Wow! Winners!
Congratulations to Tams, Sprite, and Fuzzy! An outstanding Top 3.
Tams_back_yay won't that now be Tams_back_YAY! For FIRST PLACE!
That was an awesome story Tams! And also the stories of Sprite and Fuzzy.
And congrats to the Honorable Mentions filling out the Top 10. Plus, many more great stories in this comp.
Waaaht? Missed the announcement. Woohoo! Well done, Tam. Again. And of course your fellow podium-standers and the top ten and, well, everyone who entered. I didn't get to read as many as I'd have liked but what I did read was of a storming quality.
Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 117 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:
* 30 Editor's Picks, 75 Recommended Reads.
* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 22 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.
Congrats to everyone! I've enjoyed the challenge of these competitions, definitely getting "hooked" on them. I've created a few stories I never thought I would because of them. Does anyone know what topic the next one will be? Or how long until it is announced? Thanks!