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Cyber Sex

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I have cybered or roleplayed quite a bit, and some i have really enjoyed and some i have not. I try to make my roleplay as real as possible and very descriptive. I hate those that aren't very creative, or lack imagination.
whats not to like about cyber sex....its a lot like the "zipless fuck" of years gone by. I guess I have a pretty active imagination.
Talking about real life experiences can get me excited but for random made up scenarios then it's a total waste of time. Also if the chat is all one sided with lots of long pauses then I'm out of private, If that's what you call cyber.
My take on "cyber" is that it is only good if what you are doing is something that can't be done in your real world. This is why I've never done vanilla cyber, where I am who I am every day and it's like missonary-style-fuck-me-after-work-then-lets-go-to-sleep sex. I'll only role play with guys (or girls) who can hold up their end of the story. Sometimes you click and your imagination makes it a fun and novel experience. Sometimes you sit there and think... fuck, I'll never have those 5 minutes of my life again. ;-)
well, to be honest, found myself on cloud nine when i was new to cyber sex,. soon it got boring and later, disgusting. dont think 'll do that again except with my loved one.
I just wish that the few ladies i have cybered with would at the very least say thank you, c ya, or goodbye before logging . Seriously, i got you off and then you're just gonna log off and leave me holding my all alone without saying a word? Give me back those 15/ 20 minutes i wasted on you.

I feel so fucking used
With the right person, it's good, but I prefer when it happens naturally. Just trying to cyber with me without chatting me up, I find boring. Seduce me please.
it is all about setting the scene as well as the actual cyber bit
I have not had the opportunity to experience this yet. But I am interested with the right person. Can't just jump in without getting to know each other first.
The only thing with cybering is you are never sure if the person on the other end is really a female or male, or vice versa, but cybering with someone that is imaginative is quite fun.
I (we) love cybersex. Love to screw whilst doing it too
Totally depends on the person you're doing it. And the imagination. Oh yes.
I guess it depends on your imagination & the person you're chatting with. I've had some cybers where it did nothing for me... and I've had some that had me so aroused and wet that when I did finally reach orgasmic climax it was almost painful.

Actually... some of my best cybers have become the foundation of my stories. I can name at least 3 or 4 or my stories that were once a cyber scene I was doing with a "stranger" on another computer. I like my cyber partner with a great imagination and vocabulary. The more detailed (within reason) he or she can get... the better.

I also agree with Gurlyboy... seduction is key to a good cyber... unless I'm in a chat room for cybering... don't just assume I'm going to want to cyber right away... chat with me... ask me about my day... make sure I'm in the right mood. I'm human... I have feelings... & like all of us... I have shitty days too. So... seduce me... talk to me... flatter me... make me feel sexy & beautiful.

And understand... I will try to warn you if I need to leave soon... and please LISTEN or READ what I write... nothing I hate more than someone who doesn't pay attention to my words. Cyber is an interactive process... and must go both ways. I will read your words if you are willing to read mine.
With the right person it can be amazing but you need a connection first otherwise boring
I do. I like cam as well. I like just about any type of sex. I find that the idea that you can read sexy stories and get off but NOT do that with a good back and forth with a compatible wordsmith is a bit of a contradiction. Maybe some people just are not doing it right? I don't know. But that is the great thing about it all.... each person can do what they like, and not do what does not work for them. ;) I am fine with all of it.
Quote by JohnC
I do. I like cam as well. I like just about any type of sex. I find that the idea that you can read sexy stories and get off but NOT do that with a good back and forth with a compatible wordsmith is a bit of a contradiction. Maybe some people just are not doing it right? I don't know. But that is the great thing about it all.... each person can do what they like, and not do what does not work for them. ;) I am fine with all of it.

Totally agree with you! It can be a very intense experience but does require a connection, creativity, imagination and open mindedness!
I have done it many times and really enjoy it. Its really hot.
I've done it a few times.
It depends how imaginative your partner is, but sometime it sucks when they type slow. hahahaha
Hugs and Kisses,

Cyber sex is the same as sex it all in our heads and if someone is enjoying tell you what they want to do your body just enjoy x
It depends on the person. It's about putting a mutual fantasy out there for both participants to enjoy.
You seem sweet, mind if I lick you to make sure?
Well another interesting topic....I do not agree that it has to be taken to the video space to work.....It works if the person dominating the cyber can carry meaning and feeling in his or her word . I also do not agree that voice is the most arousing form of conveying what is happening.. .....Words used correctly can convey a very powerful meaning,having a very powerful effect on the recipient and the person can actually feel what is being passed on in the words. Its depends if the recipient is relaxed and concentrating on the words.

Sometime it is more arousing for the recipient to try and anticipate what the next post is telling them.

From what I understand most on here do it can't and will not work because they are not relaxed and are in to big of a hurry. I guess much like most do in real life and are left unsatisfied. So if that does not work in real life how the hell does anyone expect it to work in a cyber.

Not picking on any particular sex here but some people do not arouse their partners to the max either in real life sex or most certainly cyber sex.
Cyber sex is great as long as you do it with the right person. I have done it in the past with people who did not actually turn me on, but I did not want to let them down, and I also did not want to lose them as friends. Being popular was what I needed at the time but not anymore. Now I only cyber with one person, and he and I have been friends for a couple of years. He doesn't just think of me when he's horny, he's always there for me. He is there to cheer me up when am down, and when am happy, he's happy for me. I feel a real connection with him, and I think that's why cybering with him is so good, and also he soooo good at it, he can make it feel better than the real thing. So yes, cyber sex with him is great smile
Cyber sex is like real sex. Sometimes it is mind blowing. Other times it does nothing for you. Some people have the ability to make you cum every time. Some never can. My mood affects what I put in and get out of it. It's different with guys than with girls. It can leave you feeling on cloud 9 or deeply dissatisfied.
It can be a great way to get to know each other as well as share some intimacies. Also wondrous for role play especially when, for example, you're doing the old "baker and his assistant" game and the flour is getting moist and messy..quicker cleanup!
today was the first time I cyber-ed ever. I have talked on cam but it was different this was pure role play. Unfortunately just as I got in to it they disappeared on me. Quite a let down.
I only get off with cyber sex if I am mastering my slave. It was like breaking a wild horse at first but now I can take her for long rides with no worries.
Quote by Magical_felix
I only get off with cyber sex if I am mastering my slave. It was like breaking a wild horse at first but now I can take her for long rides with no worries.

The whole Mastering thing has really taken cyber to a new level with me and CHB. We know we are playing with, by not mentioning safe words...but she's not as fragile as she might seem.

I'd suggest you try this too with your slave, Felix.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
With the right person it can be an amazing, intense and mind-blowing experience. Both need to have an active imagination, be creative and open-minded for cybersex to really work.