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1 or more orgasms

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Active Ink Slinger
How many time do you need to have a orgasms until you are happy ?
Active Ink Slinger
2 to 3 for me
Active Ink Slinger
In a lifetime or in one night? 2 or 3 in a life time seems a little low.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Active Ink Slinger
667. That'll put me one up compared to Satan.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Artistic Tart
fixed it ;)
Constant Gardener
Quote by Dudealicious
Quote by carlito89
How many time do you need to have a orgams until you are happy ?

Not to sound too picky, but I would re-type "orgams" to read orgasms....Afterall it is a stories site right?

Perhaps you should alter that initial line, Carlos, to read:

How many times do you need to have an orgasm until you are happy ?

Or perhaps you merely need to rephrase the entire question to make specific sense. Hope to see you submitting several stories to our moderator staff in the near future! Cheers & welcome to Lush.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Rookie Scribe
Minimum 2 and maximum 4 times. I like to have an we vibe orgasm.
[url=]We Vibe[/url]
It depends on how horny I am but the most I have came in once session is 5, that was amazing and all thanks to my wonderful Marine
Rookie Scribe
Least 2 to 3 times daily.
Aaron Parsons
Rookie Scribe
i can't imagine too many orgasms. maybe there is a number, but wouldn't that be fun to find.
about 3 or 4, depending how mind blowing they are.
Candy Connoisseur
If I could cum twice every time I had sex, it would be great. My ex could have about 20. Not during sex, but when I rub her pussy. Drives me nuts she can have that many. Doesnt seem fair.
Active Ink Slinger
Depends on the moment.

Sometimes I need just a good hard cum or sometimes I need many waves of it washing over me!

And other times, I need a few spread out over a whole day, (well, that's almost everyday! LOL!)

It just depends on the moment.


Depends on the day. If I am busy I may not think about it at all but if I am home alone, I am normally playing throughout the day.
During sex .... once is OK. Twice is nice. Three times is great and four times usually achieves full satisfaction and relief. Maybe a little final one more when my man pumps home his sperm into me.

During masturbation seldom manage more than one. But if it's done for me, correctly, then maybe three. Reckon only another girl can masturbate a woman correctly.
Advanced Wordsmith
For me personally, if my lady can milk me up to 4 times in our session, I am wiped out and so satisfied! However, I have learned as I have gotten older, there is not as much stamina out there as I hope for! Since my wife passed, I try to orgasm at least 2 to 4 times a day. My high was 7 but that was in a 5 hr session! Was so much fun! Has far as pleasing my over, I would love her to be completely satisfied even if it takes 100 or more! ;)
Advanced Wordsmith
Once is great, twice is fantastic, three times is awsome, four is wow and five is .... I don't even have a word. I do have to brag and say I reached 5 two days ago with less than an hour! My husband is just that good! biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
i will agree that one can NEVER have too many orgasms, male or female! for me, the more the better. the best orgasms are the ones when you're with someone you care about and who knows you inside out.
I will have 4 orgasms before Ive had enough.

But slightly off topic, I can and do ejaculate 4 or 5 times before orgasm. Yep, and I mean spread over the session. A sessions like that is enough to keep me satified for days.
Advanced Wordsmith
Honestly, I'm usually satisfied after the first one. After that it's kinds like a game to see how many times we can keep going before being completely exausted.
"Do you want to live to work or work to live"

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"

"Always hold you head up high, never come off weak"

Once is fine for me in a 'session'. However, I have been equally content without orgasming at all. Just goes to show...
Rookie Scribe
I can usually cum 2-3 times and i am good but my wife can have one and then she is done. i find myself cumming once before we have sex and once during and if i am still ready to go ill cum once after we are done.