And you testin What? Pre-drug fields?
Was she a lezzy or like animals? You know," I'l get you and your little dog, too."
Damn, throw a bucket of water on her or hose her down.
funny tech, I used to watch that every year when it was on TV, now that I own it, I haven't watched it once. But, that is exactly what I thought of when I saw the poppies!!!
Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
800 - It's're supposed to be a dude...and I only know those are poppies because of my Wizard of Oz obsession.
chef - I loved the movie so much I bought it and then couldn't watch it for years because it scared the shit out of my daughter. FINALLY last year (after years of explaining that the witch was really Margaret Hamilton and showing her old coffee commercials that she was in) my girl became brave enough to watch it with me and now it is a favorite of hers too!
bat - that's the line that scared my daughter, "I'll get you, and your little dog too!" GOD what a witch! (oh ya...she was a witch).
See, I didn't know those were poppies, either. My first impression when I saw them was of those little flowers you get when you make a donation at a four-way stop.
Hmmm, "four-way", he said.
those are for the vets aren't they?
I wouldn't mind being a veteran of four-ways.
The poppies for a donation. I think it's for the VFW's
In the sixties my grandma had some beautiful flowers in the front yard at the ranch. One day a cousin came to visit and took me aside.
"Those are poppies"
"Yeah? So?"
"Poppies is where heroin comes from."
"Jezzus C2C... they're worth a fucking fortune."
"Grandma likes the flowers, says the blooms are pretty."
"Jezzus... you got to be kidding me."
"What're you gonna do now?"
"NOthing... they're my grandmas flowers, not mine."
I was amazed to learn years later that they actually were the type of poppies that one got heroin from. Totally flabbergasted. A relative saw them, mentioned that little fact to my grandpa and he called the sheriff for confirmation. They were and the sheriff destroyed them for my grandparents.
Wow, look at all those donations.
Marines Ignore Poppies To Not Upset Afghans
GARMSER, Afghanistan | The Marines of Bravo Company's 1st Platoon sleep beside a grove of poppies. Troops in the 2nd Platoon playfully swat at the heavy opium bulbs while walking through the fields. Afghan laborers scraping the plant's gooey resin smile and wave.
Last week, the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit moved into southern Helmand province, the world's largest opium poppy-growing region, and now find themselves surrounded by green fields of the illegal plants that produce the main ingredient of heroin.
The Taliban, whose fighters are exchanging daily fire with the Marines in Garmser, derives up to $100 million a year from the poppy harvest by taxing farmers and charging safe passage fees - money that will buy weapons for use against U.S., NATO and Afghan troops.
Yet the Marines are not destroying the plants. In fact, they are reassuring villagers the poppies won't be touched. American commanders say the Marines would only alienate people and drive them to take up arms if they eliminated the impoverished Afghans' only source of income.
Many Marines in the field are scratching their heads over the situation.
"It's kind of weird. We're coming over here to fight the Taliban. We see this. We know it's bad. But at the same time we know it's the only way locals can make money," said 1st Lt. Adam Lynch, 27, of Barnstable, Mass.
Look what I started! Talk about 6 degrees of separation.
Very interesting that predicament Chef. I think the military for once have got it right.
It's a real tough call though,huh?
No, the problem is, who makes the money off the sale of the poppies?
Who owns the land?
And who would make the money from planting crops?
To me it all boils down to who makes the $$$.
I say burn the fields and plant crops and make sure the people reap the rewards NOT the drug pushers.
But that's just it Bat. You can't do that because of what you said to begin with. Who owns the land? You think they don't know what's being grown on it? They hire the workers to harvest and tend the crop for a fee. Then they sell the crop to the drug lords, unless the drug lords are the land owners. You burn the crop and plant rice or wheat or corn, they are not going to turn the same profit as the poppies do, therefore the workers that tend the crops will not get paid as much.
dammit my train of thought derailed....
dealing with selling a house and moving is a pain in the ass, and makes my head spin like the chick in the exorcist
Of all places, *sigh* Dallas Texas. With the market the way it is my house is just sitting and sitting and sitting. I'm going to have to end up renting it out and man, I don't want to do that. Not all renters are good ones, plus it will hold us up getting another house.
Used to live near there, Chef, in Arlington.
Christ on a stick!! That is exactly it!! In Valley Tree apartments off of Brown until we can get our house built!! Then I want to move to Keller or somewhere like that.
It was a long time ago, but we were in apartments on Wesley. Don't ask me how I remember that.
It was a real fast paced city then, and you were always playing, "hurry up and stand in line" all the time. We liked going to Ft. Worth, though, and I worked in Dallas. Funny how the two cities are so different.
I remember going to a huge flea market at the end of highway 360. One mile square.
I'll have to look for it. When I went over in April I felt the same way, sooo many people and long lines everywhere. TRAFFIC is Baaaad too! with almost 400k people I guess that would be why.
*uh oh, off topic*