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Please allow me to re-introduce myself: Hi I'm AvrgBlkGrl©

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Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by avrgblkgrl
I'm always concerned about whether what I'm writing sounds the same. I never want to be that kind of writer, but at the same time my voice is me. It makes me pretty predictable unfortunately. There is no escaping that. I guess I'll settle for at least not being boring--that in itself is a major challenge.

"Man, sometimes it takes you a long time to sound like yourself."

One of my strengths (not just my opinion, this has been commented on by others in the past) is the ability to discover a new voice every time i write. i do try to strive to create a different style that fits the narrative of the story. perhaps this is partially to trying not to pigion-hole myself into a 'type of story'. i tend to enjoy writing everything from sci-fi to historical to hardcore pure sex stories, etc. Also, i really like to get into the head of my characters. if i'm writing Butterfly Beach, it's Olivia who is actually doing the writing. Blondie stories are written by Blondie, etc, etc. Role-playing in a sense.

the down side of this. often i will revisit a certain story or write a series, and have to recall the voice i used when writing - sometimes it's a struggle to get it just right if i've been away for a while.

as you said, Reggie, no matter how you try to step outside, the voice is you - and it does take a lot of effort to step outside yourself. my advice, try writing something you wouldn't normally write, with a voice you wouldn't normally write in, and see if that frees you up a little? maybe an inbetween story on occasion, just to shake things up.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by avrgblkgrl
I'm always concerned about whether what I'm writing sounds the same. I never want to be that kind of writer, but at the same time my voice is me. It makes me pretty predictable unfortunately. There is no escaping that. I guess I'll settle for at least not being boring--that in itself is a major challenge.

"Man, sometimes it takes you a long time to sound like yourself."

Reggie, as a writer and poet, you are as unique as Miles was as a musician. And while you may not be world famous like Miles, for me you are at the same level as he was, way up there...
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i

Sadly, this is how my mind works. And now, the same for both of my kids. Your mind, on the other hand... What A Treat!

My grandma, as many probably have, said don't tell people how good your are. If you are good, people will tell you.
EVERYONE knows how good you are.rTgFCW0uMaP5cjii And they have clearly told you by your well-deserved success. But not everyone knows
how GREAT you are... but they will. That is why a thread like this is needed.

Such a treat to have you around to lead us into libidinous temptation. A true privilege. Thank you for sharing yourself with us! G
Reggie I nominate you for the second awarded Awesome badge. Because... you're awesome. Awesome author, awesome, poet, and awesome, friend. Your talent is undeniable, but that just scratches the surface. I could go on for hours extolling your qualities but I think anyone one that knows you could add on to what I've said.

Gawd I sound like I either love you or I am about to hit you up for a loan. ?
The Creep
Quote by avrgblkgrl
I'm always concerned about whether what I'm writing sounds the same. I never want to be that kind of writer, but at the same time my voice is me. It makes me pretty predictable unfortunately. There is no escaping that. I guess I'll settle for at least not being boring--that in itself is a major challenge.

"Man, sometimes it takes you a long time to sound like yourself."

Reading your poetry already have that strong independent sensuality but reading them with your voice in it. Like a lioness purring, it added sultriness, naughtiness and a vision of a goddess in a mission of seduction. Completing a woman, that is you. smile Awesomeness!

I wish you'll put a voice in one of my poem :)
In-House Sapiosexual
“Dig in the dirt.
Get your hands dirty.
Unearth all the words that have not been found and carve them out as your own.
Show them your words have roots,
they are not from the sky."


? A True Story ?
In-House Sapiosexual
Quote by sprite

One of my strengths (not just my opinion, this has been commented on by others in the past) is the ability to discover a new voice every time i write. i do try to strive to create a different style that fits the narrative of the story. perhaps this is partially to trying not to pigion-hole myself into a 'type of story'. i tend to enjoy writing everything from sci-fi to historical to hardcore pure sex stories, etc. Also, i really like to get into the head of my characters. if i'm writing Butterfly Beach, it's Olivia who is actually doing the writing. Blondie stories are written by Blondie, etc, etc. Role-playing in a sense.

the down side of this. often i will revisit a certain story or write a series, and have to recall the voice i used when writing - sometimes it's a struggle to get it just right if i've been away for a while.

as you said, Reggie, no matter how you try to step outside, the voice is you - and it does take a lot of effort to step outside yourself. my advice, try writing something you wouldn't normally write, with a voice you wouldn't normally write in, and see if that frees you up a little? maybe an inbetween story on occasion, just to shake things up.

I'm a lot like you are when it comes to fiction. The story, characters, time and setting dictate voice. There is a lot of my writing style there of course, it's as distinct as my personality. Sometimes if I step away from the story for too long, I lose its voice and it is extremely hard to continue the story. My schedule is so hectic that completing all the many ideas and stories I start is a challenge. Poetry is much more personal and although not always confessional (I find too much of that boring), there is more of me in my poetry. In that instance I do worry about voice. But, I pull from everywhere. My own experiences mixed with a great since of understanding and sympathy for the experiences I have access to, help to at least give my voice a new path with each poem. I do think I have developed my own style, as unpredictable as it seems. "You are like an oncoming train" is my favorite critics description. I don't know, I like the idea of that. My first thought was, "Then you better move."
? A True Story ?
In-House Sapiosexual
Quote by patokl
Reggie, as a writer and poet, you are as unique as Miles was as a musician. And while you may not be world famous like Miles, for me you are at the same level as he was, way up there...

I'm just "average", but thank you.
No Miles miracle here. But, I'm hoping to take that step and a least do something I can be proud of with my writing. You are always so encouraging and supportive. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Your Tweets have often pulled me from down under.

? A True Story ?
In-House Sapiosexual
Quote by ChuckEPoo
Reggie I nominate you for the second awarded Awesome badge. Because... you're awesome. Awesome author, awesome, poet, and awesome, friend. Your talent is undeniable, but that just scratches the surface. I could go on for hours extolling your qualities but I think anyone one that knows you could add on to what I've said.

Gawd I sound like I either love you or I am about to hit you up for a loan. ?

You are the money man. LOL
I bet Nicola said "WHO?"
You are like the perfect combination of sweetness and strength. I just love you and Carol to death.
Thank you ?
? A True Story ?
In-House Sapiosexual
Quote by rune

Reading your poetry already have that strong independent sensuality but reading them with your voice in it. Like a lioness purring, it added sultriness, naughtiness and a vision of a goddess in a mission of seduction. Completing a woman, that is you. smile Awesomeness!

I wish you'll put a voice in one of my poem :)

Just tell me when sweetie and I'm all yours.
I actually can't stand the way I sound. But, it is sort of fun if I can stop myself from giggling.
In the last one, you can hear my husband teasing me in the background.
? A True Story ?
In-House Sapiosexual
Quote by Daliaunce

Neither your writing nor your voice (figuratively and literally) are like any other artist here or elsewhere. Your audio postings in particular are anything but boring and predictable. Your work always has a different feel through your spoken words, hearing and feeling it that second time augments and captures a different emotion, a more visceral one.

You have the rare ability to always sound like yourself but unlike anyone else, that in and of itself is something worth celebrating.

I think your last line, Dal, has just become my favorite. ???????
? A True Story ?
In-House Sapiosexual
Those who know me well, know I Tumble. I'm Tumblr famous, although I claim plausible deniability when it comes to


If you Tumble, Stop by and experience me to the fullest with my brand new blog on Tumblr.


My poems, short fiction, erotic & non-erotic, short essays, commentary on writing and reading,
updates on my works in progress, book recommendations and favorites, as well as reviews are there to be shared with you. I'm always
discussing things I read here.

? A True Story ?
I could never forget you! Love the copywrite on your name

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by avrgblkgrl
It isn’t your typical BDSM story. So those of you that usually do not go anywhere near that genre, please don’t run. I rarely venture into the genre in my writing because I’m rather sensitive about it. I can’t bear the thought of reinforcing stereotypes already overly sensationalized. I hated 50 Shades. Fiction contains what I admire and respect about a lifestyle choice that is vast and varied. My focus is always a little more cerebral. And yes, there is plenty of sex.

My hope is that you can find some time to give the short read a look over and let me know what you think. It has been gifted a Recommended Read and I’ve had a pretty positive response. You let me know what you think.

I absolutely adore your introduction to the story as you have written it here. Fiction captures that admiration and respect you have so phenomenally well, and it avoids the overwhelming eye-rolling stereo types that a newbie (me) might normally avoid. It's an absolutely captivating story from start to finish. Thank you for sharing you talent and your creative insight with us. I loved it.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by avrgblkgrl

I'm just "average", ...

We'll never agree on that! ☺
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
In-House Sapiosexual
Quote by Simmerdownchick
I could never forget you! Love the copywrite on your name

Awe, thank you. ?

The copyright is like a serious hint. LOL I still get majorly plagiarized though.
? A True Story ?
In-House Sapiosexual
Quote by sweetsinner

I absolutely adore your introduction to the story as you have written it here. Fiction captures that admiration and respect you have so phenomenally well, and it avoids the overwhelming eye-rolling stereo types that a newbie (me) might normally avoid. It's an absolutely captivating story from start to finish. Thank you for sharing you talent and your creative insight with us. I loved it.

You know, I almost didn't put that story on here. But I'm glad that I did. It's a favorite and it makes me feel really good that you enjoyed it. People seem to be more drawn to the sensationalized stuff. I'm in awe of how it "feels", if that makes any sense.
? A True Story ?
In-House Sapiosexual
Quote by Ping

Sadly, this is how my mind works. And now, the same for both of my kids. Your mind, on the other hand... What A Treat!

My grandma, as many probably have, said don't tell people how good your are. If you are good, people will tell you.
EVERYONE knows how good you are.adUO9Pi9iPCW3axP And they have clearly told you by your well-deserved success. But not everyone knows
how GREAT you are... but they will. That is why a thread like this is needed.

Such a treat to have you around to lead us into libidinous temptation. A true privilege. Thank you for sharing yourself with us! G

Wow, this really moves me. I don't know what to say. Honestly.
It makes me feel so good. I wanted somewhere to talk about writing and specifically writing erotica. There is like this void where serious conversation about trying to do it right should be. That inspires me. This thread is sort of a plea for help. Read me, yes--but let's do more. I was going through a major "why am I doing this" stage in writing. And I know it's a vanity thread and what that implies to many. But, I want to talk about what my friends and readers are doing and thinking too. I want to learn and help where I can. We put a lot of time and thought into what we share. It seems sad sometimes that it leaves the front page and just disipates. Inside of us as writers, it stays with us. Writing about relationships, including all aspects of it includes sexuality. It's not smut, which is a popular term with my work peers. There is no place better than Lush to do it.

Thank you for this.

? A True Story ?
In-House Sapiosexual
Quote by patokl

We'll never agree on that! ☺

Average is fun. It takes all the pressure off. I'll have to tell you how I came upon that name. You will roll on the floor laughing.

? A True Story ?
In-House Sapiosexual

It's bold, it's raw...and it's me...sometimes.

I started off with the thought of how my poetry is. Some don't have the taste for it all. I kind of take all the rules and say "excuse me but..." I play with form, but mind you it's nothing I've never seen before (for example: It's Not Easy Being A Girl...Sometimes which is a common sound and response form in AA Lit). So, I'm thinking I should start sounding more bibliophylific (??)...

See what happened?! Check it out. Tell me what you think.

? A True Story ?
I'm not for everyone
Quote by avrgblkgrl
One of my sexy favs just posted an audio to an already favorited poem. It's pantie melting y'all. His voice is delicious and his art is beautiful. Give it some time and your ear. You will not regret it.

You are very sweet, Regina. Thank you for mentioning the audio and poem.
It appears that the poor girl's panties, in the picture you posted, have melted clean off.

You are lovely. xoxo

In-House Sapiosexual
“Everything stays a little bit”
A little bit of coffee in my cup 

A little bit of blue in my sky

A little bit of pain in my chest 

A little bit of you in my heart

Goodbye my friend Alan.
RIP "Dirty Martini"

? A True Story ?
In-House Sapiosexual
I wanted to write something for the competition in dedication to Alan. At first I just couldn't. I miss him so much. But, he was always getting on me about doing more with my poetry. Oh we could argue/not argue--the way people that really are friends do. I loved the way he didn't take my shit, always ending with "just saying". Our poetry styles are so different but our love and passion for it all is the same. Poetry here was important to him. So here's my take on passion for the cause. I hope you guys read it and enjoy.

? A True Story ?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by avrgblkgrl
I wanted to write something for the competition in dedication to Alan. At first I just couldn't. I miss him so much. But, he was always getting on me about doing more with my poetry. Oh we could argue/not argue--the way people that really are friends do. I loved the way he didn't take my shit, always ending with "just saying". Our poetry styles are so different but our love and passion for it all is the same. Poetry here was important to him. So here's my take on passion for the cause. I hope you guys read it and enjoy.

I'm glad you did. It's awesome and I'm certain he would have loved it.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
In-House Sapiosexual
Quote by patokl
I'm glad you did. It's awesome and I'm certain he would have loved it.

Thank you. ?
? A True Story ?
In-House Sapiosexual
A reader asked me to deconstruct a few particular lines from Love in Extremes. I thought that I would share my answer on this thread.

The lines are:

Moving my naked body against yours
Like a strong wind
Lifting you off your feet
My colors are violent
With crimson edges
Purples so deep
You rethink the beauty of black

(Take a look at the poem for context

Dear Reader, (I like saying that)

Let's see...

Trying to tell someone why you said what you said, and why you chose to say it the way you said it at that particular moment, is hard. I generally pass.

I'm more interested in what confused you about those particular lines. Your answer could quite possibly help my writing. I'll answer you and you can answer that for me.

I'm really quite literal in my descriptions, describing a feeling or an image. It's a challenge and that's where the art in it all lies, I suppose. I like to think that I turn the complex into something simple. But...

The poem is a study of contrasts, both in poetical and life preferences.

So, here goes:

Have you ever stood naked in a strong wind and just felt it come at your body? It's like swimming naked. The absence of anything between you and the water heightens everything.

I love nature, the power of it--in both the ability to create, to sustain, to deny and to destroy. The wind, to me, represents that power. I like the slightest feel of it, the sound of it, to see evidence of it. It's quite spiritual to me. To me sex and love (and even passion) are similar.

Here's one scenario. I spend most of my Summers now at the beach. On the Southern end of the East coast there are hurricane like winds sweeping off the ocean. (There are actually hurricanes too, but that's another scenario.) You can just get a taste of how it might lift a tree, a house, a boat--yourself. It's a threat, yet exhilarating at the same time. I don't care what you try to do, you can't control it.

The speaker in the poem, she can't be controlled either and she's strong. She's strong enough to bare herself completely, strip herself naked (physically and emotionally). She's bold and sensuous enough to go skin on skin with you. She's strong enough to lift you up, like a strong wind. Once again, it's physical and emotional. For me it works on several levels. Literally she can help you stand when you are weak.

Spiritually and sexually? Think of that feeling you get before you come hard, that lifting, the surrender, the floating sensation, the panic, and the relief right before it all just drains out of you.

That's what I was thinking of.

I think.


Her colors are the opposite of just peach and pink and violet--soothing hues. She stirs the emotions; her colors are violent. They evoke. Crimson edges make you think of those hybrid roses. I also think of blood that has done its job and on its way back to the heart to be cleansed. Purple black is a deeper shade of black. Blue black is a common euphemism. Purple, to me, is more regal and deeper than blue. It's a type of black that glows.

Different shades of black, variations of darkness, it's a concept that makes you reconsider the idea of darkness

Of course all of this may not even apply. It could have not really been all that consciously planned out when I was writing it. It came to me, I wrote it down and it just felt good and I didn't want to delete it.

You could fill in the spaces between the lines with your own imagination or the influence of your own experiences. I wish that I was talented enough to give that space to my reader. Then it wouldn't just be my poem, but you would feel yourself in it too. I'll get there eventually. Hopefully.

Sharing poetry is a risky thing. It's like singing in the shower. It sounded beautiful while you were in there making all that noise, but you can't guarantee that your neighbor agrees. You don't apologize because if you are lucky enough you'll be belting the tunes out tomorrow too.

I'm just honored to be read. :

? A True Story ?
Active Ink Slinger
Black, you may be.
Far from it.
There's something special and some people will always see it.
The profile name 'Special Black Girl' hasn't been taken.
Be quick.