I know you have to have rules, but why the underage rule. I've read stories on the this site that the boy is 15 or 16 and that he is doing his mother and his sister which might be a year or to older them him. The daughter is 14 and she is has been having sex with her father and mother the last 6 months. These stories are all fiction, so whats the big deal.
I stand corrected. I thought if it was fiction it wouldn't be a "big deal", actually acting it out, yes. What happened to "freedom of speech" ?
We all seem to forget sometimes that not everyone is in the same country.
Although it may be titillating to some weird minds out there, is a serious matter that should not be taken lightly. It should not be advertised or promoted. I know of a number of actual events regarding this matter from travels to many countries but I decline to write about them. I abhor the victimization of children and young teens. We have a sick element in our society that practices this invasion of the young and "stories" only add to mix. Yes, due to factual reporting, underage victims can be mentioned in a general sense but certainly not with descriptive sexual rhetoric. I certainly concur with the webmaster in not delving into that area.
Frankly, freedom of speech has no relevance to what the wonderful providers of this site want to appear in its content. Freedom of speech means that if you want to search hard enough you can find works on any subject at other sites, doesnt mean they have to be in here. Should Nicola decide one day that she's had enough of erotica and wants Lush to be about knitting then thats the way it is. The rules are there, if you dont like them move on, no need to question why theyre there.
It's as easy as this if ya don't wanna follow the rules there is the door move on.
"Freedom of speech" doesn't mean you can write whatever you want on a private site. It would be the same as walking into a McDonald's and yelling at the top of your lungs, demanding your "free speech" rights (as they haul you off to jail).
Freedom of speech does not give you freedom of responsibility. If you say something abhorrent, others have a right to shout you down. If you say something inflammatory, you can be held responsible for the fallout. If you say something offensive on a private site, they have the right of free association under the 1st amendment to boot your ass clean off.
I hope that explains it.