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Announcing our "Money Talks" Story Competition, $250 First Prize!

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Quote by MadMartigan
I have no inspiration right now......but, a $250 incentive can grease some wheels.

3,500 will be a challenge though.

write, or i will have you killed. that is all.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Just passing by and thought may this will further help explaining the theme to potential story tellers here smile

no one beats the O'jays. NO one.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I have written a few stories with this low count of words so I might be willing to try... not sure yet... if a story idea comes to me... then I'll give it my best shot.
Quote by sprite

3.5k??? fuck. how the hell do you write anything under 9k? totally screwed here. thanks a lot, boss. i hate you.

Laughs. I know what you mean. It takes me 2k words to write my opening paragraph
A directive has been passed, to reject any stories which are even a single word over the 3,500 word limit, so make them count!

Anyone who has written professionally, will understand why we're being so mean (it's for your own good!).
What an awesome idea! Can't say I have any plans to enter but I look forward to reading the entries.
Quote by SITTING
What an awesome idea! Can't say I have any plans to enter but I look forward to reading the entries.

I'll enter if you enter too.
Quote by Magical_felix

I'll enter if you enter too.

i'll enter if you both enter. and send me $40 each. and buy me an island.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

i'll enter if you both enter. and send me $40 each. and buy me an island.

You know, it would be awesome in the comps if it was bracket style. With quarter-finals, semi-finals and a grand final. One on one elimination. Like me breezing over you in the quarters to barely edge out SITTING in the semis to make it to the final to beat the best of the rest. That would be rad.
Quote by Magical_felix

You know, it would be awesome in the comps if it was bracket style. With quarter-finals, semi-finals and a grand final. One on one elimination. Like me breezing over you in the quarters to barely edge out SITTING in the semis to make it to the final to beat the best of the rest. That would be rad.

it would be fun to crush you like a grape before you even got out of the gate, actually. i'm all over this idea. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

it would be fun to crush you like a grape before you even got out of the gate, actually. i'm all over this idea. smile

That's cute. It's good to have dreams, young Rachel. If you reach for the stars you might touch the sky.
Quote by Magical_felix

That's cute. It's good to have dreams young Rachel. If you reach for the stars you might touch the sky.

and if you have dreams, maybe one day you'll touch an actual live woman. not the sex dolls that you usually are touching. btw, i looked them up online - the realisitc ones? those things are expensive!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

and if you have dreams, maybe one day you'll touch an actual live woman. not the sex dolls that you usually are touching. btw, i looked them up online - the realisitc ones? those things are expensive!

You see, this is the kind of predictable writing that holds you back in these comps and especially against me. You go for a, frankly, lame and unbelievable joke then expose yourself by letting me know you've been doing this type of sex doll research. You better up your game if you're entering this comp.
Quote by Magical_felix

You see, this is the kind of predictable writing that holds you back in these comps and especially against me. You go for a, frankly, lame and unbelievable joke then expose yourself by letting me know you've been doing this type of sex doll research. You better up your game if you're entering this comp.

sorry. i am currently role-playing a guy as research for a story i'm doing - just got carried away at trying to be as realistic as possible. BOOBS!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

sorry. i am currently role-playing a guy as research for a story i'm doing - just got carried away at trying to be as realistic as possible. BOOBS!

BUTTS. Realistically, we like butts more than boobs. Big butts, rookie.

for inspiration
Quote by simplyjohn
I am far tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo busy focusing on the Attention Whore competition .. which I might add is in the bag I predict .. my profile view count has gone up 3 in 24 hours since I posted new images in my profile image gallery of my huge tackle.

So I will stand aside on this and give other less experienced authors a chance. smile

and here I am even posting nude pictures of myself ... and you have that in the bag!

by the way here is a

for your

Having witnessed discrepancies between various word counting tools (even on here - one uses java something or other, and the other, whadjamacallit apparently ), it's probably safest to standardize and use the word counter in MS word (or Pages on Macs).

LS edit screen: 3,496 words

MS Word: 3,497 words 3497 words 3.511 words (!) 3,508 words
Laughs. Well I can tell you that a couple of words does make a difference! I had to cut out 'timidly' and 'Bucks' from my story to hit 3500 on the dot. I want my words back!!!

That's a joke, obviously. No one but me would miss them in the story, but it did prove difficult getting the story closed properly right at 3500. Having such limits really does add to the difficulty. You either under write and miss an opportunity at development or you end up having a noticeably abrupt ending. I think I managed to balance it pretty well.
Nice plug Milik, you're getting the hang of this!
Quote by Milik_the_Red
Laughs. Well I can tell you that a couple of words does make a difference! I had to cut out 'timidly' and 'Bucks' from my story to hit 3500 on the dot. I want my words back!!!

That's a joke, obviously. No one but me would miss them in the story, but it did prove difficult getting the story closed properly right at 3500. Having such limits really does add to the difficulty. You either under write and miss an opportunity at development or you end up having a noticeably abrupt ending. I think I managed to balance it pretty well.

Really? Shit, I'm gonna have to add some filler to mine to make it that freakin long. 3,500??? Fuck!
Quote by Magical_felix

Really? Shit, I'm gonna have to add some filler to mine to make it that freakin long. 3,500??? Fuck!

Damn. Most of mine can't fit under 5000. In the words of Mark Twain. Once I start writing, I'm too lazy to stop.
Quote by nicola
Nice plug Milik, you're getting the hang of this!

I got to sneak it in where I can, Nic
Quote by Milik_the_Red

Damn. Most of mine can't fit under 5000. In the words of Mark Twain. Once I start writing, I'm too lazy to stop.

Calm down, talking about how big your stories are. It's not how long your story is, it's how they read it.
Quote by Magical_felix

Calm down, talking about how big your stories are. It's not how long your story is, it's how they read it.

Come on, MF, you of all people shouldn't have story envy...
Ooh. Just checked my email and saw the notice about this contest, and decided why the bleep not? After all, money is money, and I am more than happy to work my tail (off) for a little extra wampum. This could be just the thing to prod me into getting off my lazy butt and get back into writing after all these years. Already coming up with the base concept for the story I will be submitting. I think the biggest challenge is the 3.5K word limit. And after checking my 2 complete longer one shot stories here (Rescued? and Blue Rosette), I can see that is indeed going to be a tough hurdle, since they are 4 to 5 times that length. Now to take the first step and get something relevant at least written down...

And to quote Frito...

Of course I'm about half way though my story when my laptop dies!


The repair place says my hard drive is salvageable but my OS might be shot. Still waiting for news one way or another. Might have to steal the hubby's laptop to finish up in time. I think it's a good idea, but as I see entries pour in... I might get my ass handed to me yet again.

Oh well... I do enjoy trying.
I went through three different concepts for mine that all ended up being too long for the limit. Then yesterday, I had a flash of inspiration and went from concept to closing before the day was out.

It was seven words shy of the limit in Wordperfect. Then I get here, paste it in, and it's three words over.

Killed a witty little line that I hated to lose, but it was the only thing I could really cut to get it under the bar.
Quote by Magical_felix

I'll enter if you enter too.

I can't! I really hope you will though. smile