This looks so dope.
Congrats, Nic!!!
Asked this over on SS but I know you're on here more, Nicola, I will drop it here, too. I know the stories are being carried over, but are the forum posts/threads being imported to the new environment or are we starting fresh?
Everything here looks great, though. A responsive site is something I have wanted for Lush and SS for a long time, and cleaning up and modernizing the site is a necessity. The current site really looks and feels like something from a decade ago, before mobile really became dominant, and needs a refresh. Looking forward to it.
I think I'm the only one who isn't excited. I like it how it is now - probably a bit too much.
But if we have to update, could there be a compromise? Like where we can have the current look as a classic/throwback/flashback skin or something?
My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.
Would be nice to see what the individual profile page will look like. Understand the features part of the site will be upgraded and work better, but Nicola's screenshots didn't show what her profile page will look like. Or did I miss it?
I think she only posted the main page (home page, front page, whatever you want to call it). I assume there will be changes to other pages, too.
That's all I've got for you right now as the profile pages haven't had an import yet. Sorry!
Wow this is exciting…congratulations Nicola
I do think the forums could use some culling and rearranging, especially weeding out some of the multitude of kiss. lick, suck, fuck, date, pass, no pass, etc threads. however, if whole threads are removed, how will that effect the post count. I am not sure where that data is stored, but if it is in the forum coding itself, it could be an issue. if it is stored in each person's profile, and the counter there is just increased by one with each new post, then it shouldn't be an issue.
I also think there should be a mod or mods that verify each new thread to ensure it isn't another duplicate thread and also make sure the thread is in the correct section. similar to a story mod, but approval would be rather simple.
This looks very exciting! Will there be some new emojis as well? New avatars?
"the Great God (snicker)" - James 'Bear' Llewellyn
Looking good so far.
Let's hope the new interface is intuitive enough that the transition is smooth.
Question about the forum threads.
It's no surprise that I bomb them often, so often that I've bookmarked a little over 200 threads.
So, will these links be obsolete once the new revamped site is active?
Oh, can we start telling users to remember their password cause I'm pretty sure we'll have to login to new site.
Is there any way we can import over the infamous "hot tub of cum" thread to the new site? I love that thread. I reread it when I'm feeling down.
Will we lose our stats as writers? Like our view count, average ratings across our stories etc? Some of us who write longer series, especially with long chapters over 6000+ words don't attract as many readers so it's taken me forever to get to 83,000 views, and the majority of my readers are anon accounts who don't interact so even getting past 5/6 ratings on my submissions is hard work. There are badges connected to views so starting again will be rough.
Also on an aesthetics thing, does the site come in black too?
Will profiles be transported over, ie biographies, stories, and galleries, or will we need to redo our profiles completely ?
I am glad that a flutter can mean so much, and be oh so powerful! Whilst I bring my own kind of chaos to those I choose to know everywhere, I do believe in Chaos theory, and I am glad that it is suggested that the fluttering wings of a butterfly can be felt the other side of the globe, it gives me hope that I can caress your soul.
I think I'm gonna love it. And I love changes!!!