How do you ask your wife to cuckold you. And are any of you into that type relationship.
Yes, I think if you could introduce her to that type of porn you could judge her reaction.
David just asked me if I'd like to fuck one or two of his friends whom he knew I thought were hot-looking. How could I say no?
I urge you to tread carefully. Fantasize, read stories together. Play games. Be careful, often fantasies are fun while the reality can be stressful even destructive.
Goodhusband and dpw hit it on the head...It can mess with both of your heads... lol I meant both partners brains... rules can be set before hand, but you need to be prepared for if they are broken. What may start out as a fantasy and evening of fun can lead to hurt and years of distrust.B4j4DR3qY0HKzqEL
I wish my partner would ask me to! He's never been good at talking about sex full stop though.
Sad fact is many people have trouble talking with each other about sex.
I have been talking to my wife CJ for many years and we even role play during sex which she seems to enjoy and becomes sexually aggressive. However, after sex she does not want to even discuss it. Some things I guess are better left in the imagination...
I have known several married friends who got into swinging and almost without fail, it caused problems. Once or twice it was because my girlfriends became more attracted to one of their other lovers and broke off the earlier relationship. Most of the time, the problem came from the male who initiated the whole idea. They found that watching or hearing about their wife/girlfriend fucking other guys wasn't the fantasy they thought it would be.
I have had quite a few lovers ask me to include a third person. Since we weren't in a one on one relationship, there were no jealousy issues and it was great fun. In a serious relationship though things can be quite different, so be very careful that this is what you and she really want.