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donald trump for president

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Quote by sundancer2004

Quote by patokl
Trump certainly knows the immigration status of the 64 new members of his Mar a Lago staff, for whom he was granted H2B visa last October. He still hires foreign workers, for jobs he claims he can't find Americans for. Yet since 2010, nearly 300 U.S. residents applied or were referred for jobs as waiters, waitresses, cooks and housekeepers there, but only 17 were hired.

Over the same time period, 500 visas for foreign workers were filed at Mar-a-Lago.

In Palm Beach County, Tom Veenstra, senior director of support services at CareerSource, a job placement service, took issue with Mr. Trump’s contention that he could not staff his clubs with locals. “We have hundreds of qualified applicants for jobs like those,” he said.

After a report by Reuters in July about Mr. Trump’s use of guest workers, executives from Mar-a-Lago met with recruiters from Mr. Veenstra’s agency, promising to request local workers for 50 positions.

But Mar-a-Lago sent over just a single job request, for a banquet server. Mr. Veenstra said CareerSource referred four applicants to the club, and one of them got the job.

Since then, Mr. Veenstra said, “we haven’t received any other job orders.”

That nearly 300 workers were interview and only were hired doesn't surprise me. A new walmart in NC interviewed over 500 fro 140 jobs, they couldn't pass the drug test nor background investigation.

"a businessman does not succeed by paying more for less."

17 out of 300 is lest than 6%, 140 out of 500 is 28%... big difference. and of those 500 guest visas, just how many do you think ended up hired. my guess would be all or most of them, since coming into the states on such a visa generally requires that you work for the person sponsoring you. And what of the promise by mar-a-lago to fill 50 positions with local positions, yet only requested one. oh, wait. they didn't say over what period of time they would do that... gee, nevermind.

also, when you post a quote, it is generally a good thing if you indicate who said it.
Quote by sprite

actually, if you look at populations and how many electoral votes states get, CA's electoral votes are worth less than most other states. 508,344 people per electoral vote.

other states: Idaho. 284,628 people per electoral vote. North Dakota 174k per electoral vote, etc

well ... change the law? In this case the Constitution isn't it? Can be done.... let California introduce a a Bill or whatever they need to and let's get on with it. Or let them become 'The People's Republic Of California' as they are unaffectionately known.
I don't know exactly how long we have been using the Electoral College System, but if it isn't working then change it. Am sure if it is that horribly useless we can do better. Peeps just need to act to change things, not moan about them constantly. Now that brings us back to the Election....
Quote by sprite

btw, if you're in new york, your vote counts even less than that of Californias. 519k people per electoral vote.

As a New Yorker I am publically appalled that we are so discriminated against! Privately, I am rejoicing.

I def think that NY and California should rule America like we believe we do. We have Wall Street and they have Hollywood and that comprises at least 80% of the egotistical balance of the USA... well perhaps 90%. Given that, between us, we know better than everyone else, as we constantly remind you but you don't listen properly, therefore we should be in charge. Sooo, in future, voting will only occur in NY [make that NYC] and CA [perhaps just Beverly Hills] and we will decide who is President and all the rest. Sounds a reasonable argument to me.

In cases of disagreement between NY and CA, then the votes of NYC [that means all of Manhattan] and Beverly Hills shall decide. If still tied, ask Goldman Sachs.

See ... much better than the Electoral College.. and, sadly, half true already.

The problem with instigating change is that you need someone with the guts to start it. That is why Donald Trump was elected. It is also why Barack Obama was nominated over Hillary Clinton and why he was subsequently elected to the Presidency. But he didn't deliver, which opened the door for Donald Trump, for Hillary only offered 'no change' whatsoever.

Now if President Trump can bring about that change, against all the opposition the political elite can throw at him to prevent it, then I think we will have a better America... after tweaking. We will have a better healthcare system... not because of the repeal or tweaking of Obamacare, but because we have something there, in place, that we can improve... and this is only possible because someone stood up and actually did something, not just moan about things. And a sincere thanks to President Obama for starting the ball rolling. [I know you are listening.. giggles].
Quote by sundancer2004

I hate to concur , but the phone tapping incident .............

..Has yet to see any evidence other than Trumps pathetic rant on Twitter....when are they going to take that away from him? It's like watching a 5 year old throw his teddy out of the pram.
You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
Quote by sundancer2004
Trump won the popular vote in 31 states to her 19 and DC. 62% to here 38%

Trump led in the total popular vote for all states except California.

Hillary won California 5,860,714 or so to Trumps 3,151,821. 61.6% to 33.1%, exclusive of the other candidates

So California gave Hillary the popular vote for all states as claimed by the Democrats and the somewhat tower of pisa leaning press/media
Deduct her California vote from her national vote leaving her with 54,978,783 and deduct Trumps California vote from his national total, leaving him with 57,113.976, he wins in a landslide in the other 49 states, 51.3% to her 48.7%

So, in effect, Hillary was elected president of California and Trump was elected president of the rest of the country by a substantial margin.

This exemplifies the wisdom of the Electoral College to prevent the votes of any one heavily populated state from overriding the votes of the others.

Nationally, Hillary won 48% of the vote to Trump's 47% You can add and subtract as much as you want. However you look at it the popular vote went to Hillary.

You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
Quote by sprite
You know, we can really stop debating this anytime now. the way things are going, in about another month, there's not going to be a lot to support. guy just seems to be hell bent on proving all his detractors right.

You could shut this one and then we could have brand new one called "What's he done now?"
You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
Quote by sundancer2004
Trump led in the total popular vote for all states except California.


So, in effect, Hillary was elected president of California and Trump was elected president of the rest of the country by a substantial margin.

This exemplifies the wisdom of the Electoral College to prevent the votes of any one heavily populated state from overriding the votes of the others.

Wait, hold on, he did not win the popular vote in all states except California, so you're basically gerrymandering with states. LOL. He won the electoral vote for sure, but she won the popular vote.


Quote by sundancer2004
Trump won the popular vote in 31 states to her 19 and DC. 62% to here 38%

Trump led in the total popular vote for all states except California.

Hillary won California 5,860,714 or so to Trumps 3,151,821. 61.6% to 33.1%, exclusive of the other candidates

So California gave Hillary the popular vote for all states as claimed by the Democrats and the somewhat tower of pisa leaning press/media
Deduct her California vote from her national vote leaving her with 54,978,783 and deduct Trumps California vote from his national total, leaving him with 57,113.976, he wins in a landslide in the other 49 states, 51.3% to her 48.7%

So, in effect, Hillary was elected president of California and Trump was elected president of the rest of the country by a substantial margin.

This exemplifies the wisdom of the Electoral College to prevent the votes of any one heavily populated state from overriding the votes of the others.

Your logic is ridiculous. It's like saying if Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania were;t counted, Clinton would have won the electoral college. Clinton won the popular vote. That's the second time that the loser of the popular vote was elected President.
Quote by Ruthie

Your logic is ridiculous. It's like saying if Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania were;t counted, Clinton would have won the electoral college. Clinton won the popular vote. That's the second time that the loser of the popular vote was elected President.

I also believe it will not be the last sweet lady. In coming years I sense that it might be common, given changing demographics.
Quote by apptobebad
You could shut this one and then we could have brand new one called "What's he done now?"

I think you should go ahead and start that one anyway. or perhaps "What are today's alternate facts?"
Quote by hayley

giggles.. I see you have quoted the 'Golden Rule' ... that those with the gold should make the rules!.... most of the time they do.
No, I did not. I said that their votes should not weigh less, not that it should weigh more.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by MostPreciousLittle

giggles... Careful now... remember we are the 'friend' that tapped Angela Merkel's mobile phone... and David Cameron's when he was Prime Minister in the UK.

Come to think of it, we also celebrated on the cover of Time magazine when we meddled in the Russian Elections.. [do you sense a feeling of Karma in the air?]... not to mention our performance in Grenada, Chile, Australia and heaps of other places that had democratically elected governments that didn't suit us. Do you honestly believe that we don't have domestic surveillance?.
Of course we do. Bet 'they' are reading this as I post it.
Quote by hayley

well ... change the law? In this case the Constitution isn't it? Can be done.... let California introduce a a Bill or whatever they need to and let's get on with it. Or let them become 'The People's Republic Of California' as they are unaffectionately known.
I don't know exactly how long we have been using the Electoral College System, but if it isn't working then change it. Am sure if it is that horribly useless we can do better. Peeps just need to act to change things, not moan about them constantly. Now that brings us back to the Election....

The people of The United States want socialism. The people of Venezuela want toilet paper.
A recent article in "The Miami Herald" reveals that the food shortages caused by the economic collapse in Venezuela have had at least one positive side effect. Whereas before Venezuelans were having problems being overrun by herds of wild burros (donkeys), they've solved the problem by eating them. Now they have no burros or toilet paper.
Quote by Ruthie

Your logic is ridiculous. It's like saying if Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania were;t counted, Clinton would have won the electoral college. Clinton won the popular vote. That's the second time that the loser of the popular vote was elected President.

As Perry Mason used to say, "Irrelevant and immaterial". The national popular vote count has no place in our national election process. That process is set up per the Constitution and conducted on a state by state basis. The Constitution states just how many electoral college votes each state gets. The individual states get to decide how their electors are selected, and how they are required to vote, or not.

You can't say Trump is not the legitimate victor because he didn't win the popular vote. If the two campaigns were fighting over the popular vote, neither candidate would have ever set foot in New Hampshire, Vermont, Delaware or any of the other spots with low population. The election would have been about who won the most populous states, and that's where the campaign would have been fought out.

And that is why there's an Electoral College. Firstly to force someone to pay attention to the needs and desires of the smaller states. And secondly because without the compromise that set up the Electoral College, the smaller states would never have agreed to ratify the Constitution in the first place. Got it? No Electoral College -> no Constitution -> no United States of America.
The people of The United States want socialism. The people of Venezuela want toilet paper.
A recent article in "The Miami Herald" reveals that the food shortages caused by the economic collapse in Venezuela have had at least one positive side effect. Whereas before Venezuelans were having problems being overrun by herds of wild burros (donkeys), they've solved the problem by eating them. Now they have no burros or toilet paper.
Quote by Seax

As Perry Mason used to say, "Irrelevant and immaterial". The national popular vote count has no place in our national election process. That process is set up per the Constitution and conducted on a state by state basis. The Constitution states just how many electoral college votes each state gets. The individual states get to decide how their electors are selected, and how they are required to vote, or not.

You can't say Trump is not the legitimate victor because he didn't win the popular vote. If the two campaigns were fighting over the popular vote, neither candidate would have ever set foot in New Hampshire, Vermont, Delaware or any of the other spots with low population. The election would have been about who won the most populous states, and that's where the campaign would have been fought out.

And that is why there's an Electoral College. Firstly to force someone to pay attention to the needs and desires of the smaller states. And secondly because without the compromise that set up the Electoral College, the smaller states would never have agreed to ratify the Constitution in the first place. Got it? No Electoral College -> no Constitution -> no United States of America.

actually, Trump's proved you can say anything you want. btw, i get your point about no one ever setting foot in NH, Vermont, and Delaware, but is that so much worse than no one bothering to set foot in California?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Seax

As Perry Mason used to say, "Irrelevant and immaterial". The national popular vote count has no place in our national election process. That process is set up per the Constitution and conducted on a state by state basis. The Constitution states just how many electoral college votes each state gets. The individual states get to decide how their electors are selected, and how they are required to vote, or not.

You can't say Trump is not the legitimate victor because he didn't win the popular vote. If the two campaigns were fighting over the popular vote, neither candidate would have ever set foot in New Hampshire, Vermont, Delaware or any of the other spots with low population. The election would have been about who won the most populous states, and that's where the campaign would have been fought out.

And that is why there's an Electoral College. Firstly to force someone to pay attention to the needs and desires of the smaller states. And secondly because without the compromise that set up the Electoral College, the smaller states would never have agreed to ratify the Constitution in the first place. Got it? No Electoral College -> no Constitution -> no United States of America.

Nowhere in my quote did I challenge Trump's victory. I pointed out the absurdity of leaving California out of the popular vote count.

I think that the electoral vote should be more adequately divided by population. One vote shouldn't count for less than another. The vote is based on the number of members of congress rather than population. Every state gets one congressmen, higher populated states get more. Thu is what the Founding Fathers intended. Each state has two senators. Originally, they didn't intend for Senators to be elected, but appointed by the various state legislatures. Slaves, or immigrant Africans, as Dr. Ben Carver likes to refer to them, were counted as 3/5 of a person but had no vote at all. That helped boost the Representatives in The House for the slave owning states, raising the number of electors they had.

People in populous states are counted as less than one person now in the Electoral vote. If my state is underrepresented in Congress, my vote is worth less than those who are over represented. In an equitable system, all of us would be represented equally. With states gerrymandered the way they are, even our local elections aren't equatable.
Quote by Seax
As Perry Mason used to say, "Irrelevant and immaterial". The national popular vote count has no place in our national election process. That process is set up per the Constitution and conducted on a state by state basis. The Constitution states just how many electoral college votes each state gets. The individual states get to decide how their electors are selected, and how they are required to vote, or not.

You can't say Trump is not the legitimate victor because he didn't win the popular vote. If the two campaigns were fighting over the popular vote, neither candidate would have ever set foot in New Hampshire, Vermont, Delaware or any of the other spots with low population. The election would have been about who won the most populous states, and that's where the campaign would have been fought out.

And that is why there's an Electoral College. Firstly to force someone to pay attention to the needs and desires of the smaller states. And secondly because without the compromise that set up the Electoral College, the smaller states would never have agreed to ratify the Constitution in the first place. Got it? No Electoral College -> no Constitution -> no United States of America.

Just becasue the Founding Fathers came up with the idea doesn't mean it's still a good one. Since you're quoting the Constitution... let's look at issues with the Constitution that our Founding Fathers thought was a good idea that later became a bad one... starting with SLAVERY. Slaves were counted as 3/5 of a person so the slave states had more representatives. I've met many short people, but I've never met anyone I would consider 3/5 of a person. Also, would you deny the need for the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments?

Then there is the 19th Amendment that finally granted women the right to vote. The Founding Fathers didn't want women to have that right or it would have been in the Constitution from day one.

And let's not forget the the need for the 22nd Amendment. I'm sure our Founding Fathers never thought anyone would take advantage of that little loop hole... but FDR sure did.

Yes... Trump won because he campaigned in the states where he knew he had the best chance to get the necessary Electoral College votes to win. Thus, he proved why we need to get rid of the Electoral College. Had the results gone the other way... I highly doubt those of you who supported him would be acting any differently. You'd be demanding the end of the Electoral College because Clinton hadn't won the popular vote.
Quote by Seax

As Perry Mason used to say, "Irrelevant and immaterial". The national popular vote count has no place in our national election process. That process is set up per the Constitution and conducted on a state by state basis. The Constitution states just how many electoral college votes each state gets. The individual states get to decide how their electors are selected, and how they are required to vote, or not.

You can't say Trump is not the legitimate victor because he didn't win the popular vote. If the two campaigns were fighting over the popular vote, neither candidate would have ever set foot in New Hampshire, Vermont, Delaware or any of the other spots with low population. The election would have been about who won the most populous states, and that's where the campaign would have been fought out.

And that is why there's an Electoral College. Firstly to force someone to pay attention to the needs and desires of the smaller states. And secondly because without the compromise that set up the Electoral College, the smaller states would never have agreed to ratify the Constitution in the first place. Got it? No Electoral College -> no Constitution -> no United States of America.
There was debate on which form the election process should get, and in the end, the choice was made for the electoral college. That much is true. However, that another choice would not have led to the foundation of the USA is pure speculation on your part. All the 13 states involved were working to create the union, and they probably would have anyway.

The intention of the electoral collage however was, that the electors would decide independently and individually. Hamilton, one of the main designers of the electoral college says this about it in Federalist 68:
"It was equally desirable, that the immediate election should be made by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice. A small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations."

The winner takes all strategy, that was adopted when the constitution was already in place, clearly goes against that, because it turns the elector into mindless pawns of the majority and it eliminates their possibility to analyse, and takes away their choice. Two of the main architects of the electoral college, Hamilton and Madison, strongly objected to that, and even tried to amend the constitution to forbid it. To no avail. The result is, that the electoral college of today is not what the framers of the constitution had in mind, when writing the constitution. They wanted electors who were free to think, analyse and choose, not straw men who were legally bound to blindly follow the majority.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by patokl
There was debate on which form the election process should get, and in the end, the choice was made for the electoral college. That much is true. However, that another choice would not have led to the foundation of the USA is pure speculation on your part. All the 13 states involved were working to create the union, and they probably would have anyway.

The intention of the electoral collage however was, that the electors would decide independently and individually. Hamilton, one of the main designers of the electoral college says this about it in Federalist 68:
"It was equally desirable, that the immediate election should be made by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice. A small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations."

The winner takes all strategy, that was adopted when the constitution was already in place, clearly goes against that, because it turns the elector into mindless pawns of the majority and it eliminates their possibility to analyse, and takes away their choice. Two of the main architects of the electoral college, Hamilton and Madison, strongly objected to that, and even tried to amend the constitution to forbid it. To no avail. The result is, that the electoral college of today is not what the framers of the constitution had in mind, when writing the constitution. They wanted electors who were free to think, analyse and choose, not straw men who were legally bound to blindly follow the majority.

I'd like to add that there were not just two main parties at that time either, less polarisation and more options to choose from for the people in the electoral college.


Quote by amy1967

But no matter what goes wrong, it's always the liberals fault. Or Obama's or Hillary's. They are incapable of taking any sort of responsibilities for the world's biggest coward/narcissist. No matter what the giant orange King of the Cowards does. They live in a world of hatred that nothing will ever penetrate and they are totally incapable of change.

Even if it's the news and in right in our faces.
Quote by MostPreciousLittle

But no matter what goes wrong, it's always the liberals fault. Or Obama's or Hillary's. They are incapable of taking any sort of responsibilities for the world's biggest coward/narcissist. No matter what the giant orange King of the Cowards does. They live in a world of hatred that nothing will ever penetrate and they are totally incapable of change.

Even if it's the news and in right in our faces.

Well, in a way that's a relief. We just finished eight years where everything bad was George W. Bush's fault.

Pot, meet kettle!
The people of The United States want socialism. The people of Venezuela want toilet paper.
A recent article in "The Miami Herald" reveals that the food shortages caused by the economic collapse in Venezuela have had at least one positive side effect. Whereas before Venezuelans were having problems being overrun by herds of wild burros (donkeys), they've solved the problem by eating them. Now they have no burros or toilet paper.
The people of The United States want socialism. The people of Venezuela want toilet paper.
A recent article in "The Miami Herald" reveals that the food shortages caused by the economic collapse in Venezuela have had at least one positive side effect. Whereas before Venezuelans were having problems being overrun by herds of wild burros (donkeys), they've solved the problem by eating them. Now they have no burros or toilet paper.
A HUGE mistake.
Quote by Seax

Well, in a way that's a relief. We just finished eight years where everything bad was George W. Bush's fault.

Pot, meet kettle!

I'm going to set the bar a little low here:

Tell us 3 good things which occurred during the Bush/Cheney administration, actual benefits for America - or hell, even just the world.

Tell us 10 bad things which occurred during the Bush/Cheney administration. Detriments.

There's a hell of lot more of the latter, so this should be pretty easy for you.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by WellMadeMale

I'm going to set the bar a little low here:

Tell us 3 good things which occurred during the Bush/Cheney administration, actual benefits for America - or hell, even just the world.

Tell us 10 bad things which occurred during the Bush/Cheney administration. Detriments.

There's a hell of lot more of the latter, so this should be pretty easy for you.

Interesting deflection attempt there. Or you completely missed my point. Obama spent 8 years blaming everything wrong on others, most often on his predecessor. Not once do I remember him acknowledging that sometimes shit just happens, or worse, that he just might have caused some shit to happen. Not in 8 years. People are imperfect. Obama was/is imperfect. Did he have a perfect administration? I really don't fucking think so! And I survived 8 years of it.

So buck up, Snowflake! The sky is not falling. You will survive the next 8 years just fine!
The people of The United States want socialism. The people of Venezuela want toilet paper.
A recent article in "The Miami Herald" reveals that the food shortages caused by the economic collapse in Venezuela have had at least one positive side effect. Whereas before Venezuelans were having problems being overrun by herds of wild burros (donkeys), they've solved the problem by eating them. Now they have no burros or toilet paper.
Woof bark woof woof woof arf. Bark bark arf woof woof woof.