort to fake it, then she must really love you because that's a hellova lotta work to train that many mucles to tighten and release all at the same time in rapid succession.

Thing is, men love women in a way that can't be explained. Intoxication is probably the best word for it. Women, don't fake it, ain't no reason to fake it. If your fella is so lame-ass you need to fake it, just train his stupid ass. Tell him what to do. Trust me, if he is worth half a hard-on he'll listen and do better.

Much luv to ya.
Quote by Catnip
I faked it for two years.
It became pretty much of a habbit.
I faked it so that I almost believed it myself.
After 1½ year I started crying after we had had sex.
Curled up on my side of the bed, hoping he didn't notice but wished he would hold me and comfort me.
He never did.
None of us talked about things like that. Nor about emotions.
Not even my lovers noticed that I faked it. (Oh my, she's one of thoose cheaters!)

I don't fake anymore.
At times I wish I did, there is nothing more irritating than a guy who's trying so hard to make you cum, that he turns you off by his fixation on the orgasm.
(Not Completely true, there are worse things.)

That's sad, Catnip. I'm sorry.
Ferte in noctem animam meam, Illustre stelle viam meam. Aspectu illo glorior, Dum capit nox diem. Cantate vitae canticu, Sine dolore acte, Dicite eis quos amabam, Numquam obliviscar.

Some things are taught in acting class, some things come natural.
My last girlfriend was a squirter, so it was very obvious when she came. I always knew when it was a major one because she would clamp down so hard on my cock I almost couldn't move it.
I can definitely feel it when Tech orgasms, and I use that to my advantage, heightening her certain ways....during.
Quote by roccotool
I can definitely feel it when Tech orgasms, and I use that to my advantage, heightening her certain ways....during.

You do that so well how you make love to intensely and so erotically.

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I would never say that a guy is to 'small' but dude... really... if you cant feel it...
But thats just personal opinion that you shouldnt take to heart

yes, and that's a stickler for me. I do it to please both ways.
Quote by Guest
A similar poll to the one for the girls.

some girls I can & some I can't. it seems to correspond with how uninhibited they are. girls that I can feel are also very vocal too.