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donald trump for president

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Quote by apptobebad

You absolute, fucking cockwomble!!!

Was it Socrates who said the use of of abuse is the sign of a lost argument? I suggest you study the map of Europe before and after WWII. You will see more people were invaded than at the beginning. The Russians won WWII in Europe.
Quote by amy1967

Just when I think you can't say anything more stupid, you outdo yourself just one more time. Alternative facts, Jack?

See my previous.
Quote by Jack_42

Quote by apptobebad

You absolute, fucking cockwomble!!!

Was it Socrates who said the use of of abuse is the sign of a lost argument? I suggest you study the map of Europe before and after WWII. You will see more people were invaded than at the beginning. The Russians won WWII in Europe.

I rest my case and will go with my previous statement - "You absolute, fucking cockwomble!!!"

Here..go play this..

You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
Quote by Jack_42
You still don't get it do you? I'm not so much making a comparison with Trump and Hitler except to say that they were both elected. In other words people have to take responsibility for allowing such people to be in control as they or their system did. And what makes you think anything I said was in defence of Trump?

As for the Pacific war that was the only part of WWII which the U.S.A. and the other allies won as they most definitely lost the one in Europe.

You point out the Russia won WWII. Well, Russia WAS an ally at that time. Better bone up on your history.
Quote by adele

You point out the Russia won WWII. Well, Russia WAS an ally at that time. Better bone up on your history.

You mean like they were when they had the Warsaw pact agreement?

I hate to say this but to use an Americanism arguing with you is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel.
Quote by Jack_42

Was it Socrates who said the use of of abuse is the sign of a lost argument? I suggest you study the map of Europe before and after WWII. You will see more people were invaded than at the beginning. The Russians won WWII in Europe.

Actually, France won. Because I said so.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by apptobebad

I rest my case and will go with my previous statement - "You absolute, fucking cockwomble!!!"

Here..go play this..

Thanks for proving my point again. As for your game suggestion I suggest you let your eyes rove over something other than fictional things if you're going to make statements without any factual information. As for your case you didn't make any only childish hyperbilies.
Quote by Jack_42

Was it Socrates who said the use of of abuse is the sign of a lost argument? I suggest you study the map of Europe before and after WWII. You will see more people were invaded than at the beginning. The Russians won WWII in Europe.
The second world war was a war between Axis Powers, a formal military alliance between Germany, Italy and Japan and the Allied Forces, that consisted of, among others, America, Russia and Great Britain. Neither of them won the war alone, the Axis was defeated by the allied forces in a coordinated effort.

The fact that quite a few states became communist states does not mean Russia alone won the war, it didn't. What Russia did do, was break the pledge of "the earliest possible establishment through free elections governments responsive to the will of the people." the allies agreed on during the Yalta Conference in 1945. In stead Stalin forced the communist system upon the countries they controlled.

Quote by Jack_42

You mean like they were when they had the Warsaw pact agreement?

I hate to say this but to use an Americanism arguing with you is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel.

The Warsaw pact was signed in 1955, ten years after the war, as a reaction to the fact that Germany became a member of NATO. It had nothing to do with the WWII alliance between Russia, America and Great Britain
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Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by patokl

The Warsaw pact was signed in 1955, ten years after the war, as a reaction to the fact that Germany became a member of NATO. It had nothing to do with the WWII alliance between Russia, America and Great Britain

Yes you're quite right I meant the non aggression pact as follows.

On August 23, 1939–shortly before World War II (1939-45) broke out in Europe–enemies Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union surprised the world by signing the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, in which the two countries agreed to take no military action against each other.
Quote by HeraTeleia

Wow. One grandfather landed on Juno Beach, the other was already a German P.O.W. (and repeat escapee) well before Pearl Harbour. My grandmother was an RCAF nurse assigned to the British division tasked with the liberation of Bergen-Belsen.

All three were awarded medals of the highest order for their service.

So, what I'm saying is, would you please be so good as to read one fucking history book written by an actual historian and not some dumbass Pepe cocksucking motherfucker before posting absolute bollocks nonsense, please? Thank you.

What's the above got to do with the issue under debate? We all know there were sacrifices in the process of the war it doesn't alter the fact that the Russians won. And why all this peculiar mixture of sentimental flag waving and obscenities? Everything I've said is true you respond with raw emotion as though you hate the idea of accepting the reality. Prove to me by consulting history books that Europe was as free at the end of the war as it was before the war began and you have credibility otherwise you're just mouthing useless epithets.

By the way all of this is a digression from my original point (I did not bring up WWII) which was you can't make Donald Trump a scapegoat but should take responsibility about him rather than whine. And this does not mean I support him he was an obvious bad choice long before the election but it seemed the majority still thought he was a good choice so either live with it or do something about it rather than burble on about the latest proof of his unsuitability. (This is just a general statement and a return to the original issue and not directed specifically at HeraTeleia)
Quote by Jack_42

Yes you're quite right I meant the non aggression pact as follows.

On August 23, 1939–shortly before World War II (1939-45) broke out in Europe–enemies Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union surprised the world by signing the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, in which the two countries agreed to take no military action against each other.
A pact which Hitler later violated, just like Stalin violated the Yalta agreement by not letting the countries his army had liberated from the nazis democratically choose the (type of) government their peoples wanted. But that happened well after WWII ended. It didn't make Russia the sole winner of WWII. That war was won by a coalition of forces from many nations, of which Russia was only one.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by Jack_42

What's the above got to do with the issue under debate? We all know there were sacrifices in the process of the war it doesn't alter the fact that the Russians won. And why all this peculiar mixture of sentimental flag waving and obscenities? Everything I've said is true you respond with raw emotion as though you hate the idea of accepting the reality. Prove to me by consulting history books that Europe was as free at the end of the war as it was before the war began and you have credibility otherwise you're just mouthing useless epithets.

By the way all of this is a digression from my original point (I did not bring up WWII) which was you can't make Donald Trump a scapegoat but should take responsibility about him rather than whine. And this does not mean I support him he was an obvious bad choice long before the election but it seemed the majority still thought he was a good choice so either live with it or do something about it rather than burble on about the latest proof of his unsuitability. (This is just a general statement and a return to the original issue and not directed specifically at HeraTeleia)
Of course Europe wasn't as free as before the war. The allied forces controlled Europe and occupied Germany and its allies, as was agreed at the Yalta conference. Formally though, all the European countries regained sovereignty over their own territory after a while, the countries in the USSR's sphere of influence too. The latter became allies of the Soviet Union, just like the rest of Europe became allies of the USA. But the war was over by then, lost by the Axis and won by the Allied Forces. And by 1990 the influence of Russia over "its" part of Europe was rapidly collapsing, the Soviet Union was disintegrating and Comecon and the Warsaw pact effectively ceased to exist. Hardly the fate of a winner.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
I know it can seem frustrating trying to explain the simple facts of history to someone like Jack. It's why I simply let him know how stupid I thought he was and left it at that.

I'm sure with all his experience, he will think of a witty comeback. Have at it Jack.
Quote by patokl
Of course Europe wasn't as free as before the war. The allied forces controlled Europe and occupied Germany and its allies, as was agreed at the Yalta conference. Formally though, all the European countries regained sovereignty over their own territory after a while, the countries in the USSR's sphere of influence too. The latter became allies of the Soviet Union, just like the rest of Europe became allies of the USA. But the war was over by then, lost by the Axis and won by the Allied Forces. And by 1990 the influence of Russia over "its" part of Europe was rapidly collapsing, the Soviet Union was disintegrating and Comecon and the Warsaw pact effectively ceased to exist. Hardly the fate of a winner.

Ask any person from Hungary, half of Germany etc who in real terms won WWII ? The allies chickened out and allowed the cold war to be created. For most of my life we had to suffer the expense, con and privation of the cold war. People who had fought for ''freedom'' who returned to their countries were imprisoned for ''fighting on the wrong side.'' The reason for it starting was Germany's invasion of Poland at the end Poland was still invaded - so much for freedom. OK everyone had no stomach to continue or stand up to Stalin but that is the reality.

''Initial reaction to the Yalta agreements was celebratory. Roosevelt and many other Americans viewed it as proof that the spirit of U.S.-Soviet wartime cooperation would carry over into the postwar period. This sentiment, however, was short lived. With the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12, 1945, Harry S. Truman became the thirty-third president of the United States. By the end of April, the new administration clashed with the Soviets over their influence in Eastern Europe, and over the United Nations. Alarmed at the perceived lack of cooperation on the part of the Soviets, many Americans began to criticize Roosevelt’s handling of the Yalta negotiations. To this day, many of Roosevelt’s most vehement detractors accuse him of “handing over” Eastern Europe and Northeast Asia to the Soviet Union at Yalta despite the fact that the Soviets did make many substantial concessions.''
Quote by Jack_42

Ask any person from Hungary, half of Germany etc who in real terms won WWII ? The allies chickened out and allowed the cold war to be created. For for most of my life we had to suffer the expense, con and privation of the cold war. People who had fought for ''freedom'' who returned to their countries were imprisoned for ''fighting on the wrong side.'' The reason for it starting was Germany's invasion of Poland at the end Poland was still invaded - so much for freedom. OK everyone had no stomach to continue or stand up to Stalin but that is the reality.

Initial reaction to the Yalta agreements was celebratory. Roosevelt and many other Americans viewed it as proof that the spirit of U.S.-Soviet wartime cooperation would carry over into the postwar period. This sentiment, however, was short lived. With the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12, 1945, Harry S. Truman became the thirty-third president of the United States. By the end of April, the new administration clashed with the Soviets over their influence in Eastern Europe, and over the United Nations. Alarmed at the perceived lack of cooperation on the part of the Soviets, many Americans began to criticize Roosevelt’s handling of the Yalta negotiations. To this day, many of Roosevelt’s most vehement detractors accuse him of “handing over” Eastern Europe and Northeast Asia to the Soviet Union at Yalta despite the fact that the Soviets did make many substantial concessions.
Ask that same question in the other half of Germany, in the Netherlands, Belgium, France or any other country that didn't fall under the Soviet Unions influence, and you'll get a completely different answer.

Looking back, it's always easy to see the mistakes that were made. Yalta rendered some decisions that helped Stalin's aspirations after the war. Some of that might have been foreseen, but certainly not all of it. And no matter how you look at it, compromises had to be made to seal the alliance between Russia and the rest of the allies. They needed each other to stop the Axis Powers from taking over the world.

Stalin effectively occupied a number of countries, broke the pledge about free elections he made in Yalta and abused his influence on the countries he occupied. But that did not decide the outcome of WWII. That war was over after the allied forces defeated Germany, Italy and Japan.

That nobody had the stomach to stand up against Stalin is not so odd. Europe and its allies, including America had just paid a high price to end a war and weren't about to start a new one, one that might even escalate into a nuclear conflict. And although the influence of the Soviet Union on the political processes was pretty clear, the western world still considered it the internal affairs of the countries involved and interfering with them was not done.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by amy1967
I know it can seem frustrating trying to explain the simple facts of history to someone like Jack. It's why I simply let him know how stupid I thought he was and left it at that.

I'm sure with all his experience, he will think of a witty comeback. Have at it Jack.

EXACTLY what I was thinking. Though I can understand a little how his perspective could differ based on where he is. But as patokl and others pointed out, what he is saying are mostly things that happened AFTER the war was over, and do not change the fact that the Allies won WWII in both Europe and the Pacific
Quote by patokl
Ask that same question in the other half of Germany, in the Netherlands, Belgium, France or any other country that didn't fall under the Soviet Unions influence, and you'll get a completely different answer.

Looking back, it's always easy to see the mistakes that were made. Yalta rendered some decisions that helped Stalin's aspirations after the war. Some of that might have been foreseen, but certainly not all of it. And no matter how you look at it, compromises had to be made to seal the alliance between Russia and the rest of the allies. They needed each other to stop the Axis Powers from taking over the world.

Stalin effectively occupied a number of countries, broke the pledge about free elections he made in Yalta and abused his influence on the countries he occupied. But that did not decide the outcome of WWII. That war was over after the allied forces defeated Germany, Italy and Japan.

That nobody had the stomach to stand up against Stalin is not so odd. Europe and its allies, including America had just paid a high price to end a war and weren't about to start a new one, one that might even escalate into a nuclear conflict. And although the influence of the Soviet Union on the political processes was pretty clear, the western world still considered it the internal affairs of the countries involved and interfering with them was not done.

Of course it would be a different story they still had their freedom - rather obvious. This is not a case of being wise after the event only a few weeks after the Yalta conference and during the same there was dissatisfaction about the arrogant carving up of Europe thus allowed. I never said it was odd that nobody had the stomach to stand up to Stalin but you concede my point by acknowledging that. Russia's nuclear capability at the time was very minimal - practically non existent and this was prior to Hiroshima etc. As for their needing each other to defeat the axis powers they had already been defeated. But I am not really debating the events but what it meant in real terms. Russia won the war. To be fair they had suffered the most from the war but that does not excuse their being allowed to take over a huge part of Europe just because their troops were there - without it being looked upon as their victory, unspoken or not, but a victory nevertheless.

And all this may I once more remind all is a digression from the misinterpretation of my statement about Donald Trump. The response being emotion driven without any reference to what my statement actually said and it's all becoming a bit tiresome.
Quote by Jack_42

Of course it would be a different story they still had their freedom - rather obvious. This is not a case of being wise after the event only a few weeks after the Yalta conference and during the same there was dissatisfaction about the arrogant carving up of Europe thus allowed. I never said it was odd that nobody had the stomach to stand up to Stalin but you concede my point by acknowledging that. Russia's nuclear capability at the time was very minimal - practically non existent and this was prior to Hiroshima etc. I am not really debating the events but what it meant in real terms. Russia won the war. To be fair they had suffered the most from the war but that does not excuse their being allowed to take over a huge part of Europe just because their troops were there - without it being looked upon as their victory unspoken or not but a victory nevertheless.

And all this may I once more remind all is a digression from the misinterpretation of my statement about Donald Trump. The response being emotion driven without any reference to what my statement actually said and it's all becoming a bit tiresome.
Let's agree to disagree on who won WWII. If taking over part of Europe can be seen as a victory, then liberating the rest of Europe was one too, that after all was the agreed on purpose of the allied effort.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by patokl
Let's agree to disagree on who won WWII. If taking over part of Europe can be seen as a victory, then liberating the rest of Europe was one too, that after all was the agreed on purpose of the allied effort.

You all know that Japan won WWI, right?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

You all know that Japan won WWI, right?
Lol, there aren't many who know that
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by patokl
Lol, there aren't many who know that

alternative fact.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

alternative fact.
Not really
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by Jack_42

What's the above got to do with the issue under debate? We all know there were sacrifices in the process of the war it doesn't alter the fact that the Russians won. And why all this peculiar mixture of sentimental flag waving and obscenities? Everything I've said is true you respond with raw emotion as though you hate the idea of accepting the reality. Prove to me by consulting history books that Europe was as free at the end of the war as it was before the war began and you have credibility otherwise you're just mouthing useless epithets.

By the way all of this is a digression from my original point (I did not bring up WWII) which was you can't make Donald Trump a scapegoat but should take responsibility about him rather than whine. And this does not mean I support him he was an obvious bad choice long before the election but it seemed the majority still thought he was a good choice so either live with it or do something about it rather than burble on about the latest proof of his unsuitability. (This is just a general statement and a return to the original issue and not directed specifically at HeraTeleia)

Just when i thought you couldn't be an even bigger cock womble....

You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
Quote by patokl
Not really

You know Sprite is right..because she said so!
You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
Quote by apptobebad

You know Sprite is right..because she said so!
No, I know she is right, because Japan actually was one of the winners in WWI
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by apptobebad

Just when i thought you couldn't be an even bigger cock womble....

You think either of these 2 were suitable? Having said that during my lifetime you managed to get rid of 2 elected presidents for fairly mild infringements of the system -
one just for having a blow job. So get rid of this loon before he really does something embarrassing it must be possible viz my examples. Big wheel keep on turning.
Quote by patokl
Ask that same question in the other half of Germany, in the Netherlands, Belgium, France or any other country that didn't fall under the Soviet Unions influence, and you'll get a completely different answer.

True, but part of the reason is that the West very quickly saw the East as nasty 'commies', even though many in the East helped to liberate the West for which they were now punished by the Soviets (for fighting with the enemy). As a Dutch person I think it's disgraceful how for instance Poland was betrayed by us. Polish soldiers helped liberate large parts of Europe only to never be able to return to their own country after the war. They were seen there as betrayers for fighting with the West and in the West they were often seen as from the Warsaw Pact after the war. It took about 5 decades before their war efforts were recognized. An absolute disgrace.

Strictly speaking Jack may not be right, but I completely understand what he means. The Europe that had won was far smaller than the Europe before WWII. It's only after the SU collapsed that Europe seems to have regained it's original size again. Not geological of course, but what it is that people refer to when they mention Europe.