"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Why not share Liz's boob pics and distract authors from submitting new stories? #winwin
Keep in mind, while Liz does occasionally distract us... (smh). Uh, what? Stories? Oh yeah, stories.
PhilU brings up a good point. If you submit multiple stories at one time, we, the Story Mods, only see the one submitted first. Once we get done with it, then we see the next. Like looking at Liz's boobs. We only get to see what she shows us. Damn, between hers and Dani's...
There I go again. Anyway, another drawback of multiple submissions is the chance you could be submitting a multi-part story and we might pass through Chapter/Part 3 even though Chapters/Parts 1 & 2 were rejected. That would be confusing to your readers. They might wonder... hey, there's browncoffee's boobs. What was I talking about?
Oh yeah, one last, but very important item. Plagiarism. With the recent spate of stolen stories submitted, we are having to take some extra time and effort to make sure your submissions are oregano. Damn, Sprite's boobs showed up. I mean original. You can help us by showing us your boobs. Stop it KE.
Seriously, you can help us out by letting us know in the Moderator Note if you have published your story previously. Doesn't matter where, but let us know. Less chance of getting yourself in hot water.
Now, back to Liz, Dani, Sprite, Kee, Jen, Molly, Ruthie, Delphi, lilduchess, and the rest of the ladies boobs.
"I expect nothing. I fear no one. I am free." Nikos Kazantzakis
So, everyone complains about too many Mod boobs when times are busy. But now, during the dog days of summer, when the queue is short and things are chill, not a boob in sight. Sigh. Can there be more Mod boobage when the queue allows? Seems to me there should be a correlation. Boobiness should be predictable, like train schedules, or Presidential tweets.
Sprite's boob photo gave me the best laugh I've had all day. Thanks.