Is that a love doll? She doesn't look real.
Looks real enough to me. *licks lips several times and again*
I think it's a cleverly made up mannequin. Still I know a few men who'd probably have sex with it regardless!
Tell me it isn't so...damn...I was falling in love with her too...damn.acRg7e078wh0KjIL
Well, if it is a mannequin, she's a damn pretty one at that.
Looks real to me. Look at the fingernails and eye area.
Interesting assumption there fystee - I just said we know some like that, never said I was one of them. I'm looking for a partner, not a pair of good tits, you can buy a good pair of tits at any good cosmetic surgeon's. Sadly, I've worked and played sport with a few guys whose ability to judge a partner rests solely on her bra size, and often the women they find this way, have a bra size that has a higher number than their IQ, well at least, that's how they present themselves in public - topic of conversation is limited to certain soapies, clothes, and sex. I'm not into wearing women's clothes, don't like the soapies, and you just can't spend 24 hours a day, seven days a week engaged in sex - no matter how many tonnes of viagra you have.
It wasnt an assumption at all...I was just taking what you said about the responsiveness of females.
When did I say anything about bra size? Stay on the topic there big boy.AHZA0Q5McT1kPjiQ
Well, our sub topic - started with a comment on guys going out with mannequins, is about a certain type of guy who doesn't really see a woman as a person, and the type of women they usually end up with. Within this group of guys, the first item of notice with a female is their breasts, followed by the amount of cleavage on general display - the guys in question all have a severe case of myopia.
Anyway, I think we both agree there are some dumb people out there.
ok we can both agree on that There are dumb people out there, Too many as far as I am
They are fighting words mr. and lol at underestimate.iEpAAi6Dau9aCczJ
All I know is that the girl in the picture is beautiful... and were I single and she 'real' and interested, I'd be all for dating her and getting to know her far more intimately.
If she was lifting her skirt for me like that, I'd just take her on the stairs.
ooh... what i wouldnt do to have thighs that colour
(i mean the colour of the rest of me... as opposed to untanned)
*~*xX/ ;) i'm not joking/Xx*~*
Mumbles, good for the eyes. Definitely.
i spose so... *shrugs* i'll let you know if i get it done
maybe i'll post a pick too, if Master lets me
*~*xX/ ;) i'm not joking/Xx*~*
The darn link is broke to Me. Is it to you?