How many of you enjoy Black Pudding?
I don't like it. My uncle called it blood pudding though.
The UK version of blackpudding tastes foul imho. Worse than haggis.
That's the one, Nic-Cool. I know there are many from UK, so I thought I'd ask.
My uncle by marriage, his family was from Poland and they ate it. With goose blood.
For some reason, I don't think my local Wal-Mart carries it.
Not, um, a big seller.
He lives in Michigan too. Humm something different about those Mich. ppl.
Just the title of this thread brought back horrible memories of childhood in the North of England.
I'm over the nausea now and once again thinking of beautiful York, and green fields, and the best of my childhood...
That's like how we think of spinach here, Jude.
Nic-Cola, how dare you post a pic of my first Michigan girlfriend. Damn you.
Oh well, she was lousy with Reddi Wip.
I think it was a Hot Pocket she tried to eat.
err american food ermmm I've never had proper american food as i've never been in the US...hmmmm hard one ..let me get back to you on that...on agood note i LOVE twinkies which you don't get here
Roccolicious if you mean Black Pudding = Jello Snack Pack of Double Chocolate Pudding then yes......LOL!
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Wouldn't that be good, Zaf-Sniff? Dark chocolate pudding.
I'm all about it Roccotreat.....LOL!
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
It's how I roll, Zaf-Special Dark.
The best way to eat a black pudding is not to think what is in it ha ha. I have to say i do like them and don't really care what is in it there just yummy with an english breakfast i feel hungry now ha ha. HB xxx