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Story Posters

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Daisy Shylass was kind enough to lend me her story telling voice for my crude crude scribble, so i made a story cover. Thanks Daisy!
A new banner I made for Pussy_Predator and his new story "Mr. Officer"

Click banner for link

Quote by Magical_felix

This is the nuts! smile
Good job.
Quote by Liz

This is the nuts! smile
Good job.

Quote by Magical_felix


It's a nice composition, now step back a few feet, as in push the lap top away 1 foot lean back on the pillow, can you read your name? I could not.
Tone down the blur a bit, try a tight, dark, drop shadow instead . See how that goes.

This is a fascinating example for the paper I am writing.
We can just about read that.(as in the majority of lushies can read that easily).
But, when I think of the minority in lush, and the general public, who may be dyslexic, visually impaired, or ageing, this becomes a problem.
I'm not criticising your design, just using it as a good example for my paper.
Thank you felix, I shall refer to this again.
I'm looking at highly used, legible typeface and misrecognition in certain groups.
Although this is not a highly recognisable typeface, such as Garamond or Century Gothic, which also get misread in these categories, it is still, a bit of primary research for me to investigate.

Lush is so fucking handy sometimes. X
Quote by crazydiamond

It's a nice composition, now step back a few feet, can you read your name?
Tone down the blur a bit, try a tight, dark, drop shadow instead . See how that goes.

This is a fascinating example for the paper I am writing.
We can just read that,(as in the majority of lushies can read that easily).
But when I think of the minority in lush, and the general public, who may be dyslexic, visually impaired or ageing, this becomes a problem.
I'm not criticising your design, just using it as a good example for my paper.
Thank you felix, I shall refer to this again.
I'm looking at highly used, legible typeface and misrecognition in certain groups.
Although this is not a highly recognisable typeface such as Garamond or Century Gothic,which also get misread in these categories, it is still , a bit of primary research for me to investigate.

Lush is so fucking handy sometimes. X

How dare you... Just kidding. I realize what you are saying BUT, This design is meant to only be seen on a computer screen. So pretty close. I could also make the argument that it would be for a poster that is printed rather largely or for a book that you would most likely be holding in your hand. I also wanted the lettering to resemble neon lighting inside of a mist filled dance club. So, in a way, it is meant to look a bit blurry and disorienting. I could have made the name bigger I suppose but I feel like my name isn't the focus of the poster, I wanted the title to be. It has a "z" shaped line of sight.

But your points are valid if I were making a billboard or television ad.
I agree, but, if I did not know your name, and I do, and obviously you do, it's still difficult to read even at normal view on screen. I can read it, because I know your name, the "I" and "x" are lost.

But that's not the point, the point is, it's a great example, some can read it, some cannot.

Sorry I'm, being a nerd,
but this is exactly the point of my paper, should successful graphic design have restrictions on typeface, so that all people can read it?
Graphic design is, at the end of the day communication.
If it does not communicate to all ( as in- cuts out certain groups ( ageing, visually impaired, dyslexic) chances of understanding it, is it unsuccessful.)
In saying that, do these restrictions, limit our right as designers to be creative?

I am throwing this out there as I need the primary research, so folks.. have at it. Thank you in advance.
Quote by crazydiamond

Graphic design is, at the end of the day communication.
If it does not communicate to all ( as in- cuts out certain groups ( ageing, visually impaired, dyslexic) chances of understanding it, is it unsuccessful.)

Actually, one of the biggest mistakes a designer can make is to try and market to the entire population. By trying to reach everybody you risk reaching no one. What is one of the first questions you should ask a client when you are going to design something for them? ......What is your target market? Right? There always needs to be a target market so you can communicate with the segment of the population that you are trying to appeal to.

I am not trying to appeal to the aging or elderly. I just don't think they would enjoy it, although wellmademale has read a few of mine. I was trying to appeal to a younger group of readers, ones that like different kind of stories rather than the more traditional style of erotica.

Visually impaired? Well wouldn't everything be blurry anyway? Or like, it's reading... How they gonna read without being able to see?

Anyway, the i is a bit weird in that font, you're right, and if it were for a client or an actual book cover I would go in there and manipulate it a bit but I just didn't feel like spending the time to. I actually thought no one would notice. Wrong! haha
a lot of talented people.................
"I have become comfortably numb" ...........Outro Solo
I went with something a little different this time. So much happens in this novella (now complete) that I decided to do a collage of images to create a bit of a mood/feel for each part. The main character's POV is reflective and filled with memories and snapshots of a turbulent relationship, so this sort of image-structuring felt right.

The eBook is being edited for release later this year.

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