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Nipples - What type are your favorites?

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This isn't a great shot of Lena's nipples, but in the movie "300", they shot it very close. Very thick, round, dominating nipples (tiny areolas) on small breasts. My favorites! What are yours?
My favorites are any that I can suck,bite,slap, and turn raw.
The ones she is touching, rolling, pulling and inviting me to do the same.....
munchable, suckable studs that grow like chapel hat pegs.....

they have to be very sensitive..........

Release the puppies............

But Lena's nipples are great asp
usually as long as they are on Women and not Men
My Favorites wsere born 32 years ago in Chicago and are dark and small, but very sensitive and she moans when I pinch or bite them.
Mmm, am tempted to ask for a raise of.....of hands of those women here who are 32 and from Chicago....LOL
puffy swollen teats
Beautiful, as long as they like being sucked pinched or teased a react by being tight and hard like little glass cutters!
"Chapel hat pegs"! I haven't heard that term in years; one of my favorites.
My guess Chase is that she was speaking of Melly.
Well I was about to raise my hand but I'm 34 so I will sit here quietly......LOL!!!!

"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Quote by Zafia
Well I was about to raise my hand but I'm 34 so I will sit here quietly......LOL!!!!

34 is young... Stand up n be counted Z
HAHAHA!....Oh I was not implying that I was old.....I was just being sarcastic.....

"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
I know... Just letting the others know ur not old...
Thanks....I think?

"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Very interesting responses, amongst the regular chatter.
What, you doing some analysis of the folks here?

Can't wait to read your findings....
Quote by Zafia
Thanks....I think?


Your welcome...I think...LOL
My findings? Oh, brother! Not going to get a consensus with this crowd. We start at one point and end up at quite another. lol
^heh. yes, people do seem to go off on random tangents. makes it more fun though, provided they stay roughly on topic
Geez, took ya long enough to react to my setup, baby.

Lush, did you say to stay "roughly on nipples"? Oh, ok. It's nice to know I have your support.
I like perky nipples.
Hard, long pokies that push thru tight, sheer blouses.
Jo, sexywife104
Well I be old old old and have seen many many nipples. Think number 2 pencil eracer sitting high upon a softball size tit..........mmmmmmmmmmmm
I love these:

Jo, sexywife104
Love the perky hard nipple that just scream attention!
I would have to say, the ones that are in front of me at the time...........
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i love small breasts and thick nipples , but then everyone has there own sort of taste on what women"s breasts should look like. lets cheer out loud to the small women....