Thanks Liz! Great recommendation!
Local regional Supermarket has a liquid gel that I use and find very effective. Not only for helping with inserting dildo and plugs in my ass but also not being irritating and having lasting stay power. Publix Supermarket - "personallubricant" - clear - non greasy . water-soluble - alcohol free. Was not very expensive either and works great.
A determined person with perseverance can overcome many obstacles. They can, many times, perform better than those who are more intelligent, stronger and with better finances by determination and perseverance
I've used off-the-shelf coconut oil for some time now. It works GREAT!!! It's natural, it's a good lubricant, it's an excellent skin moisturizer/oil. It's edible (and doesn't have a real overpowering flavor) and I even eat a tablespoon a day for health reasons.
While the wifey doesn't like 'the flavor,' so limits her oral (hell, she didn't do much of that anyway), she does like having soft, smooth skin (both my hands, and where I rub them) rubbing her.
It doesn't appear to have any negative effect on any of our toys and also works great when using a dollop of it in the tip of a condom. I use them to enhance my own personal jerking.
Try Durex's Play Tingle.....fantastic for both partners
Olive oil is wonderful. I use it all the time. The irony of using extra virgin olive oil is amusing