What is a wishlist? A wishlist is a list of items that you would like to have. You do not need to create a wishlist, if you simply want to buy something.
The wishlist is viewable to all, by default. You can set it so that only your friends know what is on your wishlist.
If you don't want anyone knowing what's on your wishlist (maybe it's for your own personal use as a reminder or something?

Instructions on setting one up
You can create a wishlist in our store, off which other members, can anonymously, buy products for you.
Here's how it's done:
1) Head to the store at: http://store.lushstories.com
Click on "My Account" in the header:

2) Click on "Create an Account":

In there, you will enter your personal details such as your name, address and telephone number.
This private information, is never shared with anyone. It is used by the store only.
The person who is buying you the gift (s), cannot see any of your personal details.
3) Once that is done you can click on "Go Shopping" to reach the store:

4) On the LHS of the store, you will see a "Create a Wishlist" link:

5) The wishlist "username" you have chosen, can then be entered into our Account >> Settings area: http://www.lushstories.com/membership/details/Wishlist.aspx
You can browse the store, and then add items to your wishlist. These will be shown on your profile, and people will be able to gift them to you.
6) Your profile will be automatically updated, with items you have wished for. Those which have been bought, will be taken off your wishlist.

Your activity feed will be updated accordingly.
We will be adding features to this setup as we go.
If you have any recommendations or requests concerning the store, please feel free to contact us.