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Bi-Sexual Men and Women

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Wardog
My guess is that there ARE more bisexual women than men for starters a simple example; a girls sleep over. One thing that MANY girls do is? "PRACTICE" kissing! GUYS don't do that. Primarily because a sexually curious guy is mostly focused on GIRLS. There are some guys who are homosexual and some who ARE bi (fewer than the two extremes) conversely a LOT of women are bi sexual (although some refuse to admit it. Like one gal I worked with who had no problem with stating that a female coworker was "GORGEOUS!" And, yet claimed she felt NO sexual attraction to her! RIGHT!)

Without doubt this is the biggest load of crap I've seen in a forum! Let me guess without looking at the profile; a straight middle aged guy either divorced or single living alone in a small town.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Jam_Wil_Mac
I am straight, also 100%, but I do get turned on by a hard cock. Transgirls get me really horny. So I am not bi, but I do like a cock. Just my tupence worth.

Do I spot that sporan twitching? Mmmm! Methinks a touch of curiosity is germanating and could easily grow on a site like Lush. I'd recommend a quick dip in the North Sea each morning to cool you down!
I COULD take few wild guesses about you too. THAT however would only result me being banned. Having no way of KNOWING what your age or level of education or personal experience might be, all I WILL say to you is that just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean that THEY are of necessity WRONG. So, now, that we know that the ONLY view you accept is yours, why don't you go try picking a fight with someone else? btw, straight, yes. Middle aged? THANK YOU! I'm older than that. As to the rest YES! (WHY do I think you DID look at my profile? BECAUSE you haven't read many of my posts! If you had, you've ALSO have noticed that I am well traveled and have MANY decades of experience acquired in a variety of locales, too include but NOT limited too: St Louis, San Diego, LA, New York, Chicago, Jacksonville Florida, Bangkok, Manila, Pattaya, Phuket and Vietnam. So SPARE ME the "jaded, European hedonist" TRIPE, AND the arrogance that seems to go with it.) Have a nice day.
Detention Seeker
I'm 110% Bi or even Ac/Dc just like electricity you can always plug me in both ways.
Quote by load69
I am bicurious and would love to suck a cock. Now I just need to find one to suck so I can call myself bisexual instead of bicurious.

Im ready to help you take the plunge and I will take the plunge with you too so I can graduate to Bisexual too... All the way no holes barred!!!!
It will become more and more acceptable
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Wardog
I COULD take few wild guesses about you too. THAT however would only result me being banned. Having no way of KNOWING what your age or level of education or personal experience might be, all I WILL say to you is that just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean that THEY are of necessity WRONG. So, now, that we know that the ONLY view you accept is yours, why don't you go try picking a fight with someone else? btw, straight, yes. Middle aged? THANK YOU! I'm older than that. As to the rest YES! (WHY do I think you DID look at my profile? BECAUSE you haven't read many of my posts! If you had, you've ALSO have noticed that I am well traveled and have MANY decades of experience acquired in a variety of locales, too include but NOT limited too: St Louis, San Diego, LA, New York, Chicago, Jacksonville Florida, Bangkok, Manila, Pattaya, Phuket and Vietnam. So SPARE ME the "jaded, European hedonist" TRIPE, AND the arrogance that seems to go with it.) Have a nice day.

For fucks sake girls have sleepovers, they practice kissing! What have you been watching Sandra Dee movies! Just because you didn't it doesn't mean that no guys were checking out the cocks in the showers. You've displayed all the symptoms of small town bible belt America. I'm not disparaging your educational qualifications just your primitive outlook "your not bi, so most guys aren't bi".
My age and education are probably similar to your own, that's what annoys me the most! You may be well travelled but your straight and you see the world through straight male eyes, may I suggest you try looking around. It was you that came up with the ludicrous statement that there are a lot more bi women than bi men and backed it up with a peurile observation.
Yes I have seen your posts before and I've agreed with some, maybe not all but even those that I don't agree with had merit, we just saw things differently. This, however, was a load of crap that was backed up by a 1950's memory of High School.
I'm not European, I'm British!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by IBIC
It will become more and more acceptable

You think?
Go to the LGBT forum and look at the thread on bisexuals, like WW11! I can still feel the aftershocks!
Twenty two miles, like it or not you ARE European. Sadly only ONE of us is impressed with you, and it ISN'T me. That little list I gave you included several locales KNOWN for catering to homo and bi sexual men. Your guesswork and assumptions being very little short of hilarious notwithstanding; I DO NOT come on here to argue, much less engage in insult bouts. I had enough of that in High School. I also had enough of self styled "experts" in JR High School, to include one apparently horny little rip intent upon impressing us all (especially the teacher) with what a "pillar of virtue" she was that she continually spouted nonsense about how "I would ALWAYS do this" Or "I would NEVER do that!" I finally tired of this idiocy and informed her all she had managed to do was prove her stupidity by also PROVING that she lacked sufficient imagination to imagine the circumstances that might make her feel that doing those things was necessary! I'm NOT narrow minded, nor am I lacking in imagination or understanding. I AM tired of your pendantic rants. Your insults and gibberish have PROVEN nothing, nor have they DISPROVEN anything I've had to say. Oh, btw NOW your off by a decade the OTHER way. Here's a thought, how about you go your way and I'll go mine?
Active Ink Slinger
So many in this thread have said what I feel and have posted on this subject many times.

I applaud any many who does have the courage even on a website like this to identify as bisexual. It takes a lot of courage for a man to do so.

I don't know how many times through the years I have heard many of my male friends get excited over discussing a girl they know who is bisexual. And they identify her gladly as so, but then they will turn around and say any many who puts another cock in his mouth or his butt is less than a man or gay. There is no in between for that man. And I see if often on websites. And I have even seen it here where other men make it clear that they see that is distasteful or disgusting.

Women who kiss each other are seen as sexually exciting. A man who is bisexual or gay are immediately seen by many as less than men and pariahs in our society and neighborhoods. Many places if a man is a known bisexual or homosexual, people won't even allow you to be around their children.

Bunny mentioned women doing men with strap-ons. I knew a couple several years ago. It was something the wife really wanted to do, and urged her husband (a good friend of mine) to let her. They argued about it for 2 years and he finally gave in. The first time didn't go too well. The second time did. He enjoyed it very much. The bad thing was that she never looked at him the same way afterward. She has weird ideas in her head about a man who submitted himself that way. She never saw him the same again and they split up.

It is sad but there is just so much of a stigma placed on men that it is just a harder thing for a man to identify as being bisexual no matter how much they enjoy it.
Active Ink Slinger
I do post that I am bisexual on some adult sites but I am still in the closet in day to day life. Bi men just aren't accepted as bi women. Plus I find it more exciting to be on the down low, kinda tabbo. My wife is bisexual and everyone knows.
I am still exploring (hence "bi-curious" on my profile) but I think I am, and probably always have been, bi. Why not advertise it? Five+ years of taunting and physical abuse in high school for being "gay" simply because I did not conform to the social norms expected of guys (e.g. no girlfriend, not an athlete). I had stray thoughts about guys over the years but that experience led me to dismiss/bury them. I suspect there's other guys who fit those parameters though it is only one possible reason.

Now I'm finally letting myself come to terms with the desire for a man. Will anything happen to move me from "curious" to "bisexual"? I don't know yet.
Years ago I felt the same as most of you, that 2 women together was okay, but 2 men together wasn't.

Fast forward to today as I'm trying to come out of my celibate closet & I WANT 2+ bi men in my life even though I'm biamorous. I'm finding that a lot of men are very much bi. They may lie & say they are straight & just like to suck cock, but IMO that's BS. Sexual attraction usually starts in the mind anyway, so if a man enjoys looking at bi or gay porn & it turns him on, that's usually where it starts. It may take him several years to let go of the fear & be with another man, but the feelings are still there. One 26 y/o from Cali said he lived in an area that wasn't open at all, so he couldn't find men for himself until he came to Vegas & started going to a bath house.

Let's face it, most (not all) men hide their feelings about most things, so why not about them being bi.

Society doesn't accept them in this regard which is sad, so they dig themselves further into the closet.

If they are married, they have to be very careful to hide it from their wives, if they are well known in society, it's even worse, BUT, if there's a will there is a way & there are TONS of male/male sites out there where men are getting what they desire. I in fact thinks it's easier for men than it is for women. Just reading some of the stories on here allude to the fact that the man trolls the streets in the gay area. How many bi curious women (I could be wrong) find a bi/lesbian area where they can just stand there in the streets & a woman will pick them up?

Tonight I just went onto an app that's for men hoping to find bi men & no one will even talk to me LOL One guy gave me shit for being there. As I mentioned the bath house above, women aren't even allowed in sad

So as much as it's sad that men can't be open about their sexuality, they are certainly finding ways to satisfy their needs.

Now what irks me (no judgement men) is that they seem to ONLY want oral sex & nothing else. They fear kissing, caressing, some don't even like to talk, go out & do things, & all the things they would do with a woman. Even anal sex seems to be a no no for most & I'd actually like to know why. For gay men they want all of this.

It could be a deeper fear that if they treat men like they do women, they are afraid they will totally switch over to the gay side. But I've also heard men say they aren't even attracted to men other than their cocks & cum. Could be they are just projecting their penis envy or desires onto other men. In some instances to me it sounds like men desire a man's cock more than he desires a woman. Food for thought. smile

May everyone fulfill whatever pleasures them as there is nothing wrong with taping into what pleases you.

Quote by Freetobeme
Years ago I felt the same as most of you, that 2 women together was okay, but 2 men together wasn't.

Fast forward to today as I'm trying to come out of my celibate closet & I WANT 2+ bi men in my life even though I'm biamorous. I'm finding that a lot of men are very much bi. They may lie & say they are straight & just like to suck cock, but IMO that's BS. Sexual attraction usually starts in the mind anyway, so if a man enjoys looking at bi or gay porn & it turns him on, that's usually where it starts. It may take him several years to let go of the fear & be with another man, but the feelings are still there. One 26 y/o from Cali said he lived in an area that wasn't open at all, so he couldn't find men for himself until he came to Vegas & started going to a bath house.

Let's face it, most (not all) men hide their feelings about most things, so why not about them being bi.

Society doesn't accept them in this regard which is sad, so they dig themselves further into the closet.

If they are married, they have to be very careful to hide it from their wives, if they are well known in society, it's even worse, BUT, if there's a will there is a way & there are TONS of male/male sites out there where men are getting what they desire. I in fact thinks it's easier for men than it is for women. Just reading some of the stories on here allude to the fact that the man trolls the streets in the gay area. How many bi curious women (I could be wrong) find a bi/lesbian area where they can just stand there in the streets & a woman will pick them up?

Tonight I just went onto an app that's for men hoping to find bi men & no one will even talk to me LOL One guy gave me shit for being there. As I mentioned the bath house above, women aren't even allowed in sad

So as much as it's sad that men can't be open about their sexuality, they are certainly finding ways to satisfy their needs.

Now what irks me (no judgement men) is that they seem to ONLY want oral sex & nothing else. They fear kissing, caressing, some don't even like to talk, go out & do things, & all the things they would do with a woman. Even anal sex seems to be a no no for most & I'd actually like to know why. For gay men they want all of this.

It could be a deeper fear that if they treat men like they do women, they are afraid they will totally switch over to the gay side. But I've also heard men say they aren't even attracted to men other than their cocks & cum. Could be they are just projecting their penis envy or desires onto other men. In some instances to me it sounds like men desire a man's cock more than he desires a woman. Food for thought. smile

May everyone fulfill whatever pleasures them as there is nothing wrong with taping into what pleases you.


Your posting is very well written. For me, I think my bi desires sat latent for many years - I am not sure why and I am too busy to investigate lol. Starting about 3 years ago, I stumbled upon some tgirl porn and was immediately hooked - and that grew to gay porn - and then to real experiences. I am married 15+ years with kids - and I have not shared any of my bi desires with my wife or any of my friends. I know my wife would not be able to handle it - and I fear the impact it would have on my kids. I wish it could be different and everything be open... but instead I keep it all hidden. Probably not the most healthy thing but I don't know how else to keep everything together. It's like I have two beings now. Anyhow... I did enjoy your response and it seems like you have a very good perspective on the topic.
Advanced Wordsmith
As a 30's self identified Bi woman I thought I'd chime in here. As previously stated I it is far easier for women to admit to sexual attraction to another woman then it is for a guy. I finally broke down and went with bi on my status because it seems the only way to say that I am attracted to and enjoy sex with women while still enjoying men. That being said though, i am never fully satisfied with another woman. What does that mean? I have no idea.
Among my group of friends pleasure is pretty much the drug of choice. All the women play with other women, 2 of the guys admit to being bi and 2 are openly gay.While we are a pretty open minded group the straight guys generally are less comfortable getting into sexual situations when one of the bi guys are involved than they are with another straight guy. As one put it " X I am comfortable with, because i know he is not going to be trying anything on me." If my gay friends are there, the party will really not go in a sexual direction. I think part of it is that many gay men are seen as predatory. It doesn't help that they make jokes about converting the other men.
Oh and by the way, in regards to saying another woman is "Gorgeous!" but not being sexually attracted. It is totally possible. Physical beauty is something that is easily recognizable but sexual attraction goes far deeper than that for me. I am not sexually attracted to every person i think of as gorgeous regardless of the gender.
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Rookie Scribe
Quote by LadyX
I've noticed- both with the girls that I work with and with the girls online here at Lush that easily half of them call themselves bi-sexual.

With guys though, you hardly ever see a guy call themselves bi-sexual on Lush, and I don't have any girlfriends that have dated bisexual guys, so what is the deal?

Are there really 10 times as many bisexual girls as there are guys? Or are the bisexual guys, except for a brave few, homophobic and in the closet, afraid to be honest about themselves?

Active Ink Slinger
I am a bisexual male but am in the closet. So sad
I think that most of us are more fluid sexually than we imagine. I am 49, and it is only a couple of years since I discovered how lovely sex with other women can be. I am perfectly happy to admit that I have moved along the continuum from straight to bi curious to bisexual, but I think I love men so much I would find it difficult to go beyond that. I number a variety of people of diverse sexualities among my friends, but I think it is more difficult for men to admit this than those of us blessed with two X chromosomes, although I am sure it has to do with male conditioning, not that they don't have the same potential.
Well I am not really sure how to answer that question.......I am very bi....equally bi.......and have always been. I am a 62 yr old man and do not understand the issue really.......I am bi, I love sex with men and or women.......and it is not an issue to may be to others.....
I really think a lot of men are bi, but their upbringing prohibits them from admitting it...........
I am big deal......I do not push the fact to anyone.......but if they ask, I will tell them........
I think there are more bi than acknowledge........
Bi-sexuality among women seems more common, because there isn't as much of a social stigma tacked onto it. Oh and porn? Half those girls are paid to do sexual acts, doesn't mean they actually feel sexual attraction to other women. Society makes homosexuality/bi-sexuality among men seem wrong due to the puritanical gender-role bullshit that's been around since anyone can remember. As for on here, I'd say it's mostly the same deal, but I haven't seen any bigotry in the chats, though I'm sure I'll see some eventually.

I also hate how the media misunderstands how bi-sexual people think. Anna Paquin did a rather nice interview where she explained that just because she married Stephen Moyer, it doesn't mean her orientation switched back to heterosexual.