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Review: Map Of Beauty

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Cryptic Vigilante
Review: Map Of Beauty

(Warning, spoilers at the bottom of this review)

It's official... my girlfriend is just as mischievous as I am. I guess we're a bad influence on each other. I had a few other reviews to write prior to this one and I've also been rather busy in the past few weeks, but I just can't keep this fun experience to myself any longer. Usually in my reviews, I first present the product and then write about my experience with it, but I thought that I'd write this one from my own perspective to keep the element of surprise. If you're really craving to know what this is all about, you can simply scroll down to spoil the fun. Otherwise, just keep reading.

Note: the names featured in this review are fictional.

So, it was my birthday at the beginning of the month and my girlfriend invited me to her apartment to cook for me and to offer me a very special treatment. Little did I know however, what this 'special treatment' would turn out to be.

"We're going to eat a bit later, say at around 8 pm. Is that okay with you?" my girlfriend informed me when I called her over the phone prior to leaving my own apartment on Friday evening.

"Yeah that's alright, I'll just eat a can of tuna before leaving," I responded. "But why do you want to eat so late? Did you mess up your recipe?"

"Nope, not at all, I simply want to offer you one of my gifts before eating. I can't wait to see your reaction when you'll receive it. Trust me, you're in for quite a surprise!"

"Oh... a surprise? Not a sexual surprise by any chance?" I teased.

"Maybe... there's no way you can guess what this is however," my girlfriend teased back.

I changed my clothes, ate a can of tuna and left for her apartment. While driving my car, I kept wondering what her surprise would be. A sex toy maybe? That was rather unlikely, considering that sex toys for men are rather scarce and that I was already well equipped with my Fleshlights. We ordered quite a few pieces of lingerie a few weeks prior, maybe she simply wanted to surprise me with a new outfit that she hadn't tried yet? Or maybe she intended to try a new unusual kink? I was rather clueless I must admit, but I was eager to enjoy my evening with her.

"So where's my surprise?" I asked when I finally arrived at her place.

"Haha, you want it right away don't you? I'm ready when you are, my supper won't be ready until a few hours."

"Sure, tell those strippers to get out of your closet and we'll have some fun," I joked.

"Oh, I'm impressed! You're actually not too far from it," my girlfriend joked back.

"Yeah, right."

"You'll see. You really can't guess what my surprise is," she kept teasing.

"Well, show it to me then. I'm eager to see what this is," I insisted.

"You might be a little reluctant to it, I must warn you. I think I'd rather tie you up to a chair before revealing what this is."

"Hah, me reluctant!? Go on, tie me up then. Should I get naked first?" I asked.

"Hmm... you can keep your briefs on if you want," my girlfriend replied.

She helped me remove my clothes while we kissed and sensually teased each other. She also moved a chair from her kitchen and placed it right in the middle of her living room. She finally grabbed the luxury handcuffs that I bought her a short while ago and tied me up on the chair, my arms placed behind my back.

"Okay I'm ready now," I said. "So what's my surprise?"

"You can't refuse it now," she bantered. "No matter what you'll say about it, I'll proceed with it."

"Dammit, what the hell is this about?"

"Remember all those teasing remarks about blonde girls that you keep throwing at me?" she explained. "About how it's been more than two years since you fucked a blonde? About how you might never fuck a blonde again since you're now committed to me?"

"Uh... yes?" I responded. "You know I was kidding, right? This is only my silly humor, you even laughed at it yourself. What are you going to do about it anyway?"

"Well... I'll have a blonde fuck you. Hopefully this will finally shut you up about that whole thing."

"What!?" I shouted. "What are you talking about!? Who's going to fuck me!? You hired a blonde escort!? Haha, you're totally kidding!"

"I'm not kidding at all, I brought a friend of mine. She's having a coffee with Clara next door, I'll send her over in a few minutes," she explained. "Then I'll stay at Clara's place myself and will let you have some fun with my blonde friend!"

Clara is the woman living next to my girlfriend in the same building, a woman in her mid-40s whom my girlfriend is good friends with.

"You can't possibly be serious! And who's that blonde friend of yours!? Stacy? She's not even that hot! And I doubt that she'd participate in this crazy scheme anyway!" I pointed out.

"You don't know her, it's a friend back from university which I only talk to every once in a while. And she's hot, totally hot! Trust me, you'll like her. She's about my size too, I'll also lend her one of the sexy outfits we ordered a few weeks ago."

"And she accepted to fuck me, just like that?" I questioned.

"I showed her a picture of you, she thinks you're sexy. And she's a real slut, she has no problem with it whatsoever," my girlfriend clarified.

"Fuck, if you're any serious this is totally crazy. And you're perfectly okay with it? This is even making you smile!"

"Yeah, I'm okay with it. I'll finally make you eat your words, I think that's hilarious. And it's your birthday too, you're allowed to have some fun!" she followed.

"We need to talk about this! I don't want to fuck a blonde really, I'm plenty satisfied with you!" I begged.

"Oh stop bullshitting me, I'm sure you're craving to fuck a sexy blonde. A cute little slutty blonde. Isn't the thought of it making you hard? Oh yes, it seems to be making your cock very hard now," she mischievously appraised while grasping my crotch.

"This isn't fair!"

"Maybe... but there's nothing you can do about it now. Anyway, I'll send her over, she has already been waiting for an hour or so now," my girlfriend teased while leaving the room.

"Wait!" I implored.

"Bye! Have fun!" she finally said.

And there I was, half-naked and helplessly tied up to a chair, waiting for a blonde to come over and ride my cock. The last blonde I had fucked was a hot receptionist from one of my previous contracts, nearly two years ago. All the other girls I had slept with since had been brunettes. I was hoping that my girlfriend would at least give her the keys to the handcuffs, so that I could fuck her properly. And I was also hoping that she would be way sexy, with a slim waist and a gorgeous little ass. Maybe I did wanted to fuck a hot blonde after all.

A few minutes later, I heard the door of the apartment being opened, followed by footsteps heading to the living room where I was tied up. Incidentally, my back was facing the doorway so I couldn't see whoever entered the room.

"Hello...?" I asked. "Who is this?" I followed, but didn't receive a response.

I suddenly felt a pair of soft hands caressing my shoulders, which soon dangerously found their way to my upper chest. I tried to turn my head around to see who this was, but only managed to spot a sexy white top... and blonde hair. Fuck, it really was a blonde!

Just a few moments later, the girl walked in front of me, wearing a slutty schoolgirl outfit with a white top and a green plaid skirt. She started teasing me with her cute little ass, bending over while lifting her skirt. When she finally turned around to reveal her face, I was utterly shocked...

"You nasty little bitch!" I shouted.

Yes, my devious slut of a girlfriend had bought a blonde wig and pulled that nasty prank on me. She totally got me, I wasn't expecting this at all. Even when she briefly teased me with her ass, I didn't realize that this was in fact my girlfriend's ass. I guess I was simply way too absorbed into that wild fantasy, and really didn't anticipate that this was actually my girlfriend wearing a blonde wig.

She released me from the chair and I fucked her so very wildly, just like that disobedient schoolgirl deserved. Sadly however, I couldn't pull her blonde hair.

When we were both finally exhausted and she explained to me how she got that wig, I was pleasantly surprised. I had seen wigs in various sex-shops for around $50 before, but my girlfriend only paid hers $10 or so. As a bonus, the company that makes those wigs also ships for free. The only downside is that the shipping takes a while to arrive (about a month or so), so you need to plan ahead if you intend to use it as a surprise or during a special event (eg. Halloween party).

My girlfriend got this idea from one of her friends, who has this rather crazy personality and who occasionally enjoys parading downtown with different extravagant/colorful wigs. The wigs are extremely inexpensive, so this is great to buy many different ones and to indulge in various sexual scenarios.

The company is called Map Of Beauty. The blonde wig that my girlfriend bought is similar to the first one on the picture below, but you could also buy many different colors/styles to suit your fantasies. Their collection of wigs is very impressive:

Check them out on Amazon: Map Of Beauty

Of course those wigs are made from synthetic hair, but they still look very decent. They look very real and aren't overly shiny as some other wigs. I'm not sure if I would recommend a woman to wear one for a classy evening, but to indulge into fun sexual fantasies or just to fool around, they really are perfect. I'll definitely be buying more of these myself: next objective, a sultry redhead!

Hope you enjoyed!
Wild at Heart
So...after you opened the amazon box...was the wig itchy when you tried it on?
Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by Magical_felix
So...after you opened the amazon box...was the wig itchy when you tried it on?

Technically, I'm not the one who got to open the box from Amazon.

And I tried the wig just for fun afterward, and no, it wasn't any itchy.