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Are continually repeated questions good for the forums?

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Is it fair to devalue or dismiss someone’s question on a forum because it’s been asked many times before?

New members to Lush who want to contribute to the forums will inevitably ask questions that have been asked many times before. There are also other new members who won’t have read the previous forum posts but can add their own opinions and answers to the questions raised.

It’s highly unlikely that someone can submit a question that’s never been asked before and the influx of new members asking and answering the same old questions actually helps to keep the forums alive.

Otherwise ‘Ask the Gals’ and ‘Ask the Guys’ would be as boring and as dry as a Nun’s Chuff.

Do you think that critical posts about repeated questions are a negative influence and unofficial site celebrities/experts should be less outspoken?

Or am I just repeating an old outdated question?
Artistic Tart
Kimasa, here are some links where this has been asked before.....

I think it's like most things in life- it depends on the situation. Within reason, I definitely think that it's healthy for the site to get questions reintroduced. It's a little pedantic to feel like you have to revive a thread from 2008 just to keep from repeating a question. But on the other hand..."where do you like your man to cum" and several others like that? Good lord, just scroll down a page or two and you'll see that question already, plus all its duplicates.
I agree with Ladyx. At least try the search feature. It would give you so many more options and perhaps you could answer one of them which would bump it up to the front of the forum again.
Active Ink Slinger
I DO think that if they are being asked on a regular basis, then they must be pertinent questions. It's the nature of forums to have people not wanting to go through all the old posts to see if their question has been asked before. I can see both sides of the coin.

We are a society, though, so accustomed to immediate reward with minimal effort that it's only natural that most people post repeat questions without taking the time to search the forum.

I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

Active Ink Slinger
I'm in agreement with Kimasa on this one. Yea, it gets redundant but so what. If you see a thread in forum that's been asked before, you don't have to click on the link. It's like television. You can change the channel. If it bores or if you've covered that topic, just move down the line to another thread.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Agree with kimasa and lm. No one is forced to read the thread.
If by chance you know it has already been asked, i suggest posting the link to the already existing thread.

Id like to point out that it takes a few months to understand how every bit of the site works. There isnt a manual for a new members - lush custom are usually learned through forum exchanges like this one.
Princess Popsicle
I have been a Lush member for just over a year but have only started looking and posting in the forums in the last few weeks. It's a daunting prospect to troll through the pages and pages of previous threads and their replies. I usually only have the patience to look at the first page or two of threads so no, I don't think questions being asked repeatedly is a problem as there will always be someone like myself adding a new insight or opinion to a recently asked but repeated question.

Also, I have seen quite a lot of new threads where somebody has asked a question which has been posted previously and one of the more long standing members/ more frequent forum visitors has been blunt or bitchy about the fact that the member has done so. It's put me off starting threads and posting replies because I'm worried about the reception I'll get. Being horrible, whether the question has been asked before or not, is not going to help- all it does is put people down and will cause the forums to dry up.

I agree with others- if you've seen it before and you're not interested: don't read it!
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Gingerbread Lover
Sometimes I ignore repeated threads that have good responses, and other times I try to jump into them soon with links to other threads that are the same, as I don't want the poster to get jumped on somebody who has their knickers in a twist over it. Besides, the poster may find the other threads interesting.

Sometimes I like a repeated thread, as it may be asked in a new way, or others may post who haven't before. I've seen less-frequent posters join in on new/old threads, which is great, because it allows people a chance to both speak and get aquainted with the forums.

Yes, it can get annoying, but there's no need to be a meany git pooface about it.

Purely as a point of interest, there are a few threads that sort of cover this, although I won't dig them out, as it's pointless and may stifle what's happening here.
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Quote by Kimasa
Is it fair to devalue or dismiss someone’s question on a forum because it’s been asked many times before?

I don't think you should necessarily devalue or dismiss a question, but you can point out that there is a search feature...and I've been known to post links to similar threads on occasion...something I've seen others do here as well...

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Wild at Heart
I get an overwhelming urge to stick the person who acts like it's a crime that new members haven't read every thread's head in a toilet and slam fuck the shit out of them.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix
I get an overwhelming urge to stick the person who acts like it's a crime that new members haven't read every thread's head in a toilet and slam fuck the shit out of them.

That might be just a tad extreme, but I know what you mean. I have only been a member a short time (I was a long time lurker first), but seeing somebody jump in right away and tell them they should have used the search function seems pretty rude. If it bothers them that much why even click on the thread? Maybe there is some secret badge they are trying to earn. Something like Redundancy Reducer, Newbies Fear Me, or Forum Thread Gardener.
Wild at Heart
Quote by gingerluv

That might be just a tad extreme, but I know what you mean. I have only been a member a short time (I was a long time lurker first), but seeing somebody jump in right away and tell them they should have used the search function seems pretty rude. If it bothers them that much why even click on the thread? Maybe there is some secret badge they are trying to earn. Something like Redundancy Reducer, Newbies Fear Me, or Forum Thread Gardener.

So as a new member and guest before, that kind of thread fun policing was a turn off? Because most of them do it because they believe that redundant threads drive people away or some bullshit. But yes, I agree with you, maybe they want a cool junior deputy for a day badge or they want to throw around lush clout or something. They forget not everyone on lush sits around pulling on their taffy all day reading every single retarded ass post.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix

So as a new member and guest before, that kind of thread fun policing was a turn off? Because most of them do it because they believe that redundant threads drive people away or some bullshit. But yes, I agree with you, maybe they want a cool junior deputy for a day badge or they want to throw around lush clout or something. They forget not everyone on lush sits around pulling on their taffy all day reading every single retarded ass post.

I do find it a turn off, but still joined anyway. Guess I can't resist putting in my
Active Ink Slinger
Yes this is a big bug bear for me and not just on this forum. A while back I joined a car owners forum because I was having a problem and wanted to ask advice. In my first post I asked my question and instantly got pounced on for having asked about an engine problem that had been asked before. Needless to say that was my first and last post.