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Non-Nude Camming Sites - Recommendations, Please! :)

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Hello everyone smile I hope you are having a great day. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I am hoping to get some good advice and be pointed in some good directions.Also, if I have mistakenly posted this in the wrong area, I apologize and will be happy to move my thread to a more appropriate area. I am brand new here and just getting to know the site.

Before I get to my main question, a bit of background info so you know my level of experience doing webcam modeling work.

Years ago I did nude web cam modeling. It was a great match for me as I love to seduce and use my assets to turn people on and give them a great time and a great show. I found that personality was just as important, and I had no problems there. Everyone has their personality strengths and the ones that were effective for me personally were having a good sense of humor, coming across as intelligent, being open-minded and non-judgemental, and just generally being fun to chat with. To those who haven't done webcamming, and are interested, I would say that personality is HUGELY IMPORTANT and probably the best tip I could give aside from straight up sexual things.

I have also worked in phone sex. This was not as good of a match for me although I did enjoy some of it.

Personally, though, I enjoy using visual aspects in addition to talking.

Thank you for getting through all of that, I just wanted to give a basic rundown of my experience to make it clear where I'm at as far as my knowledge of the industry and what it takes, to avoid unnecessary wasting of time should people touch on that not knowing I already am aware of many of these aspects.:)

OK, so here is my question:

I really want to get back into webcamming, but would like to start out doing NON NUDE. Basically, I am hoping that some of you who either currently do NON NUDE camming, or have done it in th recent past, can point me in the right direction as far as some good companiess to work for.

Also, since the nude camming I did was ages ago and a lot has changed, I would also love to hear about some options - for example, what types of things do you find are in higher demand? I am thinking things like teasing, dancing, pleasuring myself (though within the limits of non nude), I know some guys have a thing for feet, for fingernails, etc. I know I can utilize toys and perform oral sex with them....etc. Any other suggestions would be fanastic!

Currently I am doing my research watching videos where girls talk about this stuff, and watching some of the videos they make where they demonstrate their style and what works for them, to get an idea of what works well in general. But I wanted to post here, too, to be able to directly speak with those of you who have NON NUDE experience.

Basically since my experience was fully nude and a long time ago - I am talking like, when webcamming was a NEW thing lol - I know I must be missing at least some good information that would help me.

So, in summary, any tips about what is popular and in high demand in NON NUDE camming, as well as personal knowledge of good companies to get with, would be highly appreciated.

I know this post was on the longer side so I thank you kindly for taking the time to read through it and I would like to express my gratitude off the bat for anyone who is willing to respond with some good knowledge, sites, and tips.

Ultimately, my goal would be to start off NON NUDE, earn enough to make a few small tweaks to my body (I am by no means unattractive, but I did go through some pretty severe health issues that had some effects on my looks, and I would just feel better to be able to get some subtle work done), and once I have gotten a few smalll and subtle tweaks to my body, I would love love love to again do nude modeling.

I figure it would be great to start NON NUDE to ease myself into the industry once more, and get comfortable.

Thank you all SO MUCH for any help and advice you can give me!

With much gratitude, and hoping that you are well,

Please, if anyone knows of any good, legit sites I can cam for NON NUDE, I would appreciate it so much. I *am* researching this myself, of course.... but there are always so many scams out there when it is anything adult related. Besides, it would be awfully nice to hear from actual people who work at a given site their own personal experiences - what the pros and cons of their particular company are.

Since I have been out of the game for some years, I just want to be as safe and smart about signing up for a site as I can. Yes, my own research yields some information, but it is always best, in my opinion, to hear things from people with firsthand experience who have LIVED it.

I am so excited about getting back into camming and cannot wait to do it smile

This is going to be an awesome chapter in my life!

Thanks again everyone, be well and stay sexy!

ANY company recommendations? sad

I am doing my own research but am having an issue with mostly NUDE sites and reviews coming up. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to narrow my results better, I an using the term NON NUDE in my searches. Even on YouTube, there seem to be barely any videos about NON NUDE companies.

Truly, any help would be appreciated! I am dying to get into this as it would be a perfect solution to many things going onright now!

Thank you smile

Man! There have GOT to be people here that can recommend some great non nice calming sites for me! At the risk of sounding whiney, I'm really looking forward to getting some recommendations and I hope someone will still by my thread soon with some!

Thanks in advance!

Side note, would love to make acquaintance with some other hi curious ladies here. Have been hit up by men only so far. I'm certainly not complaining lol, but it would sure be nice too experiment and get to know some ladies too.

Due toa family emergency I haven't been able to post too many pics yet but will by next week. Would really love to explore and get sensual with a woman to satisfy my curiosity.

Peace! Xo
OK then! Finding it hard to believe NO ONE KNOWS ANY lol.

Lucked out, stumbled across a site that includes talking about this. Difficult to do a search for non nude sites as mostly nude sites pop up.
Peace! Still waiting for your help lol xo
Members possibly see this as thinly veiled spam. Anything cam related, usually is.
If you were modeling in the beginning ( as in, the late 90's, early 2000s ) then the primary thing you need to know, regardless of the site, is that the money just isn't there the way it was back in those days.

It should never be something you depend upon for even a tiny fraction of your necessary income, but that's far more true nowadays than it was back then. If you're not in it primarily for your own entertainment as an exhibitionist, then you're honestly setting yourself up for a fall.

There are too many sites and too many models. Even if you're the most engaging model on the site ( which is far more important than mere looks ) it's still difficult for people to discover you amidst all the barbie dolls with chatbot personalities and girls streaming out of studios in the former Soviet Bloc nations.

You're not going to have anything resembling steady income. Certainly not anything that could remotely finance even minor cosmetic procedures. The days of making $600 to $1000 a week after taxes have been gone for a long, long time — and that's full nude. I can't imagine non-nude camming has even a fraction of that potential without being tied to some sort of shady escort situation.

Do it because you enjoy it, or don't do it at all. If the money is a factor, just say away from the biz. You'll most likely do nothing more than make your situation worse.
Thanks for the responses, guys, much apppreciated. I am not trying to scam anyone - though honestly I could see why people would be suspicious, especially since I a new here.(Actually, I was here under another name a few years ago but did not end up sticking around, so I am still not that familiar with the entire site yet despite that little bit of a visit I made back in the day.)

I joined another forum online I was fortunate to stumble upon quite by accident VERY luckily, as every search I do for NON nude sites mostly comes up with NUDE sites. I would use the old search trick on google where you put in a comma and then -word you don't want in results (example: looking for a car but not a red one, you would search "used camry, -red" just to give you an idea of what I mean) but obviously I cant put "-nude" or else that would screw up my results even more lol.

I am legitimately looking for recommendations on non nude sites and figuered that this wouldn't be a bad place to go asking, since this site is based around sex. I figured that there are members here who either do non-nude modeling, or clients who frequent those sites, so I thought I could maybe luck out and get some assistance in narrowing my choices of sites down based on personal experiences of others.

As far as relying on non-nude camming for my sole income, I do not plan on that.

The short version is that I have some health issues (connective tissue) that flare up periodically. This makes it very hard for me to work a regular old job with a set schedule, as during a bad flare up (more complicated than that but no need to write a novel to get my point across...)I am sometimes unable to be relied upon to be there for several days, or I may need to go home early, etc. This obviously does not fly with employers, and I don't blame them. They aren't hiring me out of charity - they are hiring me to work, and thus they rightfully expect me to be reliable.

Truthfully, since what I have going on iss really a multi-systemic health condition, I can be affected in a variety of ways that make a regular non-flexible schedule pretty impossible for me. Put briefly, the condition I have, it is common and in fact the typical experience for sufferers to go years, decades, even lifetmes before being finally diagnosed. It is not something many professionals are knowledgeable on or familiar with, and is supposedly fairly rare, though truth be told I think it is probably a lot more common but just mis/underdiagnosed, or people are told they are "crazy" when they present with a notebook filled with symptoms.... but the fact is, connective tissue makes up a huge portion of your body's structure so it DOES make sense even though it can look like you're just a hypochondriac.

Sorry for the bit of digression, just explaining my situation to make it understood why I might be the type of person that camming would appeal to - after all, with many companies, you can set your own hours, work when you choose, how long you choose, and even if you are traveling away from home you can still do it!

As I mentioned, I would not rely on this as a sole source of income. After much pondering and assessing the realit of my situation, including taking a hard look at the progression of disability/health issues relatives of mine have gone through as they age (this is a hereditary thing), looking at ymy strengths, deciding what I would need in a job (flexibility, potential to make a decent buck in a short time - not millions obviously lol, but still, relatively decent cash to hours ratio compared with most "regular" jobs), etc etc, I have concluded that my best bet would be to develop multiple streams of income.

This would be one thing I would be doing. I have several other ideas I am brainstorming and fleshing out, and i do not discount the possibility of doing a "regular" job 1-2x/week as part of this.

I have always been very ambitious, have a good natural business sense, and when I did do camming (early 00's), my room was almost always the most full not because of my tits and ass (though obv they helped) but because I know how to entertain a crowd. I made them laugh, I was able to hold intelligent conversations, I was good at it without going on and on.

And yes, this is something that would appeal to me beyond the money making aspect of it. Keeping stress levels low is important to ANYone's health and well-being, and with my issues it is particularly important. Therefore, being able to have a flexible job that I enjoy, that I already know I am good at in ways besides the sexual aspecs of it, is appealing to me.

As I said, as I became more well off (between this and other freelance/atypical/self-employed work, and maybe a "regular" VERY PT job), I would get a few small tweaks to my body and pursue nude camming which obviously has more potential for income.

The point made about the money not being as good as it was back in the beginning is a good one, and one I am aware of, as now that porn has exploded across the internet for free, paying a cam girl is not as appealing to many as simply going online and watching free porn of any type, at the click of a button/mouse.

I am willing to put in the hard work neeeded to be as successful at it as one could expect to be given these and other factors regarding free porn of all varieties all over the net. I feel like I have what it takes to make enough of a chunk of income from it that it would be worth it, and it would also be fun to do for me.

No matter what, there will always be SOME people who do still prefer to have some "connection" to a live human being, be it via camming or phone sex or a combination of both. Actually when I did phone sex I was quite shocked at how much busier I was thanI had expected to be with tons of fre porn everywhere.

Sorry that got a bit long.

Just wanted to clarify a few things: my circumstances and why this along with other streams of income that allow me flexibility would not be a mere luxury for me but rather a need; that I am aware that I won't become wealthy doing it although it does hapen... statistically I do not EXPECT to be in that minorit; and especially to be clear that I am not out to scam anyone. I could see how if I were straight up advertising my site in an area other thn the Self Promo forum one could be suspicious, but I have not even found a place to work online yet lol!

Thanks for helping this thread pick up some steam... hopefully this will catch the eye of some people who either currently work on non nude sites or who frequent them, and be generous enough to give me a rundown of the pros and cons of where they work (a private message is fine - I TOTALLY understand nt wanting to broadcast it publicly particularly the con aspects!) or play.

Some advise me to get in to the "system" due to my health, but the system is not designed to allow you to live a healthy life at all. I willl not go into it but I have seen it and it is sickening that those who need help so badly are barely scraping b in utter poverty due to things like a bad genetic hand; I would far rather try my hand at devloping several strems of income and give myself a chance at a better quality of life.

The nature of my condition - NOW THAT I KNOW WHAT IT IS, before which doctors were actually doing a lot of damage to me, some irreversible - is such that, now that I understand the root cause I can make far better choices as far as things to improve my halth and become physically stronger, more healthy, and although there is no cure and I will always have some issues, I am a tough cookie who does not give up and I have already found things that are helping me be at my best.

Thanks for getting through all of that if you did.

This is not a scam and I do not exoect to be able to tile my bathroom floor with diamonds off of the money it generates lol, but it is one piece of my puzzle that I think would be a great fit for me personally.

Thanks again both of you.

Hopefuly anyone who has done non nude will no speak up upon reading this.

Be well, take care, and have a great evening/day/whatever time it is by you....just have a great time smile

Peace. xo
Just as an aside, I was surprised how well I did money wise doing just phone sex with literally NO PICTURES even up, not even of fake models. This is something I am good at and I feel it is worth a shot. Worst case, I have fun and make a few bucks smile

I will say I enjoyed the vissual aspects of camming far more though and found it less exhausting.
I always drop that warning whenever camming comes up. I've seen so many models screw their lives up because they try to depend upon it to make a living that I feel the need to say it.

It's not really competition with free porn. There was plenty of that back when camming got off the ground. The people who go to live chat are going there for interaction, and that hasn't changed. That's especially true of the people who open their wallets.

The problem of too many sites isn't just the enormity of the landscape spreading out the chatters, either. Models often get frustrated with low to no return on their time and end up switching sites. Their biggest fans ( who are in the know ) will follow them, and everybody else is left out in the cold. You end up with a situation where few chatters have any site loyalty, and thus you're not only competing with every model on the site where you are, but also the other half a dozen sites that chatters have in their bookmarks because of migrating models.

Even if you do find a good site, it seems to be inevitable nowadays that the site will go under in six months, forcing you to go hunting for a new home again.

Making anything nowadays is dependant upon spending almost as much time on social media as you do on cam.

Anyway, I know jack-all about non-nude sites. I've honestly never seen one. Just thought I'd drop some ideas about the current lay of the land, considering you said you haven't been on cam for a few years.
Right on, thank you. I appreciate that. Good thoughts and points. It*has* been a while...

Be well. Peace.