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Announcing our "Foolish" Story Competition

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We thought we would kick off our "Foolish" competition with comedic timing. On April Fools' Day.

We are looking for stories which contain some comic relief. Maybe someone is being fooled into something or has done something foolish?

Synonyms for foolish:

1. Stupid, witless, brainless, senseless, unintelligent; ridiculous, absurd, nonsensical, preposterous.

2. Imprudent, thoughtless, impetuous, rash, reckless, foolhardy, half-baked, heedless, incautious.

3. Having or showing a lack of good sense, judgment, or discretion.

Other synonyms: absurd, asinine, balmy, brainless, bubbleheaded, cockeyed, crackpot, crazy, cuckoo, daffy, daft, dippy, dotty, fatuous, featherheaded, fool, half-baked, harebrained, half-witted, inept, insane, jerky, kooky (also kookie), loony (also looney), lunatic, lunkheaded, mad, nonsensical, nutty, preposterous, sappy, screwball, senseless, silly, simpleminded, stupid, tomfool, unwise, wacky, weak-minded, witless, zany.

Competition Theme

There should be some kind of foolish, dumb or silly element in the story.

So, things like ill-thought-out sexual acts, dumb places to have sex, people being fooled into doing something, acted the fool, absurd situations, wacky scenarios etc..

As an added challenge, stories should be kept to under 5,000 words.


Winner: $149.86
Second Place: $101.03
Third Place: $50.12

Full details and dates can be found here >>

Another dope competition.

A few authors come to mind that will kill it.

Have fun.

If this is an April Fool's Day joke Nic, then you got me.

I was fluffing up the pillows getting all comfy then I recalled the prize monies and had a little laugh.

If it's not a joke then my original post stands.

Still, its cute.

Ok, now I am really logging off lush to sleep.

See you pervs soon.

No joke!

A deliberate start on April Fools' Day. The timing was perfect for something a little fun and different.
This sounds like fun! Lmao I like the theme, it's making me giggle already. I think there are going to be many excellent reads as always.
I might actually be able to cobble something together for this one.
Quote by LucaByDesign
I might actually be able to cobble something together for this one.

I hope you do, Luca! You know I love your writing. And I won't mention that thing I always mention to you

I can't wait to read people's takes on this. It's been promoted to the nut bunch that frequent Rumps too. The word counts a lil long for me, but will hit most's sweet spot.
Quote by KimmiBeGood

I hope you do, Luca! You know I love your writing. And I won't mention that thing I always mention to you

I can't wait to read people's takes on this. It's been promoted to the nut bunch that frequent Rumps too. The word counts a lil long for me, but will hit most's sweet spot.

Cheers, Kimmie. You're too kind.

And of course you don't have to use all the words allotted. You can save some, squirrel them away to use in another story.
I've got one in the hopper for this one. Pullin' the leaver now...

Oh, and while we're at it, can we please ban Tam this time?
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Oh darn! I've already used up all my comedy juice. I'll just have to write a sad story about heartbreak and agony. sad

Seriously, though, there are some absolutely insane, absurd comedic and satirical geniuses on here. So looking forward to the filth to be unleashed.
Quote by VioletVixen
Oh darn! I've already used up all my comedy juice. I'll just have to write a sad story about heartbreak and agony. sad

Seriously, though, there are some absolutely insane, absurd comedic and satirical geniuses on here. So looking forward to the filth to be unleashed.

Violet, you are going strong creatively, girl! I know you have a zany tentacled beast in your head ready to cum out and have some fun with unsuspecting peeps
Quote by LucaByDesign

Cheers, Kimmie. You're too kind.

And of course you don't have to use all the words allotted. You can save some, squirrel them away to use in another story.

I don't have anywhere near 5000 words in me right now, Luca ... more like 500. I do have a title and idea though. May just pop out a flash in theme, but truly not comp-worthy, prob won't enter. I maintain comps are best ways to attract new readers, other authors, but I don't need to enter (or place) in every one. Not why I am here. And truthfully, my poem in last comp was my highest voted story to date and a challenge for me to write ... kinda want to just let that one simmer with me a bit. Really enjoy that moment, you know.

I can't wait to read yours and others though. I am interested in working on plot and character development and this theme and word length will give me some good ones to learn from.
Quote by Wilful

Oh, and while we're at it, can we please ban Tam this time?

i'll be sitting this one out.
Quote by KimmiBeGood

And truthfully, my poem in last comp was my highest voted story to date and a challenge for me to write ... kinda want to just let that one simmer with me a bit. Really enjoy that moment, you know.

It was a beautifully written piece and deserved every single vote -- and more in my opinion. I know poetry is a labor for you as it is for me, so this is truly an accomplishment to savor.
Quote by KimmiBeGood

I hope you do, Luca! You know I love your writing. And I won't mention that thing I always mention to you

I can't wait to read people's takes on this. It's been promoted to the nut bunch that frequent Rumps too. The word counts a lil long for me, but will hit most's sweet spot.


KimmiBeGood, you little slut! Wait until I tell the others at the Joint.

Or were you referring to *ahem* ANYONE IN PARTICULAR? (puts hands on hips and stares hard at her.)

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Quote by tams_back_yay

i'll be sitting this one out.


Tam you tend to win most of the comps you enter, so on behalf of the rest of us – THANK YOU!

Enjoy the show…

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Quote by JamesLlewellyn


Tam you tend to win most of the comps you enter, so on behalf of the rest of us – THANK YOU!

Enjoy the show…

that said, i'm thinking of entering this one...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
that said, i'm thinking of entering this one...

Seems to me that I remember someone, very recently, saying something like:

"porn used to be a dignified pursuit and here you go making a mockery of it. i am flying the porn flag at half-mast and wearing black. such a sad sad day."

Any ideas who that might be?

Well, fuck Rachel, if you're going to enter, maybe the rest of us will just sit this one out as well!

Sorry, I meant to type "fuck, Rachel". Leaving the comma out was a complete typo on my part…

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

I might be able to come up with something for this one
Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Seems to me that I remember someone, very recently, saying something like:

"porn used to be a dignified pursuit and here you go making a mockery of it. i am flying the porn flag at half-mast and wearing black. such a sad sad day."

Any ideas who that might be?

Well, fuck Rachel, if you're going to enter, maybe the rest of us will just sit this one out as well!

Sorry, I meant to type "fuck, Rachel". Leaving the comma out was a complete typo on my part…

my entry will be imbued with sweet scent of dignity. and cunt. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by JamesLlewellyn


KimmiBeGood, you little slut! Wait until I tell the others at the Joint.

Or were you referring to *ahem* ANYONE IN PARTICULAR? (puts hands on hips and stares hard at her.)

Major Disappointment, maybe peek in your pants and if a nuts there... well ... assume what you want from my comment

Think about what all goes on at Rumps and tell me I am wrong!!

That said, may the best nut win!!! I will be happily watching the foolery
Quote by kistinspencil

It was a beautifully written piece and deserved every single vote -- and more in my opinion. I know poetry is a labor for you as it is for me, so this is truly an accomplishment to savor.

Thank you, Kistin, I have a lot on me right now. And yep,, poetry a hard write for many. It was awesome so many entered! So trying to relax, breathe deeply, enjoy those nice moments, and write when I feel like it. I can't force writing or it sucks big hairy balls.
If it was within the rules I would like to consider writing a story with my character, Peen in it. He does seem pretty funny totally.
Quote by Green_Man

If it was within the rules I would like to consider writing a story with my character, Peen in it. He does seem pretty funny totally.

as long as it's a stand-alone story, totally within the rules. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

as long as it's a stand-alone story, totally within the rules. smile

Then I am cooking with gas, my dear.
Quote by sprite

my entry will be imbued with sweet scent of dignity. and cunt. smile

Now, THAT'S what I expect from Rachel: Klass with a Kapital K!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Major Disappointment, maybe peek in your pants and if a nuts there... well ... assume what you want from my comment

Think about what all goes on at Rumps and tell me I am wrong!!

That said, may the best nut win!!! I will be happily watching the foolery

I disdain to answer.

Wait…were YOU trying to get a peak down my pants? If so, PM me soonest, OK?

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

3,500 words in, only 1,500 to go...

Or thereabouts.
Yes, you should have a hazard label on you, "warning CG will be your every fantasy"

Quote by tams_back_yay

i'll be sitting this one out.

And on who's face may l ask?
I think I've got something for this comp - one of those tales that's been nagging me for ages in various possible incarnations. 5000 word limit and a Foolish theme might just bring it into being.
Sweet Epiphany: "Proud and Kinky" Competition Second Place:
Mindfuck: Love and Payback - "Foolish" Competition Third Place:
The Ghost of Fucks That Never Were - "Debauched" Competition Second Place: