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Banned Advertisements

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Brian Atwoods’s racy ad’s featuring Candice Swanepoel have been banned from display in public.
Some picture below:


Van Heusen underwear ad banned: Too racy for Brisbane buses

t's no secret, this is one of the banned adverts for breast cancer. It was funded by The Breast Cancer Fund- USA and was rejected over fears that the public might find the image of the female model with mastectomy scars might be too shocking.

The only shocking thing is this visually powerful and effect advert was banned.

Another one of those banned adverts which degraded and demeaned women. If you look closely at this offensive Bacardi advertising, you notice this broad in red tank-top is overly well endowed.
But that is what happens when men drink a glass too much of Bacardi. They starts to see things.

The UK advertising watchdog has banned a campaign by the retailer American Apparel for using a partially nude model, who appeared to be under 16, in a series of images that suggested she was "stripping off for an amateur-style photo shoot".

American Apparel's press campaign, which appeared in Vice magazine, featured a series of images of a young-looking girl in states of undress.

The Advertising Standards Authority received a complaint that it was offensive, unsuitable to appear in a magazine that could be seen by children and inappropriate because the model seemed "young and vulnerable and [the ad] could be seen to sexualise a child".

American Apparel said the ad was meant to depict the 23-year-old model in a relaxed "home" environment and that the hoodie shown was "soft to the touch" and could be worn directly against the skin. The company added that the ad focused on the hoodie and did not portray the model as "a sex object or in a negative or derogatory light".

Matt Barnes photographed four ads for Virgin Mobile’s “Fearless” campaign. Two of the ads have been deemed “too sexy” for Mississauga and Calgary. The following posters were removed after public complaints:

The slew of steamy Go Daddy ads featuring "Go Daddy Girls" like Danica Patrick profited heavily from being leaked online. The banned status itself is a great way to grab consumer attention.

The slew of steamy Go Daddy ads featuring "Go Daddy Girls" like Danica Patrick profited heavily from being leaked online. The banned status itself is a great way to grab consumer attention.

Then there is the infamous "Veggie Love" from PETA, featuring women engaging in steamy foreplay with vegetables and declaring that vegetarians have better sex.

New Zealand airport officials deny they lack a sense of humour, despite banning a billboard with a lacy bra-clad Jennifer Hawkins clutching a stuffed rhino with the caption: "Feeling horny?"

The lingerie ad featuring Australia's former Miss Universe was declined by Auckland International Airport, which felt it was a "step too far".

On this banned commercial, a group of friends are playing a daring game of Strip Poker, as they all watch one young girl about to remove her bra the lights go on and a man asks ‘Whats Going On’, then the ’sexy’ friends become a group of pensioners at a care home. As Centrum will make you feel young again.

This banned commercial for Hansaplast condoms tells the story of a boy who could do naughty stuff because his mother said so. It is later revealed that her mother was in a room concealed from view, having sex. In that moment the boy ask her mom who is in the state of ecstasy, her answer appears to be "Yes, yes, yes."

In this banned Super Bowl 2007 Bud commercial, a guy and girl are skinny dipping in a pool and people are watching them in from the bar.

Moving on from the history lesson to the sexiest banned ad in recent memory: Kylie Minogue riding a mechanical bull in nothing but see-through lingerie.

I loved this ad in the day...

Another Kylie Commercial, this time for XBox

Axe Effect...

Ad by Lynx,
should it have been banned?

Goodyear Tyres????

Easy, fast and comfortable, Dr. Brux®, the first custom Bruxism (grinding) Night Guard, used to protect your teeth

Snickers... Banned Ad, do you think this satisfied somebody?

It's hard to believe we still live in a world where Madonna is considered too sexy for things, but ABC blushed at the ad for her Truth or Dare fragrance and won't show it. If only the Super Bowl had been so discriminating. It's more likely ABC was creeped out by the Material Girl, 53, saying her mother's "feminine and mysterious" perfume had anything to do with inspiring an ad where she rolls around in her underwear and talks about what a bad girl she is. On its own, though, the ad is pretty tame by current pop-culture standards. Hell, that Wayne's World skit she did back in the day was racier than this.


We now bring you this surprising news: Britain's Advertising Standards Authority has reviewed a fashion ad and found it to be... totally acceptable.

"Fleurs du Mal," a film showcasing Agent Provocateur's Soiree collection, was submitted for review to the ASA back in November after receiving a single complaint.

The film features a woman in a silky robe getting a "prank phone call" with no one on the other end. Suddenly, lingerie-clad women start popping up everywhere, slinking around and dragging her into a room where they... well, it's not clear. They sort of pose over her threateningly, touch each other and stare intensely while scary music plays in the background.

According to the ASA, "the complainant challenged whether the ad was offensive, because she believed it was disturbing and misogynistic."

The verdict, handed down today? The "disturbing" part can be accounted for by the film's inspiration, classic 1950s Hammer horror films. And the misogyny? Agent Provocateur "tried to communicate with a sense of humour and did not condone violence" nor offense to women in any way, writes the ASA.

Check out the (NSFW) ad below and let us know your thoughts. Funny? Scary? Offensive? Just plain creepy?

Pamela Anderson latest ad for PETA has been banned from airports because authorities say it's not suitable for children.

Banned Commercial - Don't work from home
Sony Notebook

After this ad I would have needed a condomsmile

Kate Upton was way too hot for the Super Bowl so they would not allow this one to air. If you look close­ly, her boob pops out on pur­pose a few times through out the com­mer­cial. Di­rec­tor's Cut - on­line only :60 ver­sion of Drive-In fea­tur­ing Kate Upton A spicy twist on a clas­sic burg­er, the new South­west Patty Melt fea­tures a char­broiled beef patty, with sliced jalapeños, grilled onions, pep­per-Jack cheese and spicy Santa Fe sauce, all on grilled sour­dough bread.

Sonia Kruger and Chris Brown's ads for vitamin company Swisse banned from air for false claims

This is the strangest forum thread I have ever seen in my time here on Lush! The funny thing is, it has nothing to do with the content of what has been posted. It's moreso about the fact that no-one outside of you ratty has contributed.

You must be in marketing aren't you?
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker