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Comment abuse

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We actively encourage people to make comments on stories, whether it's constructive criticism, words of kindness or a well done, however like all open forums, there will inevitably be some abuse of the system.

If you come across some over the top comments, please report the comment to us - we will be adding a link next to the comments box so it's easy to do. Until that's set up, please feel free just to use the feedback form, and myself or another admin will look into it.


~ Lush ~
Active Ink Slinger
As a writer, I would go further than Lush on this, as I sometimes wonder at the motives of people who leave cruel, vindictive and belittling comments on stories without saying WHY they regard it in that way. What do they gain for themselves by saying "This story is terrible and deserves a zero mark"? This sort of comment is particularly offensive when the person making the comment, hides in a cowardly way behind anonymity.

To say "this story didn't work for me because ........" is potentially helpful to a writer who wishes to improve.

I would be very happy to see comments restricted ONLY to those people who have supported Lush by joining as a member, and who can therefore be replied to by the author, via the IM faclility.

Furthermore, we are in the happy and fortunate position, I see, of having active members from India and I for one welcome that diversity. The customs and traditions there are different from the West. The style of an Indian writer will probably be different from ours. We should respect their style and culture and learn from it.
Rookie Scribe
I second that. I've never liked the ability to make comment annoymously. Having said that, you can still be an ass with an account ...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Anfernee
I second that. I've never liked the ability to make comment annoymously. Having said that, you can still be an ass with an account ...

Yes of course you can Anfernee, but at least the author can reply to the critic. Anonymous vindictive comments are wicked.
I think we originally had it set up that way, but no-one was signing up to post comments.

It's hard enough attracting activity / members on sites these days anyway, so we made it possible for anonymous comment posting to encourage feedback, positive or negative.

To date, there has only been a couple of comments that have been off colour.

As always I'm happy to go with what the majority of us would like - perhaps take a poll on it?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Lush
I think we originally had it set up that way, but no-one was signing up to post comments.

As always I'm happy to go with what the majority of us would like - perhaps take a poll on it?

A poll would be good - but would it be open to members and guests too?
Quote by SusanEngland
Quote by Lush
I think we originally had it set up that way, but no-one was signing up to post comments.

As always I'm happy to go with what the majority of us would like - perhaps take a poll on it?

A poll would be good - but would it be open to members and guests too?

Where's the exasperated smiley...

j/k. Only members can vote in polls.

Might as well just leave this thread open for now to see if there's any strong input either way.
Active Ink Slinger
I can see both sides of this - on one hand, keeping comments open will encourage a greater number of comments, but on the other hand, are more likely to get less meaningful feedback.

From a surfer's perspective, I wouldn't bother signing up to a site to post a comment if I had no intention of coming back frequently. Most people who visit here are probably casual surfers rather than authors, so I'd sway to the side of keeping the comments open to all.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Lush
We actively encourage people to make comments on stories, whether it's constructive criticism, words of kindness or a well done, however like all open forums, there will inevitably be some abuse of the system.

If you come across some over the top comments, please report the comment to us - we will be adding a link next to the comments box so it's easy to do. Until that's set up, please feel free just to use the feedback form, and myself or another admin will look into it.


~ Lush ~

I am very happy to know that the site is taking up the rude comments very seriously. I have earlier posted a message to let people post their comments only if they register. Although that doesn't guarantee decency from cowards, at least there is a scope that the member can be contacted by the webmasters in case of abuse.

It is not necessary that everybody should like every story posted. But, the writers expect the readers to be a bit reasonable while conveying their disdain. Writers would welcome any criticism if it sounds credible and genuine. After all, who doesn't want to improve?
I may be in the minority on this subject, but I have never truly minded rude or downright scary comments. I feel that if I've managed to incite someone to threatening me, the story must have touched them somehow, very much. In that, my writing has succeeded then. I mean, if they are angry enough to tell me about it, then I touched something inside of them to cause that anger to surface...right?

I do know however, that some or even most people wouldn't write if they knew about some feedback that is possible. In that I suppose that if others want or need some kind of filtering or prevention, then so be it.

In my writing feedback past I've been personally threatened, called more names than I can remember, had my 'manliness' taken into account, endured some 'anons' that targeted me (and to this day still do target me).

Do I mind?

Not really.

If they write about my stories, most people can or should be able to see that they have an agenda one way or the other. The honest feedback is the best of course, as it contains likes and dislikes...points out improvements or what was done 'right'. I love those feedbacks. Good bad or indifferent though, feedback doesn't make the writer. It can help. It can point a direction for improvement, but the writer it does not make.
Thanks for posting in this thread C2c.

After reading your replies, I've decided to leave things as they are for now. And it's probably best I avoid replying to reader's comments as well, just seems to add fuel to their fires!

The reporting system will be up this week hopefully to help police downright abusive comments.
A lot of My stories were on a site where there were some really vicious comments left. Most of the time, they were left by people who didn't even write. They also abused the polling, too.
My opinion is the comments should only be welcome if the author wants it.
Quote by roccotool
A lot of My stories were on a site where there were some really vicious comments left. Most of the time, they were left by people who didn't even write. They also abused the polling, too.
My opinion is the comments should only be welcome if the author wants it.

That's a good point roccotool. And while I'm here, welcome to the site

I don't think it would take much to have an "allow comments" checkbox in each author's profile, that way they can stop public feedback. I'll see what our site guru can do.
Thanks for having Me, Lush. Um, I mean, well you know.
Quote by roccotool
Thanks for having Me, Lush. Um, I mean, well you know.

I know I was a little drunk but I don't remember we......

The allow comments checkbox will be added when our coder can fit it in, shouldn't be too long. Personally I like any kind of feedback, positive or negative, but then I have a thick skin (not that I look like a rhino or anything ).
One should know that you can't please every one. So why try, I will listen look at it and hell go from there. I know I will cross lines in sentence making spelling. And alot of other things. Like who drink it doesn't bother me. For my self I haven't had drink in over 25yrs. And so sober people say one can't live like your drinking days. Bull shit for gods shake I didn't sober up to crawl in a goddamn hole to die. I enjoy live like always. Women that's my cup fo tea, somebody else might like other things. And lush I don't want to make you mad but girl and I am 58, but your picture that's hot. I am what i am my dad will never understand that and most othe people will not. But I am what I am.
If there not a member I could care less what they think. I hope lush stories, an adult site some times im not sure but the damn comments from outsiders. I enjoy haveing fun I hope that's what it's all about. If my posting anything hurts anybody. That's not plans.
Active Ink Slinger
comments by anyone can be useful. Some people prefer to remain unknown, I see no trouble with that. Anything abusive and It just gets ignored.
I agree, a comment is a comment, regardless of if you know the sender or not - anything you don't like, you can just ignore.
Active Ink Slinger
Way back on September 26 roccotool wrote in this thread:
"A lot of My stories were on a site where there were some really vicious comments left. Most of the time, they were left by people who didn't even write. They also abused the polling, too."
While I can agree with his dislike of vicious comments and polling abuse, it ALWAYS gets me going when some author whinges about people making comments if the commenter is not a writer.
That sort of idea is, in my opinion, a crock of crap.
I can’t play a musical instrument, can’t write music, and can’t hold a tune (except after a few glasses of good red!). But I sure as hell reserve the right to have an opinion about the sorts of music I like, and to make those opinions known should I so desire.
I can’t act in a film, can’t direct, produce or edit a film. But I sure as hell reserve the right to have an opinion an any film I see, and to make that opinion known should I so desire.
I can’t play basketball at a competitive level, I can’t coach basketball, but I like to watch the game. Sometimes the game is a good one, sometimes not. Sometimes a particular player plays well, sometimes not – or a team plays well, sometimes not.
Now, are you really telling me I have no right to comment on how I see these things about basketball because I am not a basketball player??
If you say yes – you must be bloody well joking. You gonna stop 80 million people in your own country doing the same thing? Really?
Do you never complain about any level of your government? Well, by your theory, expressed above, no one may complain about any administration unless they are themselves involved in that administration. Sounds stupid to me, but that’s what you said.
If it holds true for writers, why not for all these thing I mentioned, and countless others?
Well, most of us know the answer- it is an irrational argument you started with – it does NOT apply – ever.
Just because I am not an author on this site I should be banned from commenting on stories and the way they are written? Can’t say a plot is ridiculous if it is ridiculous?
Well, if that’s the mindset of the moderators, this certainly isn’t a place I’ll spend much time.
Shame too, this site looked like it had promise.
PS: Did you manage to get the impression that the ‘non authors can’t comment’ bullshit annoys me???
I sure hope I got that feeling across!
I'm reminded of that great quote by a very rich American (whose name I can't remember), when buying some paintings, he was shown some old masters and some modern impressionist paintings. He waved away the impressionist paintings, and selected the old masters. When someone pointed out that Picasso impressionist art was all the rage, he dismissed it as rubbish. Another said he knew nothing about art, he replied "I may know nothing about art, but I know what I like." And promptly paid out a small fortune for a number of old masters he liked.

Readers commenting on a story are in the same situation, they know what they like. Write a story that enough people like enough to fork out a few bucks for, and you're rich with a best seller on your hands - who cares if they can write, as long as they like the story and buy it.
Active Ink Slinger
Do I hear Waltzing Matilda in the background Kanga40 hee hee hee ...I LOVE it when the Ozzies get wound up !!!! Wonderful to see 3 of them here in this thread.

Kanga - now I know what I've been missing all these months so come out of your corner and lets see some more of you.

Kanga40 wrote PS: Did you manage to get the impression that the ‘non authors can’t comment’ bullshit annoys me???
I sure hope I got that feeling across!

Yes dear, it came across - but what's an old reprobate like you doing in a nice place like this ????? Do we have C2C to blame?
Active Ink Slinger
Going off topic to answer your question - Kat contacted my cousin Cazna about the site, and he contacted me - we often collaborate on plots and scenes. Another cousin also gets involved, but he doesn't write erotic stories, so I doubt you'll see his works here.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SusanEngland
Do I hear Waltzing Matilda in the background Kanga40 hee hee hee ...I LOVE it when the Ozzies get wound up !!!! Wonderful to see 3 of them here in this thread.

Kanga - now I know what I've been missing all these months so come out of your corner and lets see some more of you.

Kanga40 wrote PS: Did you manage to get the impression that the ‘non authors can’t comment’ bullshit annoys me???
I sure hope I got that feeling across!

Yes dear, it came across - but what's an old reprobate like you doing in a nice place like this ????? Do we have C2C to blame?

Yep - you might as well blame him - it really was his fault!

You very likely read a similar rant at other places, LOL.

Did I read somewhere in your bio here or in an interview, about what a demure lady you are in real life??? I hope you had your fingers crossed when you wrote that!
Be nice to me or I might start telling secrets....
Well, not really huh? Might incriminate me too.
I want to thank you for taking one sentence of my equally valid opinion out of context, severely twisting it in hyperbole and exaggeration, and completely validating what I meant about vicious, personal attacks against a person (or author) on this site.
Refresh my memory. Where did I say you, personally, were not allowed to express your opinions in your life? I guess I missed that part.
And where did the topic of "my government" come from? It sure as hell didn't come from my statement, and if you think it did, to use a word you seem to like, that's "bullshit". Since you brought the subject of government up, however, I'll bring up a few points.
In my country, we have something called the "Bill of Rights". I defend to the death the rights we have in America, and among those is "freedom of expression". A lot of people don't understand there's something else that's very important that goes along with that freedom. Responsibility.
You seem to like scenarios, so try these on for size:
-Your doctor thinks you have cancer and tells you to see a specialist. Do you go to the neighborhood mechanic and ask him his opinion?
-You're getting ready for a great dinner party and need advice about purchasing a very good wine. Do you ask the wino on the street for a recommendation?
You see, authors would rather have CONSTRUCTIVE criticism from like minded, fellow authors. Experts in the field. My point was too many people who are not authors criticize a story for everything EXCEPT the merits of said story. There could be a thousand different and hurtful reasons why.
In a perfect world, everyone would be kind, considerate, and nice to everyone else. A polite word or words of advice would be given to authors regarding a story, and the advice would be taken with a smile on their face and a skip in their step.
But we don't live in a perfect world, especially where anonymity breeds all sorts of negative behavior. Most of us would agree that vicious, baseless attacks are irresponsible, and should be condemned. I've been a mod at another story site and I've seen very good stories given very harmful and vicious comments for absolutely no reason. The authors left. It drives authors away en masse. I've seen it. I've experienced it. And I was merely stating what I've experienced TO THE FORUM. People are free to agree or disagree; that's one of the purposes of a forum. It was just my opinion, and just as valid as yours is, but I didn't do a personal attack at any one person.
Lush has had to go into some comments and "clean them up", so I know she understands from first hand experience. And I will continue to defend and help her make this site as comfortable and successful as I can. She brought up the topic of comments to stories and was looking for viewpoints. Not attacks at any one person for their opinion. She was collecting ideas from mature, responsible adults that look at all the ideas objectively.
I see your threat to leave the site if somebody doesn't agree with yours. So where's our "freedom of expression", hmmm? Oh, you got a certain "feeling" across alright. And everyone sees it.
Flutterby Pharie
Uh oh........
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
I do think a few people's panic button got pushed. This could get ugly.
Quote by cazna
I do think a few people's panic button got pushed. This could get ugly.

ok, chill out everyone, the thread is about comment abuse, and now there's a system in place to deal with it should you happen across it.

let's move on please to something more constructive
Active Ink Slinger
Yes ma'am, I'm cool - I'm so cool, my glass of water is frosting over.

I think I's finished with this subject.