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New mobile site

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1 watcher
Rebel just for kicks
Quote by noll

Thanks. I just logged in, but am now stuck in a Complete Your Profile page that requires me to fill in personal data that I don't wish to submit. All links keep redirecting me to this page. This may lead to people submitting nonsense making all of the data, even that of those who filled out the data truthfully, less useful, as the collection as a whole will be polluted. Hopefully this can be fixed. Until then I'll log out.

Edit: there's one link that does get me beyond this Complete Your Profile page and that's the Report Bug link ;)

Same, it keeps asking me for a specific location and I'm not prepared to give it, so I'll stay here, which is a pity as I only log on to lush with my phone
Super Admin
Quote by prettywild

Same, it keeps asking me for a specific location and I'm not prepared to give it, so I'll stay here, which is a pity as I only log on to lush with my phone

Hi prettywild,

Our location system shouldn't require you to be too specific. Do you mind me asking (if you're happy to share), where you're trying to set your location? You should be able to set it as broad as the state you live in. We wouldn't want anyone here to believe for a moment we're trying to pry in on your location. If you'd rather you can submit a support ticket on the Mobile site (This can be done without completing your profile) if you'd rather submit the information in a more anonymous fashion.
Kept Typing City and it wouldn't let me submit.

West Hollywood.

Will try to just type Los Angeles or California next.

Will report back if I've succeeded or not.

Oh, and I kept trying to login under IMPÜRETHOUGHTS but it didn't read umlauts but impurethoughts worked.

Kept Typing City and it wouldn't let me submit.
West Hollywood.
Will try to just type Los Angeles or California next.

Will report back if I've succeeded or not.

Oh, and I kept trying to login under IMPÜRETHOUGHTS but it didn't read umlauts but impurethoughts worked.

No, didn't work.

Site looks dope though.

Great job.

Oh, and I do see ads like other paid members have stated.
I don't mind.

I mainly want account to post on threads there too to help out the mobile site not be empty for new users wanting to join site.
Super Admin

No, didn't work.

Strange. Can I ask, are you being presented with a dropdown from Google to auto-complete, and are you using that to select the location? What is the error (if any) you're seeing on the page?


Site looks dope though.

Great job.

Thank you. Appreciate the feedback.


Oh, and I do see ads like other paid members have stated.
I don't mind.

I mainly want account to post on threads there too to help out the mobile site not be empty for new users wanting to join site.

Where are you seeing adverts? Supporters should no longer see them.
Prolific Writer
I noticed that when people comment on the mobile site the comments don’t seem to move over to the full site. That doesn’t seem right.

Isn’t this site and that site kind of the same thing regarding stories, comments and views?


Ads are still showing. I think certain things like location should be allowed to just say U.s.a. It forces you to choose somewhere. I don’t like that. Also, I don’t like that it is looking for people near you. It’s reminding me of a dating site.

Some of us are just writers or readers and not interested in the social portions. I’m not interested in camming.

Active Ink Slinger
I cannot find a way to log in. Every attempt takes me to a "Join" page.

Also, why doesn't the mobile site just bring us to the existing site?
Super Admin
Quote by Mysteria27
I noticed that when people comment on the mobile site the comments don’t seem to move over to the full site. That doesn’t seem right.

Isn’t this site and that site kind of the same thing regarding stories, comments and views?


Ads are still showing. I think certain things like location should be allowed to just say U.s.a. It forces you to choose somewhere. I don’t like that. Also, I don’t like that it is looking for people near you. It’s reminding me of a dating site.

Some of us are just writers or readers and not interested in the social portions. I’m not interested in camming.


Adverts are hidden for users who upgrade, as is on the Desktop site. If you've got an issue regarding your upgrade, submitting a support ticket on the mobile site is the best method to get it resolved promptly.

We'd like to think of this as an update, rather than a change. Behind the scenes a lot has been going on, and adding in tools that lets you find users with similar interests is something we think everyone can enjoy, if they want to utilise it. You can be as generic as putting your state or county into the location, we're certainly not after your house number. It allows us to find users of interest to you, to help promote users who may have stories, or other content, that should be of an interest.

If you have any issues, don't hesitate to get in touch.
Super Admin
Quote by BradCarpenter
I cannot find a way to log in. Every attempt takes me to a "Join" page.

Also, why doesn't the mobile site just bring us to the existing site? - Should be a few buttons around, or at least on the join form, a link to say you're already a member.
Prolific Writer
Quote by griffers - Should be a few buttons around, or at least on the join form, a link to say you're already a member.

Nicola said that users on full site who have paid will be grandfathered on new site. Won’t see advertisements.

I guess eventually the ads will go away.

The new site does not let you say USA it forces you to put a state. Unlike full site.

Also..when people comment on stories on mobile site they do not hit the full site. You’re not getting all the input when you write a story if some comments go on mobile site and others go to desktop. So to see how you’re doing you have to be checking both sites.

It also promts for other info as interests , what you looking for etc.. Everything or most is already available in our current profiles so it’s intended for porn advertisement and the like...

I’ll stay here !
Super Admin
Quote by Mysteria27

Nicola said that users on full site who have paid will be grandfathered on new site. Won’t see advertisements.

Just confirmed that there is a small group of people who haven't had their upgrades carried over. We're resolving that as we speak, and so you should be upgraded soon. If you're not, please let us know!

Quote by Mysteria27

The new site does not let you say USA it forces you to put a state. Unlike full site.

We hope that setting your state isn't too intrusive. We're not asking for any street information, but it's far easier to make recommendations on events, groups, friends and more when we can roughly gauge how close you too might be, based on not just distance, but also interests.

Quote by Devils_Desire
It also promts for other info as interests , what you looking for etc.. Everything or most is already available in our current profiles so it’s intended for porn advertisement and the like...

You don't need to set interests, they're used to help us tailor and recommend friends, stories, groups and forum posts via the Activity Feed.
It's me.

Ok, was there chatting users through chatroom which run so smoothly.
Only a few users there but it was wonderful.
Using forums was smooth too.

All of my info is there exactly like it's here minus the image that doesn't stay up on main profile.

Griffers, can you sort that out?

I'm loving the mobile site.

10/10 gold stars.

Ok, I'm off to sleep before I need to wake up for work.

see you pervs soon.
Prolific Writer
Quote by griffers

You don't need to set interests, they're used to help us tailor and recommend friends, stories, groups and forum posts via the Activity Feed.

Thank you.

I don’t get recommendations on who I should friend on the full site. I’m not here to have cyber chats etc. I add who I want to add. If people aren’t saying exactly where they live than that portion doesn’t matter. I could say I live in austrailia do the computer would set me up to meet people there.
I like on the full site you can just say USA.

Also, on new site it says seeking. I’m not seeking anybody. Just a writer whose sharing her naughty pen. That whole section should be able to hide in settings.


Do you know why the comments on mobile and full site do not synch?

Prolific Writer
I also notice on Person 1 it has "Trans" at the bottom.

Why does this have to show. I already said I'm straight but it has Trans N/A. I would think if you are Trans it should show and if your not it shouldn't be displayed on there.

It makes no sense to me.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BradCarpenter
I cannot find a way to log in. Every attempt takes me to a "Join" page.

Also, why doesn't the mobile site just bring us to the existing site?

Quote by griffers - Should be a few buttons around, or at least on the join form, a link to say you're already a member.

The login takes me to a "Complete Your Profile" page. Obviously, it did not recognize my id. A mobile site is no good if it does not connect to the online site.
Rebel just for kicks
Quote by griffers

Hi prettywild,

Our location system shouldn't require you to be too specific. Do you mind me asking (if you're happy to share), where you're trying to set your location? You should be able to set it as broad as the state you live in. We wouldn't want anyone here to believe for a moment we're trying to pry in on your location. If you'd rather you can submit a support ticket on the Mobile site (This can be done without completing your profile) if you'd rather submit the information in a more anonymous fashion.

Hey , thanks for responding. Like some others have said, I log in with username and password from here, but it so won't let me past the location. I tried entering a country just to get on to the next stage and it asked me to be more specific! I didn't want to put my actual location in case it then appeared on my profile there.
I'll try your suggestion though .
Thanks x

Edit..I see you suggested a State, unfortunately I don't live in the US, but if I did , I'd pick California, and more specifically San Francisco ?
Avi on mobile site has been approved twice by Felicity but then it's not there seconds later.


I made a post about situation on mobile site too.
Active Ink Slinger
Could someone explain please: is the mobile forum separate from the desktop forum? From the email sent today asking users to start posting there, it seems that they will be discrete entities.
Quote by Mysteria27

Also..when people comment on stories on mobile site they do not hit the full site. You’re not getting all the input when you write a story if some comments go on mobile site and others go to desktop. So to see how you’re doing you have to be checking both sites.

You gotta be kidding. Seriously? I can live with that for the forums, but not so sure about this. So basically I have no choice but to use the mobile site, if only to see the comments that get left there?

Quote by griffers
You don't need to set interests, they're used to help us tailor and recommend friends, stories, groups and forum posts via the Activity Feed.

Then why won't it let me finish registering without completing the section on what I'm looking for? I'm not looking for anything. I don't use this as a dating or hookup site. I'm a writer and forum poster.
Prolific Writer
There’s also not a timeline on the new mobile site. It’s very hard to see activity on ones stories and poems. Some of us are only here to share our naughty pen.

I don’t care to see what’s going on with threads in forum.

I don’t care how many have checked out my profile. This all seems silly when the bulk of the site is for writing purposes.

I think the sites should mirror each other. Because then it’s two completely different things. I noticed a comment on the mobile site that is still not showing on the full site on my new poem. Will this be getting fixed soon?

Testing The Waters.
Comments from the full site also aren't showing up on the mobile platform's version of timeline, which is the "My Comments" link. Some story stats also aren't showing on the mobile side story list. My first couple of pages of stories show 0 votes and 0 comments, even though it shows the star score accurately, and the views are meshed up now.

Once you view the story itself, all the relevant story data for those couple of pages worth of stories is there.

Thankfully, the "jump to page" on paginated lists is now working. One major step in the right direction.

Curious if you've noticed a crash in your views since the launch of the new mobile site, Mysteria? Mine are still a fraction of what they were the day before the launch. Mine could very well be coincidence, as the time between my latest story release and the launch is about the place where views would normally fall off due to inactivity. The drop still seems unusually large for that, though.

You have a new story one day later than my last, and a new poem since the launch, so you might have a more accurate picture, if you've been watching your views.

Quote by Mysteria27
There’s also not a timeline on the new mobile site. It’s very hard to see activity on ones stories and poems. Some of us are only here to share our naughty pen.

I don’t care to see what’s going on with threads in forum.

I don’t care how many have checked out my profile. This all seems silly when the bulk of the site is for writing purposes.

I think the sites should mirror each other. Because then it’s two completely different things. I noticed a comment on the mobile site that is still not showing on the full site on my new poem. Will this be getting fixed soon?

Prolific Writer
Quote by RejectReality
Comments from the full site also aren't showing up on the mobile platform's version of timeline, which is the "My Comments" link. Some story stats also aren't showing on the mobile side story list. My first couple of pages of stories show 0 votes and 0 comments, even though it shows the star score accurately, and the views are meshed up now.

Once you view the story itself, all the relevant story data for those couple of pages worth of stories is there.

Thankfully, the "jump to page" on paginated lists is now working. One major step in the right direction.

Curious if you've noticed a crash in your views since the launch of the new mobile site, Mysteria? Mine are still a fraction of what they were the day before the launch. Mine could very well be coincidence, as the time between my latest story release and the launch is about the place where views would normally fall off due to inactivity. The drop still seems unusually large for that, though.

You have a new story one day later than my last, and a new poem since the launch, so you might have a more accurate picture, if you've been watching your views.

It really just depends on the category you write in. I’m still doing pretty good in views. I just hope they fix the comment issue that isn’t syncing between sites.

Okay, I'm on mobile now. I actually like a lot of it but there's definitely issues. I'll be sticking around there but we'll see how things go.

Here are my issues:

- Would still be nice if the forums and mobile forums sync'd up but I can live with separate mobile and desktop forums

- Comments are over for my older stories (up to One Night in the Library, which was published in Sept. of 2017) but not recent ones (beginning from "Wedding Interrupted 6 : The Bride's Confession", published in Dec. 2017)

- Comments, obviously, aren't sync'ing between mobile and desktop so I assume things like story stats and scores may not be either

- Don't appreciate the nagging I occasionally get about no having my "Seeking" set up (e.g. when I go to "Home" on mobile). I don't want to set it up and it should respect that.

Apologies to the team for my crankiness yesterday. It is disappointing in some regard relative to what I would expect, but it's better than I originally thought. Positive comment: I like the mobile chat engine. I've never liked chatting on here but maybe I'll do it more on the mobile.
Rebel just for kicks
Quote by griffers

Hi prettywild,

Our location system shouldn't require you to be too specific. Do you mind me asking (if you're happy to share), where you're trying to set your location? You should be able to set it as broad as the state you live in. We wouldn't want anyone here to believe for a moment we're trying to pry in on your location. If you'd rather you can submit a support ticket on the Mobile site (This can be done without completing your profile) if you'd rather submit the information in a more anonymous fashion.

Hey , so I submitted a ticket to explain the problem I was having and was told to pick a place perhaps in the UK ...( I'm Irish, and Ireland is not in the Uk)
However i did this, thinking it could be edited at a later stage, but now it seems stuck on that, not only showing my location, which I do not want, but showing a location which is wrong.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by griffers

Our location system shouldn't require you to be too specific. Do you mind me asking (if you're happy to share), where you're trying to set your location? You should be able to set it as broad as the state you live in. We wouldn't want anyone here to believe for a moment we're trying to pry in on your location. If you'd rather you can submit a support ticket on the Mobile site (This can be done without completing your profile) if you'd rather submit the information in a more anonymous fashion.

This is quite different from the real site. There one can enter a location like "Where I'm supposed to be."

Please just give us a mobile version of the REAL site.
Her Royal Spriteness

Avi on mobile site has been approved twice by Felicity but then it's not there seconds later.


I made a post about situation on mobile site too.

your hotness melts the servers? just a guess! smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by BradCarpenter

This is quite different from the real site. There one can enter a location like "Where I'm supposed to be."

Please just give us a mobile version of the REAL site.

This would be my ideal as well, but it clearly isn't coming. And I agree with you about location and have raised it in the forums there.
Prolific Writer
I opened up a ticket new poem has not hit the mobile site yet it is on the main site.

Comments are still not reaching the full site if they are put on mobile site.

If the forums are not being transferred to the mobile site, If i post on the mobile site, does it add to the post count on the main site? I am guessing not?

Why does the mobile assume that I am LOOKING for someone? Is it a dating site?
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