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Welcome, to the Lush Wine Bar!

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Quote by gypsymoth
Quote by chefkathleen
Quote by nicola
They look appetizing.

Is there any dress code? We don't want any old riff raff clientele in here you know

I hope so. Something with class please? It's warm here. I'll go sleeveless.

That is a gorgeous dress! It looks wonderful on you, too.

Thank-you Miss GypsyMoth. I love the Chateau Marmont clothes/look.

I'll have a Chateau d' Yquem please. Here's the label you're looking for if you go down cellar.

Those new glasses that She brought are very nice.
I didn't see the sushi. I'll pass on that.

I saw this new Donna Karen dress. How do you think it will go with my red hair?

Flutterby Pharie
Good evening everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your weekend. I was doing a bit of shopping for our little bar, and came across these wonderful centerpieces. What do you think?

I also thought since it was Sunday, maybe a little treat was in order since Monday is right around the corner.

Also, since there are so many wine lovers here I thought I would reccomend something. This winery is about 2 hours from me and they are fabulous! They have tours daily and wine tasting. And they are easy on the wallet.

♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Good evening, all. The warm lighting in here makes me very comfortable and the cuisine was fantastic. Those chocolate strawberries were the perfect accompaniment.

I think we should order some cases of that wine, Pixie. The vast, temperature-controlled wine cellar always has more room. Besides- I keep seeing orders for wine on my expense account, but I don't drink that much. Hmm. Maybe Nic is grabbing some on her way home and charging it to mine.

Have a good Monday at work and I'll drop by again.
Artistic Tart
Well good evening Roc-afella! And hello to the girls too, happy Sunday night to you all.

Tonight I need a little something stronger than the wine. Maybe some brandy or a nice smoky cognac. It probably does not go well with cigarettes, but I'm not about to give those up. Can I get a light?

I'm just here to relax, catch a sweet buzz, and if the right kind of man walks in, maybe do a little gold-digging- I never turn that down!

Speaking of, where's Dancing Doll?
Good evening, Lady. What a lovely outfit you have on tonight. I already grabbed the top-shelf cognac. Here, take a whiff before I pour it and light that cigarette.

Did you notice this original Monet over on the wall there? It's one of my favorites. It was from his Poplar series, of course.

Alpha Blonde
Oops... I was just counting my gold, and got your call from the wine bar!

Thanks for the invitation.

So, who's buying my drinks and staying sober enough to give me a ride home in their luxury sportscar?

Artistic Tart
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Oops... I was just counting my gold, and got your call from the wine bar!

Thanks for the invitation.

So, who's buying my drinks and staying sober enough to give me a ride home in their luxury sportscar?

Damn, that's some impressive gold-digging, Doll! Tell me that's not all from one guy. If it is, then I need lessons because I am obviously doing it wrong. lol

btw, watch out for the guys in 5-series BMW's- it's a dead giveaway for 'Daddy's Money'- it might as well be on their license plate. That's todays free tip- well, that and your next drink. Cheers baby, glad you came!
Artistic Tart
Rocco, I see you appreciate good artwork. Do I recognize those trees from your backyard? Like, when you walk outside, you go past the sex-swing, and hang a left at the supersize hot tub, then you see these trees, right?

And a gentleman like you always pours top-shelf for the ladies- what else would I expect. I don't call you Roc-afella for nothing, baby.zQbxELhtDT0ihw3s
Artistic Tart
Some chill music for the Sunday night crowd- for loving, for drinking, and- well what else is there?
I'll have Anton, the bartender, get whatever drink you want, Doll. LadyX has been flirting with him all night. That's a nice pile of gold you have there. Expecting the markets to crash?

Taps my dress shoes to the Zero beat.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by LadyX
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Oops... I was just counting my gold, and got your call from the wine bar!

Thanks for the invitation.

So, who's buying my drinks and staying sober enough to give me a ride home in their luxury sportscar?

Damn, that's some impressive gold-digging, Doll! Tell me that's not all from one guy. If it is, then I need lessons because I am obviously doing it wrong. lol

btw, watch out for the guys in 5-series BMW's- it's a dead giveaway for 'Daddy's Money'- it might as well be on their license plate. That's todays free tip- well, that and your next drink. Cheers baby, glad you came!

Yeah, I've mastered the art of Gold-Digging to such a degree that I no longer require a shovel. I just get someone else to do the dirty work for me, while I watch. No point in getting my Louboutins dirty.

And re the 5-series Beamers - my feeling is, whether its their money or 'Daddy's Money', once I marry them it will all be MY money. And as we all know... that really is the most important thing to me.

Love and Diamonds... (and please serve me a glass of finely aged Port.. thank you!),

Alpha Blonde
Quote by roccotool
I'll have Anton, the bartender, get whatever drink you want, Doll. LadyX has been flirting with him all night. That's a nice pile of gold you have there. Expecting the markets to crash?

Taps my dress shoes to the Zero beat.

Rocco, have no fear, if the markets crash and the recession deepens, I already have a guest-room for you and Tech reserved in my 24kt gold mansion... Stay as long as you like... Mimosas served every morning with brunch!
Artistic Tart
Quote by Dancing_Doll
my feeling is, whether its their money or 'Daddy's Money', once I marry them it will all be MY money.

I stand in awe of your skills, golddiggingdoll- Eyes on the prize!

Are we saying all this out loud? I think we're supposed to seem way dumber for the gold-digging to be maximum effective right?

I'll hike the leg, show off the Choos, and order up another top-shelf Cognac. I think we need something from your playlist next, GDD. You got the right vibe for this little corner of the world.
Rookie Scribe
I can't find good wine in China! (Sorry, I know that this isn't a whine bar - But I can't find good wine in China!)
Alpha Blonde
Cheers Ladyx! Some nice Sunday evening chill-down tunes. Morcheeba singing in the corner. Why do I feel the sudden desire to suck on a nice fat cigar while I'm drinking my cognac now?

Presents a few Cohibas to go along with the Morcheeba. Don't forget, we have a carefully-controlled humidor here.

Evening everyone, hope I dressed appropriately.

Can I offer anyone a sip of this fantastic 2007 Inniskillins Riesling? Niagara Ice Wine at its finest! Mixes nicely with a simple cheese and fruit platter..

Artistic Tart
Oh nice- we got it all now, good men, good company, good music with some flow, good drinks, and now a good cigar. Never had one actually, but I'd love to suck on a nice Cuban as a start.

Hey welcome, Ero- nice assortment there. What goes good with a cigar?
Quote by LadyX
Oh nice- we got it all now, good men, good company, good music with some flow, good drinks, and now a good cigar. Never had one actually, but I'd love to suck on a nice Cuban as a start.

While Cubans are the top notch cigar I find they're a little harsh.
These aren't so bad and with a little flavour too.

Good with a cigar?.. Scotch I believe..
or maybe good old Hennessy!
Artistic Tart
lol, the only girls still up- all 3 of us are showing nipple. A true sign that it's getting late in the bar!

I loved the food, the cognac, and the cigars. Thanks to Pixie for opening the place- it couldn't be off to a better start, baby.7Cepd42qOC3O7mcm

I've had just about enough, and I finally finished my bottle of wine. Now where's that guy I had talked into a ride home- or somewhere...

I'll fill you in on the after-party tomorrow- sweet dreams, ladies and gents. I put a few benjamins on the table, it should take care of the tab as well as Anton's services , which were appreciated.
Have a good night Lady, and don't do anything I wouldn't do... (very short list there)

Oooh almost forgot.. for the lovely hostess.. chocolate truffles!

Quote by roccotool
Good evening, Lady. What a lovely outfit you have on tonight. I already grabbed the top-shelf cognac. Here, take a whiff before I pour it and light that cigarette.

Did you notice this original Monet over on the wall there? It's one of my favorites. It was from his Poplar series, of course.

Nice Monet.. but I'm more the abstract art kind of person.. found this piece by Mary Capan call Morning Lights. What do you think?

Artistic Tart
Good morning, ladies and gents- I had Anton, that hard working do-everthing barkeep whip up some brunch for us:

Just some light stuff to start out the day, and the new week. Nice wine cabinets, Stu- but I think they look better not all three together. We'll spread them out maybe, for the by-the-glass wines. The good stuff goes down in Van's Cellar.
Artistic Tart
So where I live, they have what we call $30,000 Millionaires- or at least thats what lots of people call them. Do they have them everywhere else I wonder.

What's a $30,000 Millionaire? He's usually in his 20s or 30s, has an expensive haircut, wears $300 leather shoes, designer jeans, shirt, and sunglasses, drives a mid-level BMW or Benz, and hangs out in trendy bars, clubs, and restaurants. That's where they are thick on any given night.

The thing about them is, that they either work the front counter at the tanning salon, or maybe at a Jamba Juice. If they are lucky, they work at Dillards or something, but they spend every cent on clothes, and Dad pays the lease on the car, plus the insurance that the 30K Millionaire can't afford either. They can barely afford the $12 Drink they just bought you, but if it gets you home with them, then the objective has been met.Rn21vKfq81qrpE0n

The $30K Millionaire is a lot of fun, just don't expect him to come through in any way beyond that one-night stand. He's kryptonite for the golddigger! I met a dude at work that knows a director who is working on a script for a movie about the $30K Millionaire, a comedy of course.rVZ1sKUW3lmZR1tw
Alpha Blonde
Quote by LadyX
So where I live, they have what we call $30,000 Millionaires- or at least thats what lots of people call them. Do they have them everywhere else I wonder.

What's a $30,000 Millionaire? He's usually in his 20s or 30s, has an expensive haircut, wears $300 leather shoes, designer jeans, shirt, and sunglasses, drives a mid-level BMW or Benz, and hangs out in trendy bars, clubs, and restaurants. That's where they are thick on any given night.

The thing about them is, that they either work the front counter at the tanning salon, or maybe at a Jamba Juice. If they are lucky, they work at Dillards or something, but they spend every cent on clothes, and Dad pays the lease on the car, plus the insurance that the 30K Millionaire can't afford either. They can barely afford the $12 Drink they just bought you, but if it gets you home with them, then the objective has been met.DuyOoa4pi5gziF6U

The $30K Millionaire is a lot of fun, just don't expect him to come through in any way beyond that one-night stand. He's kryptonite for the golddigger! I met a dude at work that knows a director who is working on a script for a movie about the $30K Millionaire, a comedy of course.pU2xwgY8syqU74pF

Yes, they are kryptonite. They usually have business cards that say "President of", or "VP of" some random company they created themselves that sounds really fancy until you realize they are their own boss and staff. Most of these guys have a lot of swagger but very little bank-roll. They tempt you with tales of partying on yachts in Saint-Tropez and exciting getaways to Monte Carlo. There is nothing subtle about this kind of allure. But to the unskilled eye, the idea of it can be far more exciting than a rich older guy walking you through a spending spree at Chanel.

They are fun for the moment, and they certainly know how to work the illusion of "security" for a 3-6 month period of time. But in the end, you need to find yourself a genuine multi-millionaire (is 1 million even enough these days? I think... not). The best gold-digging is done via the older gray-haired men in Armani that send over a bottle of Brut or Cristal to your table before even considering approaching. In my part of the urban jungle, we call them the "Silverbacks". Next thing you know you are giddy off overpriced champagne, and drunk with visions of yourself shopping with him in New York and cuddling up in the latest Prada snow-gear at his ski-chalet, hob-nobbing with other frosty-haired wives of important powerhouses of industry. But of course, then you get bored, and either have an affair or get divorced. Careful of the pre-nup he may suggest. Tears are usually an effective way out of this, based on some of the successful gold-diggers I know.

Good luck LadyX! Unfortunately my luck has yet to materialize (no pun intended). You see, despite having this brilliant skill-set at my disposal, I still end up going for the tortured/complicated hot guys with no cash. I guess I'm not a gold-digger after all. I'm merely at the stage of being superficial when it comes to looks, height and genetic offspring potential.

Oh well... I'm sure I'll grow into it.

Tah-tah for now dahling!

Thanks for the mimosas!....
Artistic Tart
Well, from one aspiring digger to another, I wish you only the best of luck. For every real thing, there are 15 d-bags in Italian pointy shoes and Ed Hardy t-shirts.ydJAiM0XM2lXGvVX And just like you, I'm bad at finding them. I'll settle for- well, thats a story for another time.lcUMQxQtSUAj8DpO

Ero, nice painting, really livens the place up. The old and the new, the young and the restless- I'm liking this place more and more!

I think it's time for some champagne in the OJ now- I'll leave the vodka for another day- or later in this one.9TYuZ4dliEH2exas
Alpha Blonde
Quote by LadyX

I think it's time for some champagne in the OJ now- I'll leave the vodka for another day- or later in this one.3km4t27NoPDc14HI

I agree... Don't you find it strange that we are in the wine-bar drinking first thing on a Monday morning?
Is that a bad sign?!