French fries, peanut sauce and raw onions
Quote by SSean08
Hot Turkey and sauerkraut. Most people don't associate them when baking a turkey. It is so good with the stuffing as well and gravy
Quote by blueiris
Well, at my end of the world this is quite a common combination. We actually call the sauerkraut "sour cabbage" (or kiselo zele in Bulgarian lol) and we usually cook it with pork, chicken or turkey (stuffed for Christmas). Most people make the sour cabbage on their ownat home and by the way the sour salty juice in which it is kept after it undergoes fermentation is the best remedy for a hangover hehe ;) If anyone wants the recipe for sour cabbage, I'll provide it;)
Quote by SSean08
I grew up in the state of Maryland, USA. From what I understand the German people that immigrated to the state brought the sauerkraut and turkey to the state.
When I mention this combination to people from other states they get freaked out.
I make my own sauerkraut (sour cabbage) using a fermenting crock. It is so good and like you said goes well with pork and dumplings. And when I stuff a chicken I open a jar.
I didn't realize the juice is good for hangovers. I will have to remember that.
Quote by blueiris
Well, we make it mostly by just adding water and salt to the raw cabbage and keep it at slightly below room temperature to ferment. As for it being helful with hangovers - it's guaranteed;-) In Bulgaria we call it "get sober stock" or something like that in translation hehe
Quote by SSean08
I don't even use water. I shred the cabbage and mash it with some salt. The salt brings out the water in the cabbage. I load it in a fermenting crock for 6-8 weeks with some weights on top. I then jar it and refrigerate.
Thank you for the recipe for a hangover. I will definitely be pushing it with friends and relatives. How much of the "get sober stock" to drink to cure the hangover?
Quote by Guest
We use water because we don't shred the cabbage - we put the hole cabbage heads because we use the leaves to make dolmas (sour cabbage leaves stuffed with rice and minced meat). That is why we need to put water as well;-) As for how much sour cabbage juice you should drink, it's up to you (obvioulsy it depoends on how much you had drunk the previous night lol:-)))))
Here is a pic of the dish I am talking about
Quote by Shannon3K
Klondike Bar and's delightful!
Quote by LaylaJune
Sometimes at the deli in my office building, I see people ordering lox and cream cheese on a cinnamon raisin bagel. The thought makes me a little ill.