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Post your favourite meals, foods, vegetarian products, recipes, tips on living as a vegetarian (I'd love to hear from vegans too!) and anything else you feel would be relevant to the topic.
One of my favourite meals is Aubergine Parmigiana. Slices of aubergine in a tomato, garlic and basil sauce with mozzarella and topped with parmesan. Heaven on a plate!! I usually served it with olive oil and rosemary roasted baby spuds and a salad with a balsamic vinaigrette.

I'm gluten free and vegetarian (and have friends who are dairy free too) and love to cook and share recipes! smile
Proteins: The most obvious tip which I'm sure everyone knows is to mix legumes with cereals to get your full compliment of amino acids (protein building blocks). The old furphy that you can't get enough protein from vegetarian sources is just that.

eg: Chickpeas/CousCous, peanut butter/toast, baked beans/toast, homous/pita, kidney beans/corn chips, lentils/pita, lentils/rice, etc etc

(I've just been through all this with an iron deficient wife, hence I've written heaps on it, for most people it's not an issue)
Iron is very poorly absorbed by the body, from any source, but it is more poorly absorbed from vegetarian sources (non-heme iron) than animal products (heme iron). This poor absorption is generally good as the body doesn't get rid of iron and too much is toxic, but if getting iron from vegetarian sources there's a couple of things that can improve uptake (Note: Our biochemistry is geared more towards preventing iron uptake than enhancing it, I have a friend that doesn't prevent uptake and has dangerously high levels. Don't go overboard with iron uptake unless your doctor says there's a problem, obviously more of an issue with women, particularly if they have strong periods)
- Mix good iron sources with vitamin C sources to enhance uptake. Adding vinegar, lemon juice, basically anything acidic also helps as it changes the valency of the free iron to one more easily absorbed). Lots of tomatoes are always good.
- Avoid tannins with meals an hour before or after, unfortunately that means tea, some herbal teas, coffee and red wine.
- Other minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc) also hinder uptake so dairy products aren't a good mix.
- Some supposedly high iron sources are actually poor due to other chemicals hindering uptake (eg, spinach has oxalates, eggs aren't a good source either)
- Heme iron uptake is also reduced if you cook the meat too much and is enhanced by all of the above.

As with being an omnivore (no-one is really a carnivore), a mixed healthy diet is best. eg: As calcium and iron compete for uptake mixing things up means that sometimes you get the calcium you need, other times you get the iron, etc etc. Similar with amino acids.
And on the recipe front:

I've made up a chick pea salad I love. Roasting chickpeas mixed with olive oil, fennel, nigella, coriander, cumin, paprika. Mixing with char grilled pumpkin slices cubed, haloumi char grilled and cubed, raisons soaked in balsamic all poured over. Eaten with a salad of celery, baby spinach, rocket, steamed beetroot (cooled), capsicum, snow peas, coriander leaves - lots.

Often make a stir fry that is pretty fluid but generally has ... almonds, roasted in the pan first and put aside, hard tofu cubed and fried in sesame oil till crispy and put aside. Garlic, ginger, chilli - earlier - , coriander and teriyaki - later - making the flavours (added at the right times of course) and whatever vegies but always a good mix (eg capsicum, snow peas, broccoli, Spanish onion, bok choy, celery, carrots and a mushroom of sorts - shitake or wood mushrooms are my favourites. Right at the end squeeze half a lime through it and sprinkle the almonds and tofu over the top.

I make a nut wellington that a vego friend loves, tastes better than a meat version I reckon.

BTW, I'm not vego myself, been doing a lot of meat and three veg lately, though the meat is never simple. My wife is craving the meat, and not in the way this site may inspire - lol.
Very interesting insight Mike! And I must try that chick pea recipe! Sound perfect for my dairy allergy friends too! Thank you! smile
Quorn Chilli

So easy to make too.

Bag of quorn mince
Sachet of Schwartz chilli con carne spice mix
Tin of Heinz chilli beans
Tin of kidney beans in chilli sauce
Carton of chilli and peppers passata
Onion, red pepper, and a couple of chillis all finely chopped.

Use some spray oil in a pan, throw in the chopped onion, pepper and chilli, fry for a minute or so until onions soft, put in the quorn, kidney beans, chilli beans and passata, stir. Add the sachet then gently heat until hot all the way through (usually about 20 mins). Serve with rice of your choice, but cauliflower rice is a good choice.

Enjoy. Makes a lot too, and can be frozen as well x
Great thread idea!!

Incorporating more just veggie meals is a great idea! I'm not a huge meat eater, as I tend to eat meat maybe two times a week .... I'll make note of my recipes and share!

I eat mostly vegetarian, but I am not a fanatic about it. I do like dairy and fish and occasionally I will eat a medium rare to rare steak. My favorite dish is pasta with olive oil, roasted garlic, arugula, grated parmesan and plenty of black pepper...thank you Giada De Laurentiis.
Chaff... biggrin

Haha, I jest, I've had several VERY delicious vegetarian meals in my time.
I've tired to create a few myself, but it's hard to resist throwing a little bacon into the works ;)

A question I've always been curious about, is how different vegetarians define "meat"?
In particular, how some see fish and/or chicken as non-meat?
It's always confused me because personally, I define all animal flesh as meat, but perhaps others don't :S

soba noodles with sesame seeds