This has to be unusual i had sex in a wardrobe once (it was a big one ) and it was great !
underwater whilst wearing aqualungs
on top of the Big One, Blackpool (late at night closed season so security wasn't that tight, nor awake actually)
Some local dogging places although the Police can be an issue
In a crowded Pub for a bet
In a Confession booth... all I have to say is... Forgive me father XD
*on the roof of a garden shed, which was a bit of a challenge
*in a greenhouse amongst tomato plants
*behind the bar where I worked, after closing time
*top deck of a ferry to France
in the kitchen of the restaurant i work. iwth one of the waitrasses. (after hours.)
in a sniper stand during a riot... (6)
in bed, if this thread is anything to go by...
On a picnic table on top of Zurichberg , thank god there were no splinters
In the bathroom at the laundromat
Underneath a pontoon boat, parked in 25' of water...with the owner of said boat - while her passed out, drunken husband was laying in the sun on the top of the machine, getting sun burnt to a crispy red shade.
Party Cove...1983
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
In the middle of center field at my former high school's baseball field at 2:00 in the morning the day after graduation.
Played all through high school and I can honestly say, that was the first home run I ever had! LOL!
"So don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
Don't lie to me,
Just get your things.
I've made up your mind."
In the back of a motorhome ....
No, it wasn't mine, I worked at Winnebago at the time
If I had my fantasy, it would be at the top of the tower at the local state park under the full moon
On the roof of Madison Square Garden...
puplic park, car with untimted windows, puplic bathroom, a bar
On a public place I realy dont care where it can be on the beach it can be in the park and i can be in a football stadium
on second thougt a football stadium will be my choice
When the shoe is fit the feet are forgoten :Osho
Public transport is good, either a bus or a train.
Hmm. On the roof of a school bus, A restaurant bathroom, In a tree.
in a professors office with his (male) secretary while the good Dr. was out teaching a class.
In the backseat of my new jeep parked behind a strand of trees just off the side of the road during a heavy thunderstorm, then outside, with her bent over the hood, during said heavy thunderstorm.
In a car, at the parking lot right in front of local city hall/police station. Next week we went there again and found the newly installed light shines the parking lot like daylight. I guess someone in the city hall must noticed something and get those lights installed. But I still thankful they did not interrupted us.
The balcony of a nice hotel. We were in the first floor, so literally it's the backyard of the hotel, and people could really see us though it's dark.
Road head is always sexy, but the first few times you do it make sure you're on a back road where you can't kill anybody if he can't drive and get a blowjob at the same time