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Use of minors in stories and photos

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At Lush, we have a strict 16+ policy for sexual activity in stories, and 18+ for any photos shared on site, to comply with UK law.

To ensure this is a clear line for people, this also means not having characters engaging in kissing, masturbating, lusting or being lusted after until they're 16+. We will not accept references to someone younger than this age being fair game once they are older, or projections that they'll be as hot as their mother/father/older sibling etc in years to come.

To be blunt, children should only appear in stories as incidentals, e.g. a babysitter putting the kids to bed. They must be fully removed from any scene which involves the merest whiff of sexual thoughts or activity. They are not to overhear or oversee any kind of foreplay or sexual activity.

We appreciate that stories about parents, or babysitters, or siblings might invariably have mention of someone younger to set the scene, but that's all it should be.

For the avoidance of doubt, any stories involving age play should also be limited to characters 16+.

Anyone found violating this rule will be warned, potentially banned, and depending on the severity of the violation, may be reported to the relevant policing authority.

Thank you.

I shouldn't even have to write this, but any and all photos shared here in the forum, or stored in albums, must only be of people who are, and also look, 18 and over.

This is not the place to share family photos, photos with kids, photos with babies. If you make a friend here and want to share real world stuff like that, take it off site.

Given the nature of this site, any photos reported or found in albums which feature children will be removed and may result in suspension or a ban. If those photos have been shared with other members, this will result in a ban. This is an adult site. It will be assumed that these photos have been shared for sexual reasons.

I cannot stress this enough. Keep photos of under 18s far away from this site.