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Possible to block an author's stories on the home page?

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Is there any way to stop seeing stories from particular authors on the home page? As a test I tried blocking a user, but still saw their stories on the home page, so that doesn't appear to be a solution. Thanks in advance.
I think it MUST be.

xx SF

(It would certainly explain my fucking viewing figures...)
You can hide story categories but you cannot hide stories from one particular person.

If you go to settings and then to Hide story categories you can check off the categories you don't want to see.

Hope that helps,
with the very greatest of respect. why? could you not simply scroll past the offending story?. I mean is it truly that bad you cant even bear to look at it?.

i really am genuinley interested TooShy and i mean no disrespect.

lol....hmmm my competitive streak makes me want to scroll past A LOT of heller good writing on here.
I actually just had this conversation with someone a few days ago. I think it would be great to hide/block one particular person"s"... Why? Well, for me, some people just post WAY too much and clog up the front page. If we have them hidden we wouldn't have to see the same person"s" every single day on the front page, sometimes even twice a day!
Honestly, that is a very good question. There are a couple of people that write stories and post them on this Lush site that have blocked me from comments. They either didn't care for the fact that I gave one of their stories a "4" or, they just didn't want honest comments.

If they can block me from commenting or scoring their stories, why can't I block the crap they write from showing up on my page?

I don't think that Lush is set up for this kind of restriction, but perhaps it should be.

Quote by JuiceBar
with the very greatest of respect. why? could you not simply scroll past the offending story?. I mean is it truly that bad you cant even bear to look at it?.

i really am genuinley interested TooShy and i mean no disrespect.

lol....hmmm my competitive streak makes me want to scroll past A LOT of heller good writing on here.

Response edited for clarity: I don't take the question as disrespectful - it's a valid one. The problem is entirely my issue, but this particular writer sometimes posts things that trigger negative memories (not sexual abuse by the way) and it sometimes causes anxiety.. The member also posts in different categories, so I can't just hide those to mitigate it. It's nothing against the author, I've never read anything s/he has written, but the one-liners are occasionally enough. I don't advocate hiding from the community because that would be silly and undermine the mods, and I don't believe the author is breaking site rules. I just don't want to see it personally.
Quote by TooShy678

I don't take the question as disrespectful - it's a valid one. The problem is entirely my issue, but this particular writer often posts things that trigger very negative memories, and it sometimes causes anxiety attacks. The member also posts in tons of different categories, so I can't just hide categories to mitigate it. It's nothing against the author, I've never read anything s/he has written, but the one-liners are enough to trigger it.

You can easily avoid the one liners. Look at the avatars first.

I'm respectfully suggesting that If something such as a one liner can trigger such negative memories, perhaps avoiding adult sites is something you could think about?
I'm not trying to be rude and I understand exactly what you mean. You are goi g to see similar words on other stories though. Blocking one writer won't solve your problem.

It just seems like a huge task for Gav to consider.
Quote by trinket

You can easily avoid the one liners. Look at the avatars first.

I'm respectfully suggesting that If something such as a one liner can trigger such negative memories, perhaps avoiding adult sites is something you could think about?
I'm not trying to be rude and I understand exactly what you mean. You are goi g to see similar words on other stories though. Blocking one writer won't solve your problem.

It just seems like a huge task for Gav to consider.

You'd think you of all people would be sensitive to someone having a negative reaction to a one liner on the Internet... It hardly takes much more than that to have you grace us with one of your ridiculous outbursts.
I agree. It would be good. There are some authors who just churn it stories and they're just not worth going near. And your reason is even better.
Quote by Magical_felix

You'd think you of all people would be sensitive to someone having a negative reaction to a one liner on the Internet... It hardly takes much more than that to have you grace us with one of your ridiculous outbursts.

I'm not surprised you of all people had to comment on a forum that had nothing to do with you, just to start a fight.
Hey all cool TooShy, that's a more than fair reason to avoid such stuff. its like facebook when people post up vile pictures, but yeah words have power to bring all sorts of pain!. Sorry mate, I feel for you!.
Quote by Belthazor

I'm not surprised you of all people had to comment on a forum that had nothing to do with you, just to start a fight.

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize a forum had to have something to do with me before posting. Maybe you can educate me on the criteria I am to use in the future to determine if a forum has anything to do with me. Maybe you can start by telling me what it had to do with you before you posted. You know, to help me understand when I'm allowed to post.
Quote by Magical_felix

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize a forum had to have something to do with me before posting. Maybe you can educate me on the criteria I am to use in the future to determine if a forum has anything to do with me. Maybe you can start by telling me what it had to do with you before you posted. You know, to help me understand when I'm allowed to post.

You're allowed to post whatever you want, so long as you don't act like a petulant child, trying to start fights for no reason because you don't like someone else on here, rather than doing the mature thing and blocking them to hide their comments or just... oh, I dunno'... being a f*cking adult and letting it go.

Last I checked, attempting to start stupid squabbles online for no reason was something teenagers with no friends or lives did with their free time.

That help you understand better, pumpkin?
Quote by Belthazor

You're allowed to post whatever you want, so long as you don't act like a petulant child, trying to start fights for no reason because you don't like someone else on here, rather than doing the mature thing and blocking them to hide their comments or just... oh, I dunno'... being a f*cking adult and letting it go.

Last I checked, attempting to start stupid squabbles online for no reason was something teenagers with no friends or lives did with their free time.

That help you understand better, pumpkin?

With all due respect .. perhaps you could take your own advice before we have another thread in which we feel the need to have to clean up some posts.

Thanks smile.
Whilst I fully sympathise with anyone who may have issues with certain stories, surely it is grossly unfair to block an author's work from the whole community. No author can please everybody so it would end up as a site with no stories, surely?
There is no point in submitting a story only for it to be hidden from view. That would be like banning advertising.
I mean no offence but that is my opinion. There are certain stories I find offensive but would never try to block them from the rest of the community.
WooHoo!!!! 27,000 views! Could I dare to hope for a famous story...
Quote by Crapbag123
I agree. It would be good. There are some authors who just churn it stories and they're just not worth going near. And your reason is even better.

One man's meat is another man's poison. Just because you don't like them, maybe others do?
WooHoo!!!! 27,000 views! Could I dare to hope for a famous story...
Quote by Annamagique
Whilst I fully sympathise with anyone who may have issues with certain stories, surely it is grossly unfair to block an author's work from the whole community. No author can please everybody so it would end up as a site with no stories, surely?
There is no point in submitting a story only for it to be hidden from view. That would be like banning advertising.
I mean no offence but that is my opinion. There are certain stories I find offensive but would never try to block them from the rest of the community.

I think the request was for a personal block only. As you said there wouldn't be much point in submitting your work if no one could see it smile
If you can block story categories I don't see why you shouldn't be able to block authors too.

You could even stretch the block down as far as specific Tags.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Quote by Annamagique

One man's meat is another man's poison. Just because you don't like them, maybe others do?

As mentioned above, we're not saying block it for everybody, just allowing you to block someone for yourself, in the same we you can on this forum.
Quote by Crapbag123

As mentioned above, we're not saying block it for everybody, just allowing you to block someone for yourself, in the same we you can on this forum.

That doesn't work. You can block them but they only have to quote you and it shows up on your timeline. If someone wants you to see something, that's all they have to do. Somebody put a lot of work into that feature for nothing. It's happened in this very thread. Irony.
Quote by trinket

That doesn't work. You can block them but they only have to quote you and it shows up on your timeline. If someone wants you to see something, that's all they have to do. Somebody put a lot of work into that feature for nothing. It's happened in this very thread. Irony.

Well you can't quote a story, trinket.

The original poster actually has a good reason for wanting this block. It's totally different from the forum block. Plus, what would be the big deal? Sounds like some authors are scared that everyone will block their "poetry" or something. If that happens then nothing will really change, those people who blocked the author were never going to read the story/poem anyway so nothing changes.
I mean no disrespect but it is just one author?? I find that hard to believe that only one author here would publish stories that you find upset you?

It sounds more to me that you have a problem with an author/person not what they write as you haven't pointed out exactly what it is they write that you find upsetting and they clearly are not breaking the rules as they are published.

You also pointed out they write in many categories so how can every one of them be offensive to you?

IMHO every author deserves to be on the home page and get viewed. If you don't like it don't read it that's what I do.

I have no problem with what people write here but certain friends/authors I know write in categories that I find cause me anxiety or are just not to my taste which they acknowledge. So when they do write in them they know I am not going to read them and it is not a problem.

Seems like an awful waste of Gavs time when you can simply ignore the story/author. My

I am sorry If I come across as rude here but why should Gav waste his precious time working on a block feature when you can simply just not read it?

Also you have specifically said that you don't want to see their stories on the home page?? The turn over of stories here is pretty fast due to great story mods and one tends to not be on the home page for very long anyway...I just don't see what the big deal is here.

No offence to Jack above me but I don't read his stories because he writes a lot of anal sex stories which cause me anxiety but I also know he is one of the most appreciated and talented writers here and I wouldn't dream of asking for his stories to be blocked when I can simply just not read them.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Quote by kiera
IMHO every author deserves to be on the home page and get viewed. If you don't like it don't read it that's what I do.

They would still be on the homepage of course, just not hers.

Quote by kiera
I am sorry If I come across as rude here but why should Gav waste his precious time working on a block feature when you can simply just not read it?

That can be said for most blocking features. Just skip over the posts/replies in the forum and your timeline. The main difference is that stories are probably not directed at someone, where forum posts can be. An author is a category by themselves in a way, so why not be able to block those?

Personaly I'd rather see available development time spend in moving from categories to tags, but I don't see why this blocking request is so much different from the blocking options we already have.
(got any change?)


Quote by BiMale73

That can be said for most blocking features. Just skip over the posts/replies in the forum and your timeline. The main difference is that stories are probably not directed at someone, where forum posts can be. An author is a category by themselves in a way, so why not be able to block those?

Personaly I'd rather see available development time spend in moving from categories to tags, but I don't see why this blocking request is so much different from the blocking options we already have.
(got any change?)

To each their own I guess...I personally feel that you just don't read it.

It sounded to me that the OP didn't want this particular author on the home page???

Up to Gav and Nicola in the end but I think it is a daft request.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Quote by kiera
It sounded to me that the OP didn't want this particular author on the home page???

But only for her, right? Like all other blocking features it would only have effect for the individual who uses it. So whoever she might block, that author's stories would still appear on your homepage and on mine.


Well, a person could be mature enough to scan right by whatever bothers them without making a fuss. Really some of this stuff seems like it should've ended by middle school.