"Power Play" is a story about a psychologist for a school and a student referred to him. The complications of their relationship make the story interesting and exciting.
Each chapter begins with this Oscar Wilde quote, “Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.” That is the struggle that this story is about, also that between duty and desire, fantasy and reality, security and risk, and the difference between love and sex, wants and needs.
This story was well received and won a series award. The first chapter is now 711 views away from a "Famous Story" badge. Milik and I would be grateful if you had a look to push it over the 30,000 benchmark. Of course we would like you to read the story and let us know what you think. It is quite a ride, so fasten your seat belt. We hope that you will enjoy it.
Thank you all in advance.
Here is the link:
And links for the following parts: