ive found guys in the chat rooms are a bit to forward. this being the way it is and there being nothing i can do, ive come here to rant. im not talking about all guys on here just about 75% of them, 50% of them hit up every female in the room which drives me nuts and i hold my self back eery time i see it, the other 50% of them dont even say hey, hi, hello or any thing before saying "wanna private". for that reason, when the other 25% of the guys try and talk to women they are (for the most part) blowin off with the 75% of the the guys. some of the guys here just want to talk most the time. say what you will i dont really care just dont fucking spam my inbox because you got butt hurt
Being an ass hole is not gender specific. Granted a lot of guy are to weak to be a real man. But if a woman responds by spamming or just being a shit head is showing that she too is an ass hole.
So, you're talking about guys who assume because you're in a sex-chat room, you want to chat about sex?
My point is a guy shouldn't feel afraid to talk to someone because they might get kicked out of a sex-chat room for chatting about sex. I'm not forceful or anything, but I've gotten threatened a few times because I had the bad luck to try to talk to someone who doesn't want to be talked to. It's a CHAT room, not a STAND IN THE CORNER HOPING SOMEBODY TALKS TO YOU room. I come to these places to get away from that bullshit.
Folks, this IS a sex site, SOOO... there WILL BE a lot of that. I don't start conversations with anyone here; if some gal wants to talk to me let her make the first move. It eliminates a LOT of needless hassle for everyone.
Mere assholitry vs. being genuinely attracted to someone is a fine line, but I'd suggest it's no different here than it is in real life. You meet a girl, you can't just say "Let's fuck." She'll slap you, and you deserve to be slapped. You have to get to know her, be charming, put a little effort into it. Listen to her. Respond to her. At least read her profile. Same in real life as it is here. IMHO.
Newsflash: There are lots of lonely people out there.
I don't think it makes anyone an asshole to go into a chat room on a sex stories site and assume that there will be some other lonely people there looking for similar things. I'd assume people that go onto sites about basket weaving would assume others would be interested in talking about many things, including basket weaving.
Where being an asshole comes into play is when a guy initiates sex talk and his target declines. He should move on and not be offended that the girl didn't want to play with him. And not get all butthurt about it. Plenty other fish in the sea of Lush. But, seeking sexual gratification on a site centered around sex, that alone doesn't make anyone an asshole. IMO
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates ok am new here..so this is just my opinion
but i might have to disagree with wardog...
this is not PER say JUST a sex site
i mean there are other places where there is no writing involved
just dick pics and rooms to roam
so to me if you are only looking to cum
may i suggest those
but i thinking being an asshole has no gender
some women on here are just as aggressive as men
yes you can ask me about sex or ask...me
but when i say no thank you
i expect you to obey
Ok then what "per se" is it? Bottomline, some people are more visual in nature while others are auditory and still others prefer using their imagination to "envision" in their minds which is helped along by what they read. End of the day it still gets them to the same place.
it is just my opinion war dog nothing else sugar
I don't believe every person on here is on to have sex...period
talk about sex..yes
actual fucking...no
I don't do the chat rooms for a variety of reasons and one of them is the incessant demand to go private. I think people should do what they want to do. But for me the aggressive types are a big turn off in life and online.
For me I feel before you get to that point you should actually spend some time talking with them, find out what they like. Why would you want to jump into a sexual conversation without knowing anything about the other person.
This is a very complex issue......companionship, and the need for it, sometimes makes people a little aggresive, but sometimes that just because of the need to be heard. I agree with everyone that this issue is not just with the male side of the equation. I have found rudeness in both ther men and the women. Soooooo many times you say hi and your window isnt even opened its just closed out of hand. How hard is it to say.....sorry i am busy.....sorry i have read your profile and i am not ineterested......sorry on my way out....any of those. If i get asked or poked(which i am not fond of) i go and read their profile to see if its someone i may be interested in. Thats just respectful. I am sorry....i debated with myself for even offering my 2 cents worth. Is it too much to bring a little respect for that others persons feelings. I should clarify that this is both for in the chatrooms(although i dont go there often) as well as when you are signed in. It is such a breath of fresh air when you meet a friendly person in here. One who will give you the time of day.
Sorry for that long rant.
Uh yeah...have to agree. Nothing is more cringe-inducing to me than someone sending me a message, "PUSSY PIC!" Hello, who are you and why would I do that? I've been tempted to send them photos of cats.