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Are You A Different Person When Drunk?

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I am the same person, I just behave differently!
people tell me I become much happier and relaxed
Who isn't? if you say you're not, then please. Step into my actuality chamber, and we'll deflate you back to Earth. Minus the hang over.
I get loud, laugh a lot, and can't walk straight.
someone..once used the saying "drunk men are responsibility, drunk women are an asset"....from that day onward.....i dont get drunk** when i am around guys.... ( i know i lose all the plots..)
I'm the same person..... just easier to fuck.
Of course I'm different, everyone is, even the ones who don't think they are ;) People who think they don't change should have someone video them the entire night and then play it back for them in the morning and see if they still believe they don't change smile I've been around people (while I'm sober) who say they act perfectly sober when they're drunk and know for a fact that they don't. When I'm sober, I don't like being around drunks because they are so much different. I'm talking shitfaced drunk, not "I've had 6 beers and feel good" drunk. I'm talking hours of drinking. :)
In looking back at all my drunk moments I would have to say I was. But not so much any more. I have always be a happy fun drunk. And now I'm happy and fun with out the drink. And I'm not "afraid" to speak my mind sober or drunk. I just don't care who hears my comments when I'm drunk now.
Bunker Love
My Dream my latest stopry
I hate to say this but I've never been drunk. I wonder what it feels like....
Teased and Tormented -My very first story and competition entry is now up!
I have been drunk quite a few times.

When I am drunk I am crazy fearless, not mean, just will do insanely dangerous daredevil things.
So I have asked my wife and friends to help me stop at just 'buzzed' and not get sloshed.
Quote by Buz
I have been drunk quite a few times.

When I am drunk I am crazy fearless, not mean, just will do insanely dangerous daredevil things.
So I have asked my wife and friends to help me stop at just 'buzzed' and not get sloshed.

A "buzzed" Buz would be lots of fun!!
I rip off my clothes and my alter ego is released!
I try not to drink because I get horny and mushy... and all it takes is one beer.. smile
Yeah. According to my friends I get highly aggressive and violent when I'm drunk. And I have some injuries to prove it lol I'm not actually proud of that though.
I wouldn't say I am a different person, but I get more giggly and sexual when I'm drunk.
I tend to giggle more and be a little less inhibited when I've been drinking. If I'm really drunk, though, I just want to go to sleep.
I rarely drink to get anything past a nice buzz anymore.
I am pretty much still me, just more relaxed and happy. I get even more easy going and get along with everyone. A wee bit more flirty maybe ;)

And as it turns out, I should not be allowed on Lush when I am drunk, since I ended up deleting someone and had to ask them to add me as a friend again. Did not go over well. WHOOPS. In my defense, lushing on your phone when you are drunk is not easy, the "send online message" and "delete friend" is next to eachother... Who thought that was a good idea?? And why is there not a "are you sure you want to delete this friend" message?? Nope, you hit it once and they are gone. Just sayin.......
People say I get slap happy when I am drunk. They say, I can't stop laughing.
i talk more
i'm Mitt Romney. proove me wrong - ever see us in a photo together? that's right, cause we are the SAME PERSON! smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I'm still me just awesomer, (and a lil' clumsier)
Of course!! Fortunately I am a happy drunk
I'm pretty uninhibited sober, even more so when I'm drinking. I don't think my personality changes, it just amplifies. If I'm in a bad mood when I start drinking, my mood gets worse. If I start out happy I get happier.
I'm pretty uninhibited sober, even more so when I'm drinking. I don't think my personality changes, it just amplifies. If I'm in a bad mood when I start drinking, my mood gets worse. If I start out happy I get happier.
I reckon everyone's different in drink. In my case I don't get argumentative, don't talk shit, don't fall all over the place and certainly don't make an idiot of myself. But I lose track of space and time and often fall asleep without warning.
Same nice perverted/twisted/lust-filled kind of a guy...just more so. = )
Would you like fries with that?
Quote by Saga
I am pretty much still me, just more relaxed and happy. I get even more easy going and get along with everyone. A wee bit more flirty maybe ;)

And as it turns out, I should not be allowed on Lush when I am drunk, since I ended up deleting someone and had to ask them to add me as a friend again. Did not go over well. WHOOPS. In my defense, lushing on your phone when you are drunk is not easy, the "send online message" and "delete friend" is next to eachother... Who thought that was a good idea?? And why is there not a "are you sure you want to delete this friend" message?? Nope, you hit it once and they are gone. Just sayin.......

he's a clever lushie smile ......