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Awesome Member Award. New. Please Read.

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Quote by ChuckEPoo

The second one you cannot award to any Lushie who is from Malta... well you could but you shouldn't sweet man.
Fancy Schmancy
Quote by Verbal

I called a girl a "good egg" back in college and she was HORRIBLY offended. I kept asking why and she finally told me that "eggs get laid" and when she was in high school a "good egg" meant you got laid a lot. I was mortified (I am easily mortified at the idea of offending someone). So I don't know if it means the same thing to everyone.

I have a similar reaction to being called a "good sport" because of that George Carlin joke: "sayyyyy . . . you ARE a good sport." Anyone who is not familiar with the joke and cannot find it on google, PM me.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by hayley

Actually ... often the first ideas can be the best... and as I share your opinion of Buz why not keep it ... as the "BUZ Award"... or just "BUZ" ... with that awesome blue background.

Whatever you do not everyone will agree... but it's a neat thought.

Nicki very rightly pointed out that when Buz becomes president of Georgia in 2068, his association with such a badge might come back to haunt him. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

Nicki very rightly pointed out that when Buz becomes president of Georgia in 2068, his association with such a badge might come back to haunt him. smile

Nooooo .. it will be his Badge of Honour... "Buz! ... To Infinity and Beyond!" ... might patent that... great campaign slogan .. like really orgasmic... if one is into guys.

Why is he going to live in Antartica? ... I suppose by 2068 the ice around Georgia will have melted enough to have made Georgia a mini-continent.
Hayley does have a point, one of the first things we learn is to be careful correcting an answer already given. Usually your first response is the correct one.

But....sense you asked I'll throw one out for you

Milik and I were talking about a name for the badge. We feel if it is being made in Buz's honor. Why not name it "The Buz". I think it's a great name.
Click below to see

Princess Popsicle
I like the idea a lot. There are so many valuable members who go above and beyond. I think they deserve to be appreciated formally!

I'm backing the 'awesome' badge. I'd also like to throw in the 'gold star' badge in too. At school when you're well behaved, kind, do good work etc. you get a gold star. Much coveted, relatable and fitting for this I think, after all, it is to be awarded to the stars of Lush. Something simple like 'Lushest Lushie' could also do the job and reflects that this is tied to the core values of our little community. I shall keep thinking too!
If you like first time, bisexual or teen then please read this and help make it famous!

My First Time With a Girl
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Simplicity
Milik and I were talking about a name for the badge. We feel if it is being made in Buz's honor. Why not name it "The Buz". I think it's a great name.

that was my original vision. Nicki and i had a convo about it, tho, and it was her call (and i agree with her, tho reluctantly lol) that tying it to a person might confuse someone who comes along in 4 years after Buz has gone on to be a famous novelist and goes, what the hell is The Buz? calling it something that tells you exactly what it is makes more sense.i mean, can you imagine if the Author's badge was named Fred? people would just go 'what the hell?' smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Belthazor

What's a "Malta?"

like a shake, only thicker?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by kinky_girl
I like the idea a lot. There are so many valuable members who go above and beyond. I think they deserve to be appreciated formally!

I'm backing the 'awesome' badge. I'd also like to throw in the 'gold star' badge in too. At school when you're well behaved, kind, do good work etc. you get a gold star. Much coveted, relatable and fitting for this I think, after all, it is to be awarded to the stars of Lush. Something simple like 'Lushest Lushie' could also do the job and reflects that this is tied to the core values of our little community. I shall keep thinking too!

where i grew up, gold star was a bit of a derivative. i do get the reference, but yeah, it would be weird for me to go with that one. that said, i like the 'star(s)' idea. Superstar might be kind of cool too. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Master_Jonathan
Might I offer a suggestion? LOL!

lol - loving this. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Internet Philosopher
Quote by sprite

that was my original vision. Nicki and i had a convo about it, tho, and it was her call (and i agree with her, tho reluctantly lol) that tying it to a person might confuse someone who comes along in 4 years after Buz has gone on to be a famous novelist and goes, what the hell is The Buz? calling it something that tells you exactly what it is makes more sense.i mean, can you imagine if the Author's badge was named Fred? people would just go 'what the hell?' smile

I get that, although, the Oscar, the Hugo, the Heisman... are they truly harder to understand than the Nebula, Grammy, or the Golden Globe?

Names like that are the norm rather than the exception, tbh. But I know I don't really need to sell you in it. Since we want it to be generic, I take a cue from Time.

Person of the Week
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Gentle Lushie


Raised on Blackroot
Quote by Dani


As in, yo, you're the fucking tits, man.

Chicks dig the long ball, but every one digs tits.
Quote by Belthazor

What's a "Malta?"

Its'a what I'ya have'a with my'a hamburger'a

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by MadMartigan


As in, yo, you're the fucking tits, man.

Chicks dig the long ball, but every one digs tits.

This guy gets it.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Unicorn Wrangler
Our school does a "Golden Apple" award for a teacher who has gone above and beyond... so with that in mind how about a "Golden Buzzy" or a "Golden Lushie"... I have no images because I'm not that creative... but it's a thought.

And your right Sprite... Buz is awesome. He is one of the few people who PMs me just to say hi and see how I'm doing.
Quote by Liz
Maybe just an 'Awesome' badge?

But a different colour so it stands out. Super special badge. smile

What are the qualifications to be awesome?
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by SugarBaby2013

What are the qualifications to be awesome?

Having received that award


Gentleman Stranger
Quote by Master_Jonathan
Might I offer a suggestion? LOL!

Love this, very clever. It gets my vote, sort of like the Nobel Peace Prize, except it could be the Buzby Piece Prize!
Detention Seeker
Heart of Gold just about say's things I think
Gentleman Stranger
Quote by sprite

that was my original vision. Nicki and i had a convo about it, tho, and it was her call (and i agree with her, tho reluctantly lol) that tying it to a person might confuse someone who comes along in 4 years after Buz has gone on to be a famous novelist and goes, what the hell is The Buz? calling it something that tells you exactly what it is makes more sense.i mean, can you imagine if the Author's badge was named Fred? people would just go 'what the hell?' smile

This shouldn't be too much of a concern, since every time you move your cursor over a badge the explanation of what it is pops up. Just a thought in pushing for the Buzby badge...
Plus, then everyone will start calling him Buzby, which I know he'll love. Buzby Bono - it has a nice ring to it!
Her Royal Spriteness
Just so ya'll know, there's a new thread giving Buz an honorary awesome award so go check it out. the official awards will start monday and will probably be bi-weekly after that, just so people have some time to bask in the love of the community. smile thanks for everyone who put out ideas here. We went with "awesome" for the badge, since it's concise and to the point, but ICE was a close contender!

thanks for Liz for designing a cool banner, btw, and for help with the badges. she's a whiz and awesome in her own right. :)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
the official awards will start monday and will probably be bi-weekly after that, just so people have some time to bask in the love of the community.

The term "bi-weekly" is ambiguous. Do you mean twice per week, or fortnightly?
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by clum

The term "bi-weekly" is ambiguous. Do you mean twice per week, or fortnightly?


You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.