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Announcing our Gift of Giving Competition Winners

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A big thank you to all that took part, the standard of stories was excellent. =d>

A slim margin separated the following winners:

1. harbour | Father Moss
2. Jaymal | Yuletide Mindfuck
3. mercianknight | Kathy’s Dilemma

Congratulations to you all.

Please can the above contact me with your paypal email addresses so we can send over your cash prizes. If you'd rather an Amazon credit, please let me know
Congratulations Harbour, Jaymal, and Mercian Knight!

Well done to everyone who participated, there were some fabulous stories submitted.
Congratulations to you all!
congratulations one and all!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Congratulations to the authors of the top entries, and thanks to all the writers who submitted stories. Well done, all!
Maggie R
Congratulations to the talented writers who stand on the literary podium!

Very well deserved!
Great Job, What contest is next?
Quote by lfrancis
Great Job, What contest is next?

I like to spring surprise competitions, otherwise people tend to submit the same stories to every different site
Congratulations to the winners, Excellent enteries by all, Nicola i wouldnt want your job trying to pick the winners, they were all very good
It has been scientifically proven that any woman can be satisfied with only 3 1/2 inches --- and it doesn't matter if it is Visa or Mastercard
Quote by albertagirl
Congratulations to the winners, Excellent enteries by all, Nicola i wouldnt want your job trying to pick the winners, they were all very good

The winners are chosen by a combination of the votes they receive, and then the shortlist of 10 is put before our judging panel of 20 or so people.

Luckily it's not just me picking them
Congratulations to the winners
Gah! What a stitch up! My story was much better than those hacks' feeble efforts

Of course I'm joking (honest). Well done to the winners - most deserved for some wonderful pieces. And well done to everyone else who took part too.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
I still cannot believe I was awarded this amazing honour. I actually cried tears of joy for a solid hour after I read the news.

Thank you to the dedicated Lush team for recognising my little story in this way.
Thank you to all my lovely readers.
And a very special thank you to my dark horse of a muse for inspiring me to write again after an age of stagnation.

"Nothing is villainous if it causes an erection"
-Marquis de Sade