If you need an excuse to avoid doing something you don't want to do, you have my permission to read these stories that I found lurking amongst the cobwebs of my mind instead.

Quote by Master_Jonathan
Well if nothing else you have some AWESOME cover pics! And the titles are amazing too!
Quote by AbigailThornton
Good Will ---|--- Got Me Pegged <= Both almost famous, give them a read and get them one step closer!
Quote by RejectReality
You might consider some outer glow on your title/subtitles when they're positioned in a "busier" area of your image. They're getting lost in the image. This one in particular really obscures most of the title. The pink on "Oh Daddy" isn't quite bold enough to stand out from the background and her hair without some additional pop. "His Lost" really gets lost in the background with the multicolor bands behind it. "Laptop" is bright enough to pop over the change in light to dark between her legs and the shadow on her thigh, but it would need a glow if you used it on the rest of the title.
A slightly bolder pink could pop "Oh Daddy" but I don't see any way ( with this font ) to make "His Lost" truly visible without some outer glow.
Your byline pops well with the white and bevel, despite the light background. It's a bolder font, which makes that easier. It really pops in the darker areas of most of your covers where the white is a bright contrast.
One thing I often do is to convert the final image to grayscale, and see what it looks like.
The image is the first eye-catcher, but you want that title to pop as well — especially when you're hitting a popular keyword.
Thumbnails are another way to check them, and in the two for your Amazon releases, the subtitles are severely overpowered by the images. The red is again especially difficult to read.
Sitting here in preview, I'm staring at my ad for "Her Cut to the Chase" and smacking myself for not making that pop more against that Astroturf background. LOL "Morning Jo" could honestly have used a slightly lighter shade to make that title pop as well. It's doubly important there, because unlike your Amazon listings, the title isn't available in text next to it. The image is all there is to go from. I'll probably edit Chase, but Jo is so close to hitting 30k that I think I'll let it go.
Your composition is spot on. The image choices are either very evocative of the titles, or very provocative in and of themselves. I like the font choices as well. The finer ones just need a little extra pop to prevent the image from overpowering them.