"Sins from my Stepmother" tells the story of the Carlson family. Father, David, a hedge fund man, Jennifer, his much younger and gorgeous wife, and, Teddy, David’s only son from his first marriage.
Truth be told, the story focuses a lot more on Teddy and his Mom.
From a young age, Teddy has been aware of his mother’s beauty - workmen cat call when they walk down the street, and all his girlfriends seethe with jealousy at her curves. Intent on playing center forward on the college water polo team, he begins a summer workout routine that turns his relatively fit body into six feet and 180 pounds of defined muscle.
One warm evening, with Bill on a work trip, the two end up locked in an Oedipal sexual encounter that will remain seared into your brain forever.
Check out my first chapter - set in the middle of the series - and let me know your feedback so I can tailor for your tastes!
Teddy Carlson has a confession to make...