We had a restaurant in Melbourne when I was younger called, Death by Chocolate. They only served chocolate related meals for entree, main and desert.
Needless to say I couldn't look at chocolate for a month after eating there.
I went to a basketball game, college, back when I was younger with some friends. For halftime they had a chocolate mousse eating contest - I hadn't been eating a lot of square meals back then, and figured, ooo - free food plus... CHOCOLATE. I volunteered. I was sick the entire next day. Never much cared for chocolate mousse after that...
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Every evening I'll have a little bowl of frozen yoghurt, drizzle of honey and some toasted almonds or other nuts.
I have SUCH a sweet tooth, that a small portion in the evening is necessary to fend off the cravings.
(Or so I tell myself)
When I was growing up, after every lunch and every dinner, we had dessert. You could choose fruit or yogurt. Also we had a sandwich in the afternoon and usually took some fruit after.
This is, or at least was when I was a child, pretty common in Spain. I would say that the same happened in every home.
We only had other kind of desserts in Christmas period, if there was some kind of special celebration or if we were in a restaurant.
Since I'm on my own, I don't always do it... sometimes because I forget at all to buy fruits and yogurts, or because I make unhealthy choices, or when I eat in the office because I don't have much time... But when I'm making an effort for eating well, I have dessert twice a day, usually fruit, sometimes a natural yogurt.
I hardly ever have dessert. I honestly usually save that kind of thing for the holidays. Once in a blue moon something might tickle my fancy, but not often.