I'm now following several more of our members.
A reminder to everyone. It's a communal team effort. Please follow each other, retweet, favourite etc each other's posts.
Another good idea could be to have Lush Stories #'s so in all social media we can find topics related to the site.
if you want my twitter name ..please message me ..too personal for everyones eyes
I posted before, and Nicola is following. I've tried to follow lots of Lush folks. For those who didn't notice I am @LorenzoAbajos
Just made an account @wpatokl
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing
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Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i I do not have a twitter account.
Just made an account, will follow back. @cocoluvserotica
I am not all that tweet-proficient, however . . .
Following all of the above.