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What do you like about the new Lush?

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Quote by kistinspencil

Quote by NicolasBelvoir
I quite like the fact that 'activity' shows you when people read your story. But from a reader perspective, that might be a bit creepy!

Where do you see that? Or do you mean the people that have looked at you Profile page? That's all I see besides friend's status posts

I don’t get that either but then my activity seems stuck unless a friend comments on another friends activity.

I posted a micro to check out the new editor. Sadly when I cut and pasted from google docs, every return in google docs became a double return so had to manually delete one between every paragraph. Just as well it was a micro 🙄

And I’m not having a go at any developers or mods in posting this, just feeding back that there is a glitch. I was using chrome on a laptop if that helps. 💋♥️

2 competition winning stories, 1 Famous story, a smattering of Editor's Picks, a handful of Recommended Reads and one Clitorides award are scattered amongst my stories.

One of a handful of writers to get the Omnium badge for writing in every category

For a book club with a difference... try this lesbian romp

@deviantsusie - I genuinely don't know if this is any help - but I have my docs and word auto set to 1.5 spacing and I double return when doing a new paragraph?

Quote by deviantsusie

Quote by kistinspencil

Quote by NicolasBelvoir
I quite like the fact that 'activity' shows you when people read your story. But from a reader perspective, that might be a bit creepy!

Where do you see that? Or do you mean the people that have looked at you Profile page? That's all I see besides friend's status posts

I don’t get that either but then my activity seems stuck unless a friend comments on another friends activity.

I posted a micro to check out the new editor. Sadly when I cut and pasted from google docs, every return in google docs became a double return so had to manually delete one between every paragraph. Just as well it was a micro 🙄

And I’m not having a go at any developers or mods in posting this, just feeding back that there is a glitch. I was using chrome on a laptop if that helps. 💋♥️

Same. If I delete a line between every paragraph after I copy/paste from Docs, then submit, the spacing adjusts upon submitting to where the spacing looks good in published version. I don't see the proper spacing until after the Submit though. But I think my latest stories look good.

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Quote by deviantsusie
I don’t get that either but then my activity seems stuck unless a friend comments on another friends activity.

I posted a micro to check out the new editor. Sadly when I cut and pasted from google docs, every return in google docs became a double return so had to manually delete one between every paragraph. Just as well it was a micro 🙄

And I’m not having a go at any developers or mods in posting this, just feeding back that there is a glitch. I was using chrome on a laptop if that helps. 💋♥️

Same. If I delete a line between every paragraph after I copy/paste from Docs, then submit, the spacing adjusts upon submitting to where the spacing looks good in published version. I don't see the proper spacing until after the Submit though. But I think my latest stories look good.

While I haven't tried the new submission form, I had to do special preparations for mine due to spacing issues on the 1.0 submission form as well.

Try a find for: ^p^p and replace it with ^p

The original document will look like utter garbage as a wall of text. ( Keep a readable master copy ) but it came out right once pasted and submitted. May be worth a try if you have the extra lines between paragraphs.

Yes. I had the same issue in Lush 1. Like AppleByBoom, I altered my "normal" style in Word to have a slightly larger line spacing (1.25 for readability) and set the paragraph spacing "after" to 6pt or 12pt or something (can't remember offhand).

That way I only need to do one return at the end of every paragraph. Looks good in Word. Pastes well into here. Saves the ^p^p find/replace dance and/or the extra line deletion dance after pasting into Lush. Win-win, yay.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 112 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

The search function is awesome if you're looking through a particular author's catalogue and they have a lot of stories.

You can break it down by category, by awards, by views etc.

Want to see all WannabeWordsmith's stories? Done.

Want only fantasy/sci-fi? Done.

Want to see if any of them have an EP? There you go.

Remember it's case sensitive for the author's name.

Also remember, the search doesn't look for words in the title but in the body of a story. If you make it too general it will likely return an error, same as it did on the old version. But it's ace for searching through authors.

I love how much simpler posting images and YouTube videos is on the forums. Very welcome change.

I also like the layout for series on a story's page.

My last published story: Good For Nothing

I like that there's no more validate profile. There's no longer any pressure to send a picture of yourself, and you don't need to be a verified user to use the Site Invite function, and no more telling me my profile is only 50% complete either. This is my favorite update. Thank you to whoever did this. Thank you so fucking much.❤

Oh, and I also feel like Media as a whole has seen improvements like mass uploading, supporting more file formats than Lush 1, allowing for larger file sizes, rotating image files, and a blur edit tool for images as well. Being able to put movie and image files in the same album is also a plus.
Notifications are still wonky, but I did - for the first time - get notified that an author replied to my comment on a story. So things are hopefully changing for the better. smile

I like the fact that if a story has multiple parts or chapters you can see them listed within the original - sort of a 'continue to the next' feature.

I can't find stuff as easily anymore, can't download stories for offline reading, I don't get any notifications for followed authors anymore. I'm pestered all the time to pay. No suggestions of an authors other stories unless this is one part of many.

All in all I do not like the new interface and it's made me not want to write. I'm reasonably sure that's true for the authors I used to read, most of them haven't posted anything since the new interface came in.

new lush, what was the old one like?

Quote by Sukamo

new lush, what was the old one like?

I say this w/ a lot of love to the site, or else, why would I have rejoined?

You missed out on getting to see the bronze membership getting removed but lush being a great site, announced if you published a story before a certain date, you'll get free bronze membership which allowed continuation of site w/out an issue. Mods would hold contest in giving out memberships (I joined one) A few rooms were removed before I joined. I heard that there was music player on bio, I think if you use the way back machine, you'll be able to see pics. SimplyJohn, my favorite(which isn't a secret) was a chatroom mod. I met him when he came to room to tell me, "you can't call users whineycunts" but like, I still do, so, idk lol He's very much into thigh high socks, tea and buicuits, too. He has a big cock. Like, watch out. I'd delete my account and he'll welcome me back. Always w/ them umlauts.

The site would go down. You'll refresh, check a certain site to see if it was down for you or for all lol

Oh, then the making of pic rooms--the 1-1-1 that followed after room title. There was a limit except if you were a gold member, you'll get in easily. If you posted a large image, you'll blow up room and mobile users would get mad lol You could whisper in chatroom too.

We then got the mobile style sheet which many didn't like. Goodness me, so many members blew up when that update was launched that Gav had to install an option to use the desktop version. Oohh, we got darkmode and option to switch off pics for users who wanted to lush out and about w/ out having explicit content being shown.

We got option to vc(voice/cam) which many found it difficult to use. It was fun.

We got invited to use this exact site before merging took place last yr. The message option looks different. Users aren't able to be hidden. Block option is perfect. You block a user, they don't see your profile. Beautiful. (I dont block users cause like, no) The site was easy to navigate, well, for me and others who joined when we were invited lol

Submitting a ticket is easy and Admin replies ASAP. All the Mods are giving their free time to help, and yet, users still choose to be disrespect towards them. Idk, strange humans.

I came along and ruffled some feathers. This month will be my 7th yr anniversary w/ lush. I was away from late April until late July 2022.

A lot of options are now through paid membership but I don't mind. The chat and the forums are what caught my attention when I joined yrs ago.

Lush is a great site. Have your own opinion about it.

I feel naked w/out my umlauts but it's me.

Thankyou, Nic!

Ok, I think that's all.

w/ love,

Natalya Von

The 8 message limit on free accounts.

It makes you keep count and seeing who you should reply to.

No sarcasm there cause we all know I'm not sarcastic.