We've had a few reports about this over the past few days, so have referred it onto tech. Thanks.
Especially stories that have cover images. I can't upload one either. It won't save as draft or submit.
At the moment, I'm frustrated and if Lush would submit, I'd spank it's fucking ass until it's RAW!
I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!
Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!
Hm, must be recent. My latest (posted Feb. 25 but sat in drafts for maybe a week prior) has a cover image and I didn't have any problems. Though I set it up in the system about a week before I submitted and just left it sitting in drafts while I hammered out some problems with the story. Not sure if that approach made a difference. What if you save a draft without a cover, then go back and add the cover afterwards?
Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.
Quote by JustPassingThrough
Hm, must be recent. My latest (posted Feb. 25 but sat in drafts for maybe a week prior) has a cover image and I didn't have any problems. Though I set it up in the system about a week before I submitted and just left it sitting in drafts while I hammered out some problems with the story. Not sure if that approach made a difference. What if you save a draft without a cover, then go back and add the cover afterwards?
I did a dummy test and it does not work either way, saving initially or re-saving. I did not add one to my latest (too tired of having them compressed to mush to bother), but mine of 27 February had one.
Quote by DarkSide
Especially stories that have cover images. I can't upload one either. It won't save as draft or submit.
At the moment, I'm frustrated and if Lush would submit, I'd spank it's fucking ass until it's RAW!
Kimmi submitting, Master Darkside I'll proudly be the whipping girl
Quote by KimmiBeGood
Quote by DarkSide
Especially stories that have cover images. I can't upload one either. It won't save as draft or submit.
At the moment, I'm frustrated and if Lush would submit, I'd spank it's fucking ass until it's RAW!
Kimmi submitting, Master Darkside
I'll proudly be the whipping girl
Hahaha....bend over and be a good girl, Kimmi. 😏 I can just imagine your excitement. Now, here's the thing, if you got spanked every time Lush went wrong.... you'd be in heaven!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
At least it was working for you when you submitted your comp entry so it's something more recent than that.
I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!
Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!
Hello everyone. I put my very first story up eight days ago and it’s still showing in my pending. Is this normal? I understand that buying gold membership speeds things up a bit. I have no problem going gold but see no point if nobody likes my stories. The only way I will find out is if someone reads them. It’s a catch-22. Thank you.