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Lush goes 10 times faster!!

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After the problems we've been having of late with the server (2 failed hard drives later), I am delighted to announce that Gav and the scary matriarch, have been able to negotiate a much improved service with our hosting company, Pacificrack (thank you Chris, you really came through for us):

Additionally, yes, I will be able to upgrade your current machine to 100Mbps Unmetered effective immediately.

You will notice a blip in your network connectivity as your port is upgraded to 100Mbps now.

This is 10 times faster than before, and we are now unmetered

I hope you notice and enjoy the performance hike.
Cheers guys I have noticed it running faster.
100 million bits per second, and no metering? Geeze, Nic...what did you have to give the guy? Promise of first born?

Far out, man.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
'Did you just feel the earth move on Lush. Oh no think I just had an orgasm, no wait - it was a mutiple 10 x faster Lush Rush' whoooooooooo
I'd love to see an orgasm hit HB ten times faster.

That's great news, Nic. Good going.

"Great success".

Reading Lush Stories!
I have noticed the difference. Thank you!
Great, i couldn't keep up with it before! *giggles* seriously, though, thank you for all the hard work and time you put into making a very lovely site for the rest of us to play in. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by roccotool
I'd love to see an orgasm hit HB ten times faster.

That's great news, Nic. Good going.

"Great success".

ha ha ha So would I Rocco